Demoniciduth Spiritual Rebellion Sampler

Here is a teaser and what a mighty and beautiful track it is!

Blistering and brutal, all the while lyrics and message that share and encourage hope.

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Indwelling (band) – Throat as open Grave w/lyrics

No one is righteous They all fall so short Only through their faith they will not be condemned Their throats as open graves Tongues that practice deceit The poison of vipers is on their lips And the hearts of His children are turning to the dark They’re mutilating His very word There is none righteous Not even one No fear of God before their eyes

Indwelling was a band that formed out of the members from the band OVERCOME. You can definitely hear it in the guitars, and this time around the vocals are more guttural and this leans in the direction of more traditional death metal. I remember speaking to them at or around the time of this release, and it really showed their interest in the genre. This is some of if not the best material I have heard with lyrics like these.

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Skeezers of – Featuring ISheReallyAsian?andNOTahotwife

Since I absolutely detest and abhor this web site, I thought it would be fun and help others if I took the time to reveal and share some of the biggest skeezers and otherwise sack chasing hoes. If you support and encourage these women you are no better than them, and I do believe you’re indeed reserving a special place for yourself in hell.

First on the list we have ASIANHOTWIFE, a twitch streamer who proudly shares the lgbtq title on her stream (got to make sure you dont leave anyone out! – there is money to be made!). Her stream is her playing various different video games and more than anything trying to please her crowd. But what about her is most disgusting? well just look at her socials, she shows her inner slut without shame for the whole internet to see.

Let’s break down her money potential….

twitch … streaming = subs and tips, and any other twitch monetization.

throne wishlist …. gift her more free stuff!

amazon wishlist …. gift her more free stuff!

FANSLY … not sure what this is can only imagine it must be another onlyfans clone

ONLYFANS … yes of course what women on twitch would be complete with her main source of income! in her words not mine….

“Being married doesn’t mean I can’t have boyfriends! Matter of fact hubby loves when I have multiple boyfriends at a time!

I have a kink for being shared with other men, I also have a breeding fetish and currently on a journey to get pregnant by a bull! I find it even hotter when hubby shares me with his best friends!”

Really would like to get her husband identified. Guy sounds like a real life cuck, much in the vein of adam22 from nojumper.

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Kendrick Lamar is NOT christ

I was browsing the internet and came across an article telling me that Kendrick Lamar is going to be performing at the superbowl, I don’t know anything about the guy, never heard or listened to his music. But I think kind of in the same detriment that was with Kanye West. They need to put some respect to the true and almighty Jesus Christ, and stop using it to look and act like we are anything more than broken sinners all in need of the grace and mercy of God.

And no I don’t think Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes, his race has no interest to me one way or another, but his sacrifice on the cross and His gift to humanity is the life force and gift to mankind.

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Dirt/Shadow of the Locust – Plague 1997

ARTIST: Dirt / Shadow of the Locust

ALBUM: Plague

LABEL: Rescue Records

Payable on Death …. or POD to most is a name most people can recognize, but for those unaware there was another guy hiding in California who was also living a life that represented the resurrected and now alive God, yes the lord Jesus Christ. And if you’re a little confused, dont worry this will all make senses, once you understand and recognize that both the man known as “dirt” and the band pod all collaborated and were associated with one another.

And while Dirt and POD are both entirely different in sound and style, they both do share and interact with one another in their beliefs and passion for life. So how does a person like myself, who has made most of a name for himself in the genre of death metal music? know anything about rap and hip hop? well see that is where you are wrong, and maybe I should address the fact that as a youth I was far more of a rap fan than I would put on or share.

Growing up I was into rap, but what interested me most was michigan underground rap, and that unfortunately was to do with the satanic and hopeless, which is where I would categorize Esham and ICP.

The later I can attribute to my brothers for getting me into, and the former (dirt) I can thank my sister. As a male I of course, chose to respect and follow the sounds of Esham and ICP growing up, as my preferred style of rap.

And so it is this where you will be conflicted and feeling a certain distress, and for that I cannot fix or address the conflict, because I am sorry! the bible and the message of Christ is inherent and ultimately the winning algorithm and therapy a dying person needs to relieve oneself suffering in the detriment of street life and struggle.

