I don’t want your money

I never started doing this web page for money, nor did I start doing streaming for it either. See I noticed something, that hard work pays off. And by that, I mean that you help those who you admire and consider a friend.

So with that in mind, I want you to pay attention to the side of this web site, you will notice I added some images that link to that individuals web page. I started doing this before, but I stopped because I want you know, that this web page does not have any individual connection with. And by that I mean, that responding web page may not necessarily share the same views and opinions that I have.

I want to support those who I admire and respect, and if you haven’t already guessed… the same principle and idea above applies to them. These people and organizations may not share my same beliefs or ideas, but that doesn’t matter to me, I just want you to look at their work and make your own judgment.

So this week, I will be adding new pages and images to the side of this page, and hopefully be able to help them, and maybe draw some attention to them, instead of me.

One thing about me, is that I will never ask you for money… Devout Craziness is an independent project and I do this all out of my own pocket. I stream when I can and am available. If you want to show appreciation to me, feel free to donate, but its never obligated or required. I do this for fun, and if ever I cannot afford to do it or have no time for it anymore, than I will gladly stop. I priority and cause is the kingdom of heaven, and fulling the gospel and doing the Lords work. My master God, the one who sent Christ.

About Trevor Markiv 437 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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