Music genre’s



1. a style or category of art, music, or literature

Example: the spy thriller is a very masculine genre

It has come to my attention that both Christians, satanist, atheist, muslim, agnostic etc. have come to a conclusion that musical genres need to derive themselves from lyrical content, and I think this is silly and nonsense.

Music that is black metal is made up by the musical sound and that lone. The same applies for death, speed, thrash, melodic etc. It even applies to rap and hip hop. Satan does not own black metal, nor death metal.

God created this universe and mankind, everything in this world belongs to Him, and Him alone.

When it comes to music, it is up to the individual to decide and understand what the music is about and what message they are trying to convey. It’s silly and makes no sense to confuse genres any more than it already is.

And to those who worship fallen angel and liar satan. you are destined for an eternity of torment for eternity, no exits, no phoning a friend and definitely no secret ways to escape it.

(for the case of other religions, I cannot be certain, but I’ve studied mythology, folk tales some of buddhism, and the muslim religion)

Oh, and for those who think AA or NA are acceptable, I believe in something more than simply a “higher power”. While I agree sobriety is necessary and a clear, and focused conscious mind are necessary. Lip service and people pleasing get you nowhere in life.

If you would like to have a personal relationship with Christ the God head, messiah and savior of this world. You need to acknowledge that you are sinner and pray to God for a relationship and accept Him to come and be a part of your life.

It’s not an easy path (wide is the gate, narrow is the path), but it’s the most rewarding and impactful and genuine experiences ever in your life.

Don’t over complicate it or try to rationalize or even think to understand God outside of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit that will come into your life and guide and direct your path as you walk through life. God will bring the individuals into your life that will not only educate you but will also discipline you and teach you necessity of homelessness, gratitude and forgiveness. But ultimately to know the cross and experience the Father’s love.

And remember no priest, man or repetition and formulaic nonsense is going to do it for you, it’s a relationship and walk … the ultimate life experience.

I am no expert; I walked through most of my life as an agnostic and hardnosed skeptic. It was until 38-39 that I finally realized that I needed to surrender and accept Christ into my life.

About Trevor Markiv 455 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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