So in concern to Dirt and the album “Plague” here was have a album that I can only think of is some very east coast sounding hip hop, fueled by a spark of lyrics that are directly influenced and corroborating with the biblical truth.

I am incredibly blessed to have known about this music and have it in my repertoire of ammunition to combat and defend myself from the wiles of the devil. If your interested in getting into Dirt/Shadow of the locust, please check out any of the following resources.

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Tomorrow begins my journey of which I hope will become a lasting and impactful day and moment. Sunday is the day that I decide for myself to no longer use any more cough cold pills, marijuana, alcohol or any kind of debilitating drug to impair my normal brain from functioning.

This will be a hard and possibly maybe even embarrassing because for so long I have always used a crutch. And I am sick and tired of it. I want to be myself and enjoy life as God intended it.

Moving forward I will be working harder to address issues and to proliferate a message that will lead and guide people. Its not my business to thwart or misalign anyone, I would hope you would use your own best judgement, when looking at my thoughts.

So I am making it official, the 8th of September 2024 begins my journey into sobriety.

With God, health and life in my focus now, I hope to fill this web site with more entertaining content, and not just regurgitated drivel you can find everywhere else.

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Into the deep darkness of the soul
Inn i sjelens dype mørke

Where life sucks
Hvor livet sviner hen

Where emptiness has its realm
Der tomhet har sitt rike

And nothing remains
Og intet blir igjen

How will I be able to live
Hvordan skal jeg kunne leve

My soul so highly hated
Min sjel så høyt forhatt

Grief is what I feel
Sorg er hva jeg føler

All so lonely and abandoned
Alt så ensomt og forlatt

With all my body I fight
Av hele min kropp jeg kjemper

But no powers have
Men ingen krefter har

Is there hope in the dark
Finnes det håp i mørket

Show the way to what was
Vise vei til det som var

Has grief won its victory
Har sorgen vunnet sin seier

Where can I find hope?
Hvor kan jeg finne håp

The light that shone in the darkness
Lyset som glimtet i mørket

Was only the baptism of sorrow
Var kun sorgens dåp

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Paul’s magnum opus

I was listening to a lecture and sermon about the New Testament chapter of Romans written by the Apostle Paul.

As I browse the front page of twitch, I cant but help think of how far man and woman have fallen. And nothing rings more true than our worship of ourselves and man, ultimately wooing the devil and enticing his pride.

I dont know the true nature and reality of satan and demons. But I get a good idea of it, when I see how he deceived eve and adam in the garden. And how satanic bands, movies, art and literature speak of it.

People find brokenness as a sign of weakness, but the reality is we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. KJV

How can anyone with a rational and mind of reason disregard this passage and consider it any thing else but the righteous judgment of God?

Consider this, when I am alive in my addiction and sin, and speak out of pride and ego, hateful, greedy and overall selfish. No person will accept or hear me, because they see the sin and pain in my heart. Its my rebellion and denial. Homosexuality is no different. want acceptance? deny God… and feeding your lusts, passions, greed, envy, hate, murder, malice… the list goes on and on… you worshipped the creature not the CREATOR. Paul a chief sinner and murderer of christians wrote and penned this, because he knows the depravity and sinful nature of the flesh. How else could he come to know God? and pen these words in Romans. Homosexuality is the essence and nature of human depravity. You burned in your lusts and sin.

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I was watching this short reel on youtube, and Johnny Chang was responding to a man who was asking him about how satan attacks us, his response was about how satan tempted Judas Iscariot, when he betrayed Jesus.

It then reminded me of this song by a band named Holy Soldier, this live version of really struck a chord with me. As it more or less describes the aforementioned story perfectly.

It makes me reflect when Im at a job site or somewhere out in the world. The times we are living in today are much more different, when we are actually needing to be on our guard even more.

A lot of younger generations are coming up without regard for God or their fellow man. We are living in a age where people are more impressed by man and less about the intrinsic things related to the spiritual.

Our battle is not against “flesh and blood”, it is a spiritual battle, a realm not seen by the naked eye but it exists in the invisible. (Ephesians 6:12)

In concerns to our heart, we are reminded in Jeremiah 17:9 that the “heart is desperately wicked.”

