
How are these people allowed to publicize themselves and perform for satan and his demons, meanwhile when public outcry arises she is suddenly brought to forgiveness because of the moral outcry,

The video was clearly and overtly sexual, and it was performed and shown in a very sacrilegious and condescending manner. There is no denying it.

Can we please leave the satire and the humor for the entrainment industry and now intertwine it with our government and political figures?

That is what has become most profoundly true about the current political figures and president biden and harris, they are nothing but puppets on display as satire and laughable flock. And the people who support them are the ones who laughing while our america is being sent to the meat grinder.

The fac of the matter is that this life exists in it a very satanic and disorderly aroma and agenda. Whether you can physically see it or not, is not the point but what the truth of it all is, is that this war and this battle waging is illustrated and plainly laid out in the bible in which we hold in our hands to this very day.

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Discord community for gaming

IF you want to connect with me 1on1 and play games together, feel free to join my discord server, there you can set up games and play whatever.


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NEW Sevin!

Up and better than ever!

I love metal, no question…. but reality of life is expressed and best in rap and hip hop. I love the music from Hog Mob and Sevin all them and their crew is great, they put out great and encouraging content. Its a blessing to myself, and to people that they get the message.

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I apologize… and better communication from now on

I have made several different discord communities and I have deleted them and then created them, and its gone on back and fourth for too long. I dont make this community for just myself, I make it for you the individual to use and explore and build off of, so mine is very basic but it is the best way to get a hold of me, via voice or text. I will do my best to keep this link live and active, but feel more than free to join and discuss with me. As always, I do not want or encourage anyone to involve themselves if they have ulterior motives, such as to solicit or to endorse somebody or something, this is simply meant as a place to connect with myself and to play possibly get together with individuals for prayer, bible study and to play retro and current PC games, and just to talk and a have a place of community.


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Satanicide – Demonic Extinction

Well this is a kind of a summersault considering my earliest years were spent listening to blasphemous and downright disrespectful metal albums, one of which comes to mind but I wont name, I dont want take any attention away from this masterpiece I am speaking about today. Here we have a random stumble upon band I found on youtube, of all places. And it was just by chance, that it had the most brutal and barbaric cover art that you would expect to see from your jabbering secular counterpart. Do these heathens actually think they stand a fight against the most high king of kings!? well this brilliant platter of splatter is here to unleash upon your eardrums 5 assaulting tracks of brutal death metal that guarantees you very rhythmic riffing and and harmonies, some solos and good arrangements buried in between the assault. The drumming keep pummeling down in a trajectory that pleases my appetite. I think today we celebrate in God’s kingdom because today we have ourselves a contender for the brutal assault against satan.

Not a single bad track on the plate it rips from start to finish, happily supplies the goods and they are selling it for the very low price of free on their bandcamp currently. Huge regards and congratulations to these gentlemen for a job well done!


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Michigan Trash University

My grandparents are alumni’s from the college, myself and others have benefitted a good deal from MSU, I am at a loss when I see what is happening with this school. On one hand I have good memories of the school, and especially their athletics with the mens basketball and football, this has and is always been a focal point of conversation and community with my family.

But I am at a great loss when I see what is happening and boiling over into that school. The lgbtq is now making itself known in the doors of our education centers. Its now no interest of the common man or woman to pay or benefit these schools, because they are aligned with evil and have no interest in education or helping people with a career but are more interested in the sexuality of an individual. Why are they emphasizing lgbtq and not heterosexual? its as if the lgbtq is a cult or some kind of entity that is trying to overcome normal humans and society.

Had the derailment of society in America and the world around us not been embittered and beat down by these vile and evil practices, I would not have had the epiphany or the very mighty voice of the Lord on my own life. God is indeed working in me, but I do not so much see Him working in the lives of these misaligned and confused individuals.

One thing I know for certain about the mental health industry, and yes I do now call it an industry. Is that they are interested, in helping, but not in helping you get better, but more in keeping you paralyzed and reliant on the system and the industry.

Furthermore the lqbt like the disease and cancer that it is, is very much now a part of that. As it is becoming more and more apart of my own hobbies and interests. And now myself suffer, because I do not tolerate it or entertain it. I do not think its cute, I do not think its friendly, I think its disgusting and I will not tolerate it, or accept it.

A homosexual man rented a room in the house that I live. And I was exposed to the nasty and filthy lifestyle they lead from a bare eye perspective, and it confirmed and made me aware of the kind of degeneracy it actually is. And they have the entertainment industry and as mentioned before now in schools.

