Monotheist Death Metal done right!
I randomly came across this and was very pleased with both sound and look and detail. The imagery and band logo, everything thematically goes together […]
I randomly came across this and was very pleased with both sound and look and detail. The imagery and band logo, everything thematically goes together […]
You cookie cutters and slim neck slap jaws, better remember the mighty giants who battled before you! do your best and never let anyone take […]
Bruce Willis a man who has made himself a noble man in the media and movies as a hardnosed and brute who is about business […]
We aren’t just wasted vessels agonizingly standing idle while the secular and worldwide media purveys their incumbent sound. We do have a shovel of great […]
this is the most pathetic and mind numbingly depressing thing I could ever imagine. This person is volunteering his soul to an eternal torment, all […]
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give […]
Its a rare shot and opportunity but when it happens I do feel a bit of the earth shake, and that is the reaction I […]
It wasn’t made aware to me, until I actually took a moment to evaluate myself and see the highly critical judgments I make, and all […]
this is unbelievable! and it’s no wonder that the internet is flooded with kamala and biden everywhere you look. It seems that some of the […]
This person went and made millions on line by exploiting herself and making men fall under her spell. A disgusting miscreant, and a vile wench. […]
This piece of shit is allying with kamala nope, he is done
Written By CraigThe Megaman (or Rockman in Japan) series is one of the best and most famous videogame franchises ever. Capcoms’ Blue Bomber has spanned a […]
Written By Craig Phantasy Star IV End of the Millenium is one of the best RPGs released for the Sega Genesis and wraps up the Phantasy […]
Written By Craig In 1995 Gamearts released a spin-off of the Lunar Series on GameGear entitled Magic School Lunar. Magic School was a solid rpg and […]
Written By CraigIn 1992 Gamearts released an RPG for the Mega CD System, an RPG that would start one of most memorable RPG series ever, Lunar. […]
Written By CraigGrandia is the brainchild of Gamearts, a small (but growing bigger every day) RPG developer whose previous games included the extremely popular Lunar Series, […]
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