The scriptures plainly detail in great detail that we wrestle with our flesh and sin. And the dichotomy of this spiritual and the physical.

Imagine when you are drinking and begin to feel drunk by these “spirits”, your mind may now be numb and you are more susceptible to evil, this is also true with drugs and any other inebriant for that matter.

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Counterfeit men/women, and shameful youtube!

Browsing the internet, much like many other people, you are sure to come across many different videos and texts. For thing that I was thinking about is the pride/lgbtq agenda that is currently ravaging America and the rest of the world.

We now have families and individuals who are grooming children into being not only gay or confused about their sexuality, but are also influencing them to go against God’s will and changing their sex.

I started to think about this after noticing a woman on youtube of whom I will not name or give any attention to, but her entire channel of which has 80+ million views per video, and she is marketed to teaching children. Teaching them what? well she is allied with lgbtq individuals and is actively encouraging their behavior.

Men and women are both gifted and have their share of pro’s and con’s, and are essentially the balance among each other. God made each person unique and given their share of skills and challenges. Going against His will and changing not only your sexuality but your gender is completely countering His will.

Please be vigilant and aware!

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Discern – “Revive and Rebuke”


Artist: Discern
Record: Revive and Rebuke
Label: Independent
Wiki: may the force be with yo

I had the pleasure of interviewing this man earlier on and I thought it was about due time I put in the time to actually listen and review his album. Me being cut from the cloth of Death Metal, I know what I like when it comes to the sound and my pedigree is rather mired and maybe a little off kilt, by most people’s standards. With that in mind, I really had no expectations coming into this listen.

My first impression upon hearing it, is nothing short of thrown far aback in consideration of the production and sound. See something that is very obvious and rather problematic about death metal is that a lot of it is very easy to get lost in a sea of other bands. But this particular disc has a very dignified way about it, and rather if I might say defined tone and style. Its hard to exactly compare this to other secular or Christian death metal, because to be honest nothing is really coming to mind.

I like it! I don’t think he necessarily tried to style himself after anybody else or ride off the sound or coattails of any other band. He invested himself into his guitar and drumming and made a unique and bombastic arsenal of unrelenting death metal music.

I really love the style of the vocals in both the low gutturals and his snarls and screams and higher pitched vocal abilities. He addresses a broad range, and does it very well! and an applause to himself for having a unique voice in a genre that a lot mock as “cookie monster” vocals, Ive heard it to high heaven and I do just have to nod and change the subject. I do genuinely enjoy and like death metal growls and guttural vocals and different kinds of ranges and things people can do with their vocal chords this is no different.

The production and music here is really great, I am not sure if he mastered and recorded this himself in a home studio or paid a place to do it, but the sound and tonality is very good and noticeable. Every drum beat, guitar riff, bass lick and vocal frequency is all equated and called for.

The lyrics and the message of the music goes around a lot of different topics namely rebuking and not tolerating condemnation, love, religion and human nature and failing. Ultimately its a dish of words to both encourage and enlighten a person. Often the kilt of death metal is the opposite, it is meant to arouse self hate and nihilism, this is much the opposite. I would hope anyone listening to this disc would find and be encouraged by Christ and Christianity and to seek scriptures.

There are plenty of off moments where he really goes into some spontaneous playing and he has fun with it. He gets downright bluesy and funky on this disc…. and I love it! Its a great mix of death metal and some very minimal experimentation. And it does have a couple instrumentals throughout the disc as well. All in all a great listen, and a new personal favorite of mine. And one I will put as a stamp of approval under my new transition into reviewing more if not all Christian music from now on.

If you want support this band or his help his ministry please check out the following…

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Image Fun

The satanic and communist order is now arriving and ready to disassemble and destroy america and the world

here kommunist kamala a harlot and succubus alongside satan and their demonic order

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LGBTQ WORLD – Anti-Christian Europe

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” kjb romans 12:2

I got this email from Rod Deher and in it, it showed some of the “art” being push out of europe and the world in general. More anti-Christian and pro-lgbtq garbage. This world is heading towards hell, and mankind is in somewhat of a state of bliss. I suppose the devil, sin and the flesh can give a person that sense of false hope.