A great deal of love is in discipline and punishment, because believe it or not that discipline and reprimand is determined to put a clear message in the individual that their actions are unacceptable. I recall many times when I had did wrong and my dad would put me over the hump of the couch, pull down my pants and bare ass lay into me with the belt, and it hurt life hell and was painful! at the time I didn’t ever think any more terrible about my father, because my dad showed and expressed love to me, but he did it by sharing with me the scriptures and the reality of God.

These lgbtq folks dont know a damn thing about nothing but pleasure and acceptance. Its all a charade and a circus act to entertain the world while they corrupt and please the sick pathetic wastes that are feeding them.

I am talking a bit out of my ass, and its merely observation but the narrative Ive depicted is not necessarily far off the mark. We are losing ourselves in amidst of trying to please and adhere to a group or class of people that have no intention of recovery but are determined to live in this physical life without any interaction with the one true God.

It took me years of my life to get where I am at with my relationship in God,, it is not a quick fix or a miracle of instantaneous transformation as one might have you believe. It takes work and dedication much like anything else, but it is worth the effort and the interest.

I think Ive lost myself from the initial point of this article and that was to expose Michigan State University of their dirty deeds and I do hope some of what I have said does enlighten or make you aware, because that school has in itself the ability to do a great deal of good, but it also has in it the work of doing a great evil, and from what I can see its choosing the later.

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Sega wants me to participate in a survey, but….

So I was delivered a message by Sega themselves to participate in a study for their games. I was a bit excited because I do indeed love Sega games, but when I got to the end of it I realized it was nothing at all. They asked me pick a number between 1 and 10, randomly, and I choose the wrong number. I can only wonder what number they wanted to see. IF you are curious what number I choose it was 8. I dont know, I didn’t put any thought or actual intention into it, I just picked a number and ran with it.

I like that they included me, its just unfortunate that I didn’t get to participate. I would love to work and share my thoughts and ideas with them, I think I could help them better distribute and make video games.

See my history with Sega is a long one, and it started when I was a small child. I did get inside a instruction booklet a card with the intent to share my information, so that I might be involved with them. And you wouldn’t believe it, but Sega did indeed deliver! because that store bought game got me a subscription to Sega Visions magazine.

And believe it or not, back then magazines where actually a cool thing and something fun to look forward to, back in the day. I would love the excitement of going to the mailbox to see a gaming magazine delivered.

And it was with that ambitious effort from Sega that it drilled into me, that they are a company that does indeed love their fans and consumers.

And they do make fun games, without question!

I just thought it was silly of them to have a gimmick like this where they would include a number as a portal into the feedback forum, or whatever event might be introduced to me.

Well that is all I got for you today, thanks for reading as always!

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RIP Big Lenny

My thoughts and prayers and condolences go out to all the Delray misfits! I enjoyed their youtube content from the beginning and it always brought me a sense of encouragement to find a new video upload. I really do hope to get out there to Florida sooner than later, and meet some of these legends Ive always watched over the internet.

Big lenny was one of the funniest, and he had this brash and unapologetic authenticity about him, he could turn any situation into hysterics. A big heart and a disturbing lifestyle that I am better not knowing about,

I lift some iron tonight in honor and memory of the legend big lenny!

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4bidden Knowledge cult? divisive tool to deceive others?

I am constantly being brought to this man web site and his content. Him being from wealth and status has much more influence and control than myself. Hell, I am not even sure that my web page is being live around the world. Deception and tactics to misalign and misconstrue information is being more and more prevalent.

From the beginning of time man, woman, child, earth, world etc. is in a mystery of the creation of earth. But we have it laid it out in detail perfectly in the Bible. Its a book that has suffered much aggression and critical reception because well frankly, this world operates and is under a lot of sin and demonic influence, so yes satan is still stirring a mess.

So my life I have been battling against self, family, friend, foe etc. and now I have finally made up my mind that the Bible is indeed the real deal! and now I am conflicted with all this talk of forbidden knowledge and their exploits of Egypt and other information that will contradict the christian faith.

I really do hope that Christians will be able to come together and be able to respond and deal with this, because this person is influencing people. And it is in source dealing with Biblical physical instruments.

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Sam Brown for Senate

With most of the posts and things I have been saying here it is a relief today to actually be posting about something positive and uplifting.

Today I am speaking about an incredible individual who goes by the name of Sam Brown. He is a veteran of war, he has served and Faught for this country. His bravery and determination have made me speak out especially.

