Scrapper 2013 – movie review, spoilers included

I find movies like this particularly interesting not because of the actual style or presentation, but more to do with the psychology of the character, in this case Hollis Wallace  (Michael Beach in the real life – third watch tv series) who makes a living picking scrap metal, and then trading it in for money. You don’t get much of any kind of backstory on him, he is a mystery, and it seems anyone who manages to intersect into his private life, will tell you ahead of time, that he far from an open book.

He has mother living with him, and they have a nurse/baby sitter type, who watches his mom while he is out scrapping metal. A lot of the scenes and scenarios you he encounters seem a little overboard, and pretty unbelievable, particular in regards to sexual and bizarre bdsm. In this case, Hollis finds a girl will change his life forever. The character who portrays the sexual deviance, is Aiden Gillen, you might recognize him from Game of Thrones or a favorite of mine he plays in called Buddy Boy. 
Throughout the movie you get this idea, that his systematic kind of living, and his lack of any sort of human relationship, aside from his mom and their  caretaker. Eventually he meets up with the girl was gagged and tied up in the basement of Aiden Gillen’s character. She recognizes him, and vice versa. They get into a discussion about her lifestyle, and then his defense of scrapping metal for money. Throughout this exchange of conversation, she is convinced she wants to help him scra, and he is very much against the idea. Eventually he is coerced into helping him.
Throughout their time scrapping metal, and her eventually living with him. They develop a relationship. In what I think was life changing experience for Hollis. For a man who is alone, and unaware of his own depression, she offers a peace or comfort to him. 
This wasn’t great, it wasn’t terrible, it was definitely entertaining enough to watch. But to me it rests somewhere in the middle. I think it would have been better if there was a little bit of a backstory to our protagonist. Worth a watch if you are into independent films.
About Trevor Markiv 455 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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