From what I can tell, the idea and hope is to further eradicate and dismantle all civilized lands with both terrorist, thugs and immigrants. Furthermore they want to dismantle sex and gender with gay, trans rhetoric.

Our world needs God in a bad way. But not the false kind you find being peddled by the commoner. But by those both embrace the living word of God but also the living, death and resurrection of Christ.

“As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:” kjb 1peter 1:14

For more content like this, please continue reading more at:

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Lansing Catholic Deathcore?

I was browsing music on youtube and I came across this band, or I found them to be playing a show in Michigan, and I realized they are from my town of Lansing. What an amazing sight to find a band of Catholic men who are playing some downright filthy death inspired metal.

I have never been a fan of “deathcore”, I have always thought of it rather formulaic and boring. Ive had similar opinion of slam and anything with the chugga chugga mosh routine. I much prefer songs with structure and solos and leads etc. I get a lot from even simple songs, that encompass a lot of atmosphere and mood.

This music is brutal, and while I haven’t qued into any or many solos, I am really getting into their overall message and performance. Would love for an opportunity to chat with them and learn more about the men as people and about their music. Here is a video I think you all might enjoy.

For more information:

Do yourself a favor and pick up some merch or catch them live!

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I will NOT be returning to Twitch

As usual I assume nobody will speak to me. Christ above all, praise the most high God! YESHUA ADONAI ELOHIM – BANNED!

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Big tech and social media sites

These are all controlled and run by people who are in direct alignment and company with evil people. When I was younger, I didn’t recognize the value and the measure of what it meant in concern to consumerism, I was under the impression that whatever I ingested or supported was good deed, because it helps all people. But what I didn’t recognize was the fact that this world, is made up of people of all different beliefs, particularly those that are misaligned from Christianity.

See my passive lifestyle allowed me a lot of opportunities and fun, but it costed me a lot more than what I could have ever bargained for. I went morally, ethically, and all otherwise attributes considered with any iota of dignity, had been thrown out, in place of this fake acceptance. And the biden and kamala administration, alongside with Ukraine have all been in this disgusting stew of lies and corruption.

It turns my stomach to think that Mark Hammill and Robert Deniro are applauded and congratulated by Ukraine. They uplift them and hold them high. And those two celebrity figures, are two of the biggest supporters of kamala and biden.

And what is most disgusting about all of this, is that kamala is bringing in communism, which was the exact thing that joseph Stalin believed in and supported, when he was starving Ukraine and killing millions of its people.

I recognize and see the misery that this life has been since the left have come and taken over. And it’s disgusting. Pronouns on an application? are you kidding me? and now they are actually encouraging parents to tell their kids to become transexual and confuse their own sexuality and further ruin their psychology and life. It’s disturbing, and awful.

Paul warns of this in Romans, and innumerable times throughout history. But one thing is for certain, is that the texts of the bible and our literal life and breathe as people is all being surveyed and laid out for all to see.

And this too is our own fate, when we enter death, and meet our maker. Because yes, life and death are two transitions and realities. And you will answer to a judge who will arraign and trial you for your life. Your entire life has been to glorify and give praise and hope to the highest God, Jesus, Yahweh Yeshua… alpha and omega, almighty.

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I will never use or return to Twitch

I am no longer ever going to use twitch web site, it’s a disgusting waste of the internet. They encourage LGBTQ lifestyle, and they encourage and present it in a mainstream fashion. I am not going to be aligned with that or associate myself any longer with that platform.

I’ve always been a gamer, my whole life. I loved playing video games on the home computer, and eventually onto the NES. And later, I got a Game Gear, Sega-CD, Saturn and Dreamcast. My last home console was an Xbox 360. I did have a PlayStation 1 and a psp… and even an N64.

Throughout my time of gaming this was alongside my brothers and sisters, and my cousins as well. Through my gaming experience it was shared and developed with them.

It was always fun going over to a friend’s house to play Mortal Kombat, or Mega Man X. Watching and seeing my cousin progress through a RPG or a tactical game like Final Fantasy Tactics.