What most touched me about his story is his faith and dedication to God.

I don’t think any true leaders can provide the hope and leadership necessary for this life without God at the helm of the ship. We are messy and downright selfish creatures, it is in our nature. It takes very careful and dedicated reading to the scriptures of the bible to understand and know what is actually happening and going on with the human heart.

So if you can and are willing to help consider clicking this link and offering a contribution of any amount to help him run for senate.


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antiviper hard at work…

Some new and incredibly brutal straightforward brutality coming forward without fault, and a message that is bargaining with your position and point in society. You cant hide in your sin and scum all your life, sooner or later its going to neeed to be exposed. Healing can begin when you offer up up the muck, and in return you take up your cross. Blessings and a brutality! this is getting me motivated!

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humble but ignorant and stupid

The vulgarity and messages I have been putting out are offensive on purpose, I dont want to hide behind curtails or lies. I want everything to be frank and blunt, because for most of what I perceive and am exposed to on a regular basis be it overtly or otherwise inhibited. It is real, and it does exist.

I do need to taper down on my tongue and my appetite. Additionally I do want to make better peace. But it seems like its all falling on deaf ear.

I am seriously surprised this rock still orbits and Jesus has not made His grand entrance. One can only hope and pray.

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no politics, religion or any opinion that is contrary to the majority

Dont you dare disagree with me! and definitely don’t say anything that might offend me or my friends and their tight little ass holes.

The internet and most people for that matter are just not worth my oxygen anymore. I am learning that being alone is the greatest gift known to man.

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Fund Ukraine = American shame

пам’ятайте, люди, мішки грошей, Байден і Шиллінскі повинні вести війну. Нехай наші бездомні вбивають себе державними ліками, які виробляють і розповсюджують наймогутніші наркодилери світу.

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White people trying to erase black history?

I keep seeing groups recommended to me from facebook for “black pride”, “black power” etc.

and it occurred to me after seeing one of their images, that it seems the narrative being portrayed from most of these communities is that a.) white people are evil and most of all not equal, and b.) white people are trying to erase black history.

So I thought it would be convenient to alter and edit one of their images to show to me, how I see black pride.

Im most of all remembering my recent bunkie in jail, a black man or atleast a mixed black man. I would like to make mention that all of the african american men I shared the unit with were respectful and we all got along. I am not trying to make hate against hate here. I am just trying to make a point! all people are capable of evil and injustice.

Martin Luther King JR is somebody of whom I admire not because of the color of his skin, but because of his character and his dedication not only to God and the bible but ALL human beings.

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League of Legends Patch Preview 14.20

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is MSU a liberal school?

The question I am asking is Michigan State University a liberal or left leaning college/school?

Well I am a subscriber to “the State News” and literally every email I get from them has an ad about voting with kamala and Harris celebrating.

Not to mention let’s take a look at East Lansing as a whole….

Once again I am asking is Michigan State University a left/democrat/liberal college?

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biblical codes

The Bible code (Hebrew: הצופן התנ”כי, hatzofen hatanachi), also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of encoded words within a Hebrew text of the Torah that, according to proponents, has predicted significant historical events

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Let me make myself clear

This web page has been my life and my home for the better if not most of my life. I am well aware the discrepancies between my interests and my theology, but I have been traveling and walking this earth just like any other man, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that you will hypocrisy or contradictions.

But you see the difference between a christian mind and a atheist mind? is that without Christ we are ultimately the most wicked and wasted scum. The dirt and rot of this earth belong to the devil, and that is how it will always be.

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.Matthew 16:18

See for most of my life Ive been a “christian” by affiliation, but anything but a living example of the church, and the body of believers.

My lifestyle took a dark and disturbing turn in my mid to later years. And that is when I started to get more invested in death then Christianity.

This sick relationship between having nasty habits and bad behavior while also proclaiming and living as a christian has been a terrible and confusing ball of wax.

That fortunately, with both prayer and bible reading I was able to actually figure out and rationalize for myself. But it wasn’t overnight, and it didn’t happen spontaneously it has been a hard arduous battle.

But please do not look to me as anything special, because I am just like you…. but now Im saved and delivered by the grace of God. And Christ is alive and living in me. I am happy better today because now I can live my life as intended and now its on God’s watch, and not man.

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Thanks for the ban Twitch

the next best course of action is making your platform completely exclusive and and private for homos and trannys.

Hope you all love the company of confused and mentally ill people all bent up on kinky and abusive sex practices demonstrated by the community that brought it best.

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