how can you know its me?

The internet is confusing enough but now with having to create a username it makes things even worse for people. So let me make this easy for you.

socialmedia… most should be a variation of adviseORe (parental advisory)

Twitch… Ive gone by the names trevostuden, adviseore and destroybaal

discord…. Ive gone by the names trevostuden, advise0re

youtube… Ive had many different accounts and those all ranged from adviseore, trevostuden and now devout craziness.

For those curious and want to know what I do with my life 24/7 I would request that you get a better hobby. Because my life, is none of your business. Just like you would want the same kind of courtesy for yourself, I would ask that you respect that for myself.

I do reside somewhere in Michigan. Most people in my city are aware of who I am. I am relatively quiet person, and try to avoid conflict on the streets. If you are feeling tough, you are welcome to do whatever you please, but please be aware I will defend myself at all costs necessary. And if you have a firearm, I would advise using it, because yes I will will protect myself by all means necessary.

My faith in God and my eternal destination whether heaven or hell, is ultimately God’s decision. But I do pray and never cease to stop. Because the dialogue in my head is between many voices, and sometimes it does get interfered by outside sources, and by that I mean is the spiritual struggle between all men and women.

death wish? no, I do not wish on any stars, I pray and speak to the heavenly father. And if you pray and serve satan, I feel sorry for you.

So who am I? adviseore? trevostuden? destroybaal? crossthestyx? devout craziness? well, just like the real world has its fair share of Trevor’s you are just going to have to keep up with the game, but now I have made it easy for you. See? I am not trying to hide, my presence and personality here is no different than the one you will get if you take time to sit and speak to me in public.

as for the name adviseORe …this handle came to me when I was very young. My interest in rap music was at its height, and like most young kids rap looked like a possible career. But no, Im no wordsmith or rapper. I cannot think of clever ways to rhyme and speak words, Im sure that I could if I gave it enough practice and effort. But its not in the cards right now, for me. If I was to advance a music genre it would be death metal, but with a vision and lyrical intention that promoted the kingdom of heaven and the return of our savior jesus christ.

trevo studen.. this name was coined and invented by a man of the name august, yes that is his real name. And no, I dont think his birthday is in august. We were building my computer and it asked for the name and organization and I said Trevor Student. And that’s when he uttered the words in a kind of bruce lee fashion trevo… studen, and from that point on it just kind of stuck with me.

As for destroybaal and crossthestyx well…

Baal is a name for multiple deities in the Bible, often used to describe the Canaanite-Phoenician god of fertility and rain. The name Baal is also used as a generic term for “lord” or “master”.

I got crossthestyx from the death metal band’s album cross the styx. And from what I understand it’s something to do with their interpretation and idea of hell. For me it was significant because both the words Cross and Styx represented to me the transition from hell to the cross on golgotha where Christ was crucified and resurrected.

About Trevor Markiv 451 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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