Every once and a while there is a game that is highly anticipated and you buy it just for that reason. Well this not one of those games. This is the second installment of a series called “Dead or Alive” which debuted on Playstation and Saturn. Some may argue that it only offers superb graphics and blatant flaunting of T & A. While T & A is a great marketing strategy, it doesn’t convey the whole experience of the game. This is a must have party game. You can play with up to 3 friends (4 players). The single player experience is short lived and can leave you feeling empty because of the games main downfall. No extras.
DoA2 is a work of art. The character designs are incredible. Some may argue that they aren’t as good as Soul Calibur. I would have to disagree. Each character is very intricately detailed. Facial features are very life-like. In Soul Calibur the characters were just as good but their eyes would blink unaturally.You have 12 characters to select from. Kasumi, Ein, Jann Lee, Tina, Bass, Zack, Lei Fang, Helena,Ayane,Hayabusa,GenFu, and Leon. (And random select for all of you cocky players) There is one boss who isn’t selectable. You’re not missing much by not playing as him. Each character has his or her own voice actor. All voices are in Japanese and subtitled. (Good idea). DoA2’s characters all have a rhythmic flow to their stances. Lei Fang especially. Her fighting stance is somewhat mesmerizing. Loose clothing flows seamlessly with each and every move, while tight fitting clothing is portrayed so smooth and shapely. At the selection screens each character has at least 2 outfits while some have up to 5. All characters are nicely animated in real-time as you select their outfits. This is option is set to off which is the default for the game’s original startup.
DoA2 has beautiful 3D environments and multi-tiered levels. You can start out on a cliff and end up in a cave. Not every level is multi-tiered. Some levels have extras such as breakable windows, pillars, and electrified barriers. When an opponent is knocked into an electrified barrier, extra damage is inflicted. Only one level is available for one player tag team. This could be described as the danger level.
DoA2 offers a wealth of options for each game mode. As well as general configuration.
Story- Story mode features a series of about 6 fights that have beautifully cinema cut scenes here and there. Then there is the cheesy end boss (cliche). And a somewhat lackluster ending. The endings still look nice though.
Sparring-practice mode. This mode takes place on the danger stage. Doesn’t have a command list.What a pain?
Versus/2 player-self explanatory.
Tag Team-This is the game’s best feature. You pick your two characters and you fight a series of 5 fights. Pretty simple but fun. You can tag in and out at any time. A tag is only interrupted if your characters gets hit. There are also special tags which lead to a tag attack similar to that of Rival Schools on Playstation but not as wild and crazy. Tag formats are 1PvsCPU,1P+2PvsCPU,1Pvs2P,1P+2Pvs3P+CPU, and 1Pvs2Pvs3Pvs4P.
Survival-Test your skills in survival mode. This mode is typical for its type. Its only noteworthy feature is that once an opponent is defeated you take whatever item that pops out of them for bonus points.
Team Battle-self explanatory.
Time Attack-self explanatory.
Options-Two things worth mentioning. One is the game’s internal run-time clock. And the other is the “Your Age” selection. If you played the first Dead or Alive, then you know the bounciness of the women’s breasts was greatly exaggerated. However in DoA2 this isn’t the case. It’s all in good taste or is it perversion? (Well it doesn’t matter because it sells). “Your age” starts out at “13” because this game is rated “TEEN”. It goes up to “99”. The level of maturity increases the bounciness of the women’s breasts. So “99” will give you maximum bounciness. It’s not gratuitous or anything. It’s actually unnoticeable. If you experiment for a while you might find a difference.
Gameplay – 9
Graphics – 10
Sound – 7.5
Entertainment – 8.5
Overall: 9
Dead or Alive 2 is a great gaming experience. It lacks some things that most gamers would consider a must or a given. Things that are lacking are command lists, extras, stages (more stages would be nice), and story elements. If you want a solid fighter that is fun and great for parties then DoA2 is your game. However if you like ball modes, mission battles, art galleries, and world tours then this game might be better to rent and try at your own discretion. Play it with a friend. It will be more fun.
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