Gosudar “Morbid Despotic Ritual” -a ritual thanks

Morbid Despotic Ritual | Gosudar

Around this time of year, it’s a good idea to be thankful for what you got. And today I got a glimpse into some of the most ball busting guttural assault. That goes without saying that this band hit me as a landslide, because I was completely unaware of their presentence, before listening to the said album on the YouTube streaming site. Considering the political climate and all apparent buzz around Russia, it’s nice to know they do have some individuals that are creating solid death metal art. I am writing all this to say that the 2021 release “Morbid Despotic Ritual” is one of, if not the best death metal slabs I’ve been exposed to. It’s a swallowing gargling hole but it goes deep, and you get into it.

About Trevor Markiv 455 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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