These are all controlled and run by people who are in direct alignment and company with evil people. When I was younger, I didn’t recognize the value and the measure of what it meant in concern to consumerism, I was under the impression that whatever I ingested or supported was good deed, because it helps all people. But what I didn’t recognize was the fact that this world, is made up of people of all different beliefs, particularly those that are misaligned from Christianity.
See my passive lifestyle allowed me a lot of opportunities and fun, but it costed me a lot more than what I could have ever bargained for. I went morally, ethically, and all otherwise attributes considered with any iota of dignity, had been thrown out, in place of this fake acceptance. And the biden and kamala administration, alongside with Ukraine have all been in this disgusting stew of lies and corruption.
It turns my stomach to think that Mark Hammill and Robert Deniro are applauded and congratulated by Ukraine. They uplift them and hold them high. And those two celebrity figures, are two of the biggest supporters of kamala and biden.
And what is most disgusting about all of this, is that kamala is bringing in communism, which was the exact thing that joseph Stalin believed in and supported, when he was starving Ukraine and killing millions of its people.
I recognize and see the misery that this life has been since the left have come and taken over. And it’s disgusting. Pronouns on an application? are you kidding me? and now they are actually encouraging parents to tell their kids to become transexual and confuse their own sexuality and further ruin their psychology and life. It’s disturbing, and awful.
Paul warns of this in Romans, and innumerable times throughout history. But one thing is for certain, is that the texts of the bible and our literal life and breathe as people is all being surveyed and laid out for all to see.
And this too is our own fate, when we enter death, and meet our maker. Because yes, life and death are two transitions and realities. And you will answer to a judge who will arraign and trial you for your life. Your entire life has been to glorify and give praise and hope to the highest God, Jesus, Yahweh Yeshua… alpha and omega, almighty.