There has been many talks in circles about an alleged cloth that was wrapped around the body of christ. No doubt remarkable, but thing is for certain that the physical and tangible details of the bible that exist to this day are still not anywhere near enough proof or evidence for a hard nosed and stubborn sinner.
One thing I failed to consider in my earlier life was the historicity and geographical relevance between the scriptures and our physical earth to this day. Add to the fact we find discoveries like this, the overwhelming amount of evidence and discoveries that conclude the reality of the physical Christ on this earth.
Much skepticism about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus is that there is not an overwhelming view in other religious texts and descriptions.
One thing is for certain, if you want evidence and you demand proof, the more God is going to deliver you over to death. Yes this process and reality of life, is not forgiving and never ending periods and lengths of suffering.
2 Corinthians 1:5-7
For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. / If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which accomplishes in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we experience. / And our hope for you is sure, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you will share in our comfort.
If your solution to a problem is nagging, behaving badly and resorting to an inebriant to calm your nerves and pains, than sadly the words of the bible and life of Christ will not offer you any consoling or comfort at all. Instead the bellowing and echoes of hell will enchant and entice you into furthermore depravity.
I have tasted the consequences of fake and insincere and false victories, and have admired the outcome of prevailed goodness through distinct and troubling circumstances. See there is here an example and reality of Christ, in that your attitude and actions and your whole behavior does rely heavily on the cross.
All of this to say, in concern of the shroud of Turin, I do not think there need be any skepticism or doubt of the reality Christ. Because history and life itself proves His, life, death and resurrection. I believe in God as a man believes that his feet will carry him a distance of the room. There is no doubt in my mind, and no circumstantial evidence or otherwise acquired material by man is going to persuade me. See I am no longer into believing but am into my faith. Not in man, not in material not even in the benefit of the bed where I rest my head. But I am undeniably aware that without God, I am not an ounce or an allowance of wealth. My worth and belonging is in Christ and God alone.
I do hope you enjoy the footage shared of the linen and fiber structures of this cloth. You can do your own research and study using both the supplied video, and this accompanying web site.
Listen if you are looking for a loop hole to pleasure and desire of the flesh, you might better well stop relying on Christianity, because this religion, has no business with that. Its not a title, easily given or acquired by chance or hypnosis. The belief and discovery of the God above is evident in the person and example of their life.
There are no dollar signs or incredible sights and sounds, it is the Lord God almighty that is the ultimate and authoritative creator.
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