After discovering the band Overcome in the 90’s one thing is for certain, while I did love some hardcore and metal infused bands, I was for the most part sold on metal and metal only.
They lifted the veil of their former self and created some rather vicious and formidable death metal. Technical and some groove heavily latent on mixing it up and never relying on repetitive elements. While more gutturals, you do still get some of the screams that you are familiar with from Overcome.
And my Eyes Shall Weep is a no doubt a death metal classic. But I really would have hoped that the mix and production would be something similar to this demo/split. This is much more barbaric and the vocals are especially well done.
I do still want to hear the 2001 demo with the unheard song, “your gaping wounds”.
With death metal being a mainstay for evil and demonic lyrics at the forefront, that have this available as something with more substance I cannot get enough.
Abishai is very much akin to the earlier sound of Overcome, your variety of metal and core. With the screaming most know and love.
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