I was listening to a lecture and sermon about the New Testament chapter of Romans written by the Apostle Paul.
As I browse the front page of twitch, I cant but help think of how far man and woman have fallen. And nothing rings more true than our worship of ourselves and man, ultimately wooing the devil and enticing his pride.
I dont know the true nature and reality of satan and demons. But I get a good idea of it, when I see how he deceived eve and adam in the garden. And how satanic bands, movies, art and literature speak of it.
People find brokenness as a sign of weakness, but the reality is we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.
Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. KJV
How can anyone with a rational and mind of reason disregard this passage and consider it any thing else but the righteous judgment of God?
Consider this, when I am alive in my addiction and sin, and speak out of pride and ego, hateful, greedy and overall selfish. No person will accept or hear me, because they see the sin and pain in my heart. Its my rebellion and denial. Homosexuality is no different.
https://renewingyourmind.org/2024/08/29 want acceptance? deny God… and feeding your lusts, passions, greed, envy, hate, murder, malice… the list goes on and on… you worshipped the creature not the CREATOR. Paul a chief sinner and murderer of christians wrote and penned this, because he knows the depravity and sinful nature of the flesh. How else could he come to know God? and pen these words in Romans. Homosexuality is the essence and nature of human depravity. You burned in your lusts and sin.