Black Desert

I have been playing Black Desert for several years, and I am enjoying myself with the game. I will admit, I do get moments of being toxic and negative, but that is an issue with myself and not the game or the community. I primarily play Warrior in awakening, but I have also played Berserker, Dark Knight, Wizard and Musa… among others. I would have to say though, overall, I mostly play Warrior.

I do not listen to the climate of the game, or the opinions of other players, I play for my own enjoyment, and nothing else. This page will be dedicated to the game and my progress.

In regards to PVP, my best word of advice is to get a handle of a class that you can enjoy, and learn the terminology. Especially DEBUFFS, STUNS, BACK ATTACK etc. it does get pretty confusing the more you get into the game, it has a varied and wide array of different damage types and certain CC (crowd control).

The pvp and nature of the game is very fast, at speeds sometimes I cannot even be bothered to deal with. So if you are not equipped to the task, you had better just not even entertain the idea. But let me tell you, when you find yourself in a successful skirmish, whether it be with yourself or a couple ally’s, its really no comparison, in regards to fun, that is the upper echelon of the game.

Do not snub your nose at lifeskillers, or fishing, or whatever a person does to spend their time on this game. Because believe it or not, much like the real world economy its not much different in flow and design as in Black Desert. That being said, they do a lot of things that aggravate and frustrate me to no end. This is why I personally think games like Dark Souls remain and are solid titles and mmo’s get pushed through the mud and are defaced, because they are they are on one hand making a fun worthwhile experience for healthy and competitive gamers, but also they are offering a “special”, “all exclusive”, benefits that will drain your pocket.

I am not opposed to giving back to the people whom give me entertainment and worthwhile experiences, playing video games. But when I can see all my hard work and effort, be nudged aside with a simple swap of a card, you begin to see the morals and the ethics behind these companies.

Just as I am a human trying to make a living for myself, while sharing my experiences and efforts, I do not expect or seek monetary gain, but if it given in my reach, I will happily accept it and use it wisely, much like I would assume anyone else would.

Much of what I hate about BDO is the agonizing experience of doing chore upon chore, and then just at the sight of some kind of even or remotely competitive prospect, you get yanked by a 12 year old kid who just started playing on their new behemoth class to end all classes. The game is sadly, going into the way side direction of League of Legends, and they stubbornly did it while the community gave them profitable advice and sound reasoning.

But as you heard me say earlier, the mechanics and the gameplay is very satisfying and they do have a lot here to really get you involved and stay focused and enjoying the game.

I don’t know but as we approach 2025, I think as a whole I am beginning truly believe that the mmorpg genre is indeed a stalemate of a platform and design. Not only that, it really does do a great disservice to humanity, in that in its practice and design it makes you ultimately more lethargic, apathetic and lazy.

Video games should be an outlet and a fun activity to get your frustration out and to develop your hand, eye and coordination skills. If you are not challenging yourself every step of the way, than you are sadly just wasting time. And time is, believe it or not very valuable, and a necessary product for building the world and new improvements to our life.

CURRENT GEAR as of 2/10/2025

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