Something a lot of people today are interested in today is media and entertainment, I am no exception. I was born in 1984 and at my inception, I was groomed and brought up on a healthy dosage of it. I think our family was one of the few in the early 90’s to have the privilege of owning a home computer, TV, VCR and Video Games. I even remember it being a big deal to go over to my cousin’s house and they had a home video camcorder, for recording home movies. And of course, my grandparents even had HBO in the early days, which was amazing being able to watch actual uncensored movies.
Throughout my childhood I had the privilege of owning a NES, compliments of my grandma (on my dad’s side). I remember it came packaged with a dual cart of volleyball and soccer. And then I remember having to a cool spot game, that was a sort of puzzle game. And then later introduced to the Mario games, Milons Secret Castle, Astyanax, Mad Max, Home Alone and who knows what else? this really sparked my interest in video games and my love for it as a kid.
After the NES, my parents bought me a Sega Game Gear and that interjected in me a love and interest for Sega, but what really drove my devotion to Sega was receiving my free subscription to Sega Visions magazine. Yes, I still don’t have any idea how I started getting the magazine, but I do vaguely remember turning in one of those cards that would be included in an instruction booklet and can only surmise that that must have been why they began sending it to me.
After the Game Gear, my memory gets a little cloudy, but I do recall selling my NES and its games to FuncoLand to buy a Sega CD. I remember having Willy Beamish, Vay, Sewer Shark, Rise of the Dragon. This was also what interjected in me a morbid curiosity about the taboo and suggestive themes possible in games. Yes, I had this morbid curiosity about that game Night Trap, and it was my pursuit or eventually try and obtain and own it. Well that never did happen for me. I was shot down by an employee at FuncoLand when they interrupted my purchase to let my mom know that it was an “adult” game. That is neither here nor there, but just a funny story I remember.
Later when all my friends were getting into the PlayStation, I went a different route and got a Saturn. I remember. Saving a long time to get Panzer Dragoon Saga off of eBay for $150, and the guy was nice enough to even include a copy of x-men vs street fighter, with the 4mb cart. The Saturn was when I really started to seriously collect and buy for. I had all the AAA games and then some. I worked my ass off working lawn car to pay for them. That was my biggest drive and motivator to do landscaping.
I then got a Dreamcast and collected and had a lot of games for that too, almost all the defining games. In between all of this I remember having a PSX and N64, and PlayStation 2. This was more fueled by my older brother. I did get a 360 later and really enjoyed that console, especially the Xbox live service. This introduced me to Dark Souls and really jump started my love and interest for next generation games.
So, this summarizes and concludes my collecting for video games in retrospect it was a fun and memorable experience, but something about video games is that there was always video game outlets and sites like eBay where you could buy, sell, trade and this like a kind of recycling and retribution helped give and take the hobby. I think all this to say, is that now in my adult life I will never, and no way shape or form ever dream or even think about owning any of this stuff today.
As for today I buy digitally and play on computer. Most games I enjoy today are via emulation. If I feel a moral conviction or obligation about something I will pay or do my civil duty to compensate something that I believe garners it vestment. But no, I will not have a room loaded with physical media to show off and brag about online. See when I collected video games, it wasn’t so much a thing of what it is today.
I love video games, I like playing them, I love that it encourages brain activity and motor function, it encourages friendly competition and comradeship with people. It’s a healthy and positive past time. But like anything else it does have its share of pitfalls and dangers. But one thing I know about physical media and collecting really anything for that matter, is that we are mortal and finite beings that will someday be dissolved from this earth, and when your dead and gone none of that stuff will accompany you or be a part of you. And yes, I do believe that there will be a judgment and a moment before God where we will need to answer and account for our time here on this earth, and I do with all sincerity hope that He will find my life here an acceptable example of living. And if you’re not a believer yourself, I encourage you to do some searching and develop a relationship with God or at least come to terms or grips with whatever you find agreeable in your existence. Because see it’s not up to me, it’s up to you as an individual and as your own person to decide and figure this stuff out for yourself.
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