Skeezers of – Featuring ISheReallyAsian?andNOTahotwife

Since I absolutely detest and abhor this web site, I thought it would be fun and help others if I took the time to reveal and share some of the biggest skeezers and otherwise sack chasing hoes. If you support and encourage these women you are no better than them, and I do believe you’re indeed reserving a special place for yourself in hell.

First on the list we have ASIANHOTWIFE, a twitch streamer who proudly shares the lgbtq title on her stream (got to make sure you dont leave anyone out! – there is money to be made!). Her stream is her playing various different video games and more than anything trying to please her crowd. But what about her is most disgusting? well just look at her socials, she shows her inner slut without shame for the whole internet to see.

Let’s break down her money potential….

twitch … streaming = subs and tips, and any other twitch monetization.

throne wishlist …. gift her more free stuff!

amazon wishlist …. gift her more free stuff!

FANSLY … not sure what this is can only imagine it must be another onlyfans clone

ONLYFANS … yes of course what women on twitch would be complete with her main source of income! in her words not mine….

“Being married doesn’t mean I can’t have boyfriends! Matter of fact hubby loves when I have multiple boyfriends at a time!

I have a kink for being shared with other men, I also have a breeding fetish and currently on a journey to get pregnant by a bull! I find it even hotter when hubby shares me with his best friends!”

Really would like to get her husband identified. Guy sounds like a real life cuck, much in the vein of adam22 from nojumper.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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