Whether it was a fighting game, or a puzzle game, platformer, action-adventure game, you name it. Gaming has been a part of my life.

When I found the web site Twitch, I was under the impression that this web page was a site for gamers. But as I started to use the page more, I began to realize that the page is not a site for gamers at all. In fact, the opposite.

Their page is run by homosexuals and transgenders and God knows what! and it’s that economy that has fueled it and survived it for so long.

So, for those who think I am coming back to twitch, NO I am not returning to that web site. And I would think anyone else who has any senses in their brain would abandon using it too.

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Life – these are MY words, NOT AI… I type and write this out myself!

The worst part about all of this, is that I lost the relationship of my son, Rachel and her uncle who – later passed away, and was the sole reason I got the job to be able to support both riley, Rachel and myself. Prior to his death, we had the best times together, me and them would work out in their garden and would drink beers and just laugh and have great times together. It was the best moment of my time there.

Me and Rachel did not get along with each other. She had this idea about me, and I had my ideas about her. But we were in our 20’s at the time, and I am not sure all of the details. Regardless, I did try to help and be a part of their lives. When I spoke to her uncle, a man of which I will always remember and never forget, is that he taught me something very important about life, and that’s the ability to work and enjoy yourself with your family and community. Those were the best times we had on this earth.

My life forward has been nothing but a cyclone of chaos and destruction. Every which way I turn, there seems to be a bad ending. And nothing in my ability can help the situation, other than the ability to rely on God to help me through the hurt.

Life is not easy, for anyone! there is no one shot magic pill or some kind of weird wizardry that can come and fix things, in an instant. Everything takes time and work, and labor and hurt and that is all at the cost of man and labor.

We do wrestle with flesh and blood.

But ultimately, we are in the end of times. Life is not infinite, this world around us will not survive. And if our resource of comfort takes priority over helping and contributing to the community. Then we are all going to be left dead and out on the streets.

I dont know what the future has in store for me.

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I do apologize, and am sorry for my actions and hurt that I have caused

My life and my time on this earth has been spent most in front of a screen. That is this PC monitor. I have worked several jobs, restaurants, telemarketing, warehouse, manufacturing, Kellog’s, Michigan turkey, notions marketing… too many more that I cannot remember at this time.

I have spent time at the guiding light mission, I spent time working with the homeless at the Lansing city rescue mission, I have been to the Denton freedom house recovery program.

I have done a great deal of work and living in this world, whether it be in Texas, Massachusetts or even Texas.

I traveled all the way over to Illinois to meet a girl a met online to hang out and see her university, in IL it was the most awkward and disturbing experience, I can’t remember. This same girl I met through speaking to about the cornerstone music festival, and it was my understanding that she was a Christian. When I did get to her dorm, I was exposed to many things I will not get into. Nothing illegal, or illicit… nothing bad or wrong. It was just the experience itself, felt very regretful, because she painted a different perspective of herself than who I had met when face to face.

Sometime later, I had been in discussion with a girl from Massachusetts. This was my girlfriend, Rachel. I met her through a social media site called live journal. Me and her would always get into different kinds of conversations, and it was always fun and playful. Next thing I know, I am on a bus out to MA with all my belongings and am living with her, and her mom and sister. Nothing awkward or weird about this experience, at all?

The initial time there was actually very easy going, they were a good a group of women there. It was her mom, and her sister. And next door was her other relatives. We all did get along fine, and we got into all kinds of different things.

But unfortunately, me and her relationship did turn sour, and now I am battling for the ability to be able to see and have contact with my birth son.

Her father, and her acquaintance Mike, have been taking care of my son.

I have had the benefit of paying child support to Massachusetts and have been robbed on having any kind of relationship with an actual physical bank. I have no ability to spend or use money, outside of the stipend sum, that is given to me by my mom.

I get no rights, no contact with him. And all I get is a barrage of conflicting stories from everyone, that I have come into contact with.

Its either my word, or theirs. Who do you believe is in the wrong?

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US Presidential Elections 2024 | Trump Rally Today In New York Live | Trump Vs Biden | N18L (

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