Monthly Archives: August 2024

Image Fun

The satanic and communist order is now arriving and ready to disassemble and destroy america and the world here kommunist kamala a harlot and succubus alongside satan and their demonic order

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LGBTQ WORLD – Anti-Christian Europe

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” kjb romans 12:2 I got this email from Rod Deher … Continue reading

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Lansing Catholic Deathcore?

I was browsing music on youtube and I came across this band, or I found them to be playing a show in Michigan, and I realized they are from my town of Lansing. What an amazing sight to find a … Continue reading

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I will NOT be returning to Twitch

As usual I assume nobody will speak to me. Christ above all, praise the most high God! YESHUA ADONAI ELOHIM – BANNED!

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Big tech and social media sites

These are all controlled and run by people who are in direct alignment and company with evil people. When I was younger, I didn’t recognize the value and the measure of what it meant in concern to consumerism, I was … Continue reading

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I will never use or return to Twitch

I am no longer ever going to use twitch web site, it’s a disgusting waste of the internet. They encourage LGBTQ lifestyle, and they encourage and present it in a mainstream fashion. I am not going to be aligned with … Continue reading

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