Phantasy Star Iv

Written By Craig

Phantasy Star IV End of the Millenium is one of the best RPGs released for the Sega Genesis and wraps up the Phantasy Star saga (unless the Dreamcast PS continues the story) perfectally. The epic story (though not as compelling as PS2), cool characters, deep gameplay, techno soundtrack and great ending make this game a must own for Genesis owners. The story of Phantasy Star IV stars the rookie hunter, Chaz Ashley who gets involved into a quest that will determine the fate of the entire star system. Along the way you will come across old friends and foes and visit familiar areas from the first 3 Phantasy Star games. Even though PS4 has a good plot and memorable moments it doesn’t have the ”space opera” feel that Phantasy Star 2 had. PS4 has one of the most memorable endings I have ever seen and it wraps up the Phantasy Star saga with a bang. 

Phantasy Star has always had great gameplay and the fourth installment in the series is no exception. The battles are the standard turn based style but you are also able to pull off combination attacks. If you like solid and fast gameplay then PS4 is for you. The graphics in Phantasy Star 4 are made up of incredible anime stills and solid sprite based areas. The anime stills are amazing and has the best detail of any Genesis RPG that I ever played. The sprites in PS4 are very colorful and solid, it may have the detail of a Squaresoft RPG but it gets the job done. Phantasy Star IV has a very good soundtrack, the techno/electric/rock style fits the game perfectally and it makes good use of the Genesis soundchip. The sound effects are also very nice and are a step up from Phantasy Star 3s beeps and bops.


Gameplay – 8.5
Graphics – 8
Sound – 7
Entertainment – 8

Overall: 8
Overall, this game is a must play for RPG fans but I suggest playing through Phantasy Star 2 first if you want to fully appreciate Phantasy Star 4.

About Trevor Markiv 442 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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