if you have ever played with me in a mmorpg or moba, you will notice that my numbers are always lacking. It doesn’t matter the game, or the genre they are just typically always smaller in comparison to the others. I used to think the devs just hated me, and it was their way of showing that had power over me. But the fact is, I am just piss poor at playing the game.
But when I see others underperforming on purpose and intentionally losing matches for me, it angers me to no end. Because despite my piss poor playing, I do WANT TO WIN. I put in 110% if its a pvp match, I am not doing it to fuck around.
I admit earlier on, I would get tanked and just clumsily foul through games, but that is a thing of the past, and I do indeed take gaming seriously. As I do anything else. It reminds me of my childhood when I would always not allow myself to get too competitive, because when you do, and temper rise there is guaranteed to be some blood on the field, and I know firsthand that’s its usually mine. I’ve had my ass kicked more ways than sundown to sunshine, it’s not a secret, most people who know me have seen it, and it wasn’t a fun experience for me. Nobody is to blame but myself, I aggravated it, and it is what it is.
People these days are too damn insecure, and they can’t fathom the possibility of a physical happenchance, so they entertain the devil long enough, and low and behold they are on the news for shooting up a school, it’s pathetic! I don’t know how I got off on this tangent, but it must be because I was playing arena of Solare on black desert and I come across another warrior, who played poorly, so poorly in fact, it actually made me look good for a change. But the next match I fought him, and it was as if the person had actually now learned how to play the class!?
I talked to people on this game, and they develop such ego complexes because of this. It’s pathetic, I even lift them up and encourage them. And they pry behind their monitors and tear insults about me, to other people.
This game much like League of Legends is a joke! the player base is more entertained with ruining the experience for others, that they will deliberately play poorly so that you have a miserable experience.
I have not once or ever wanted to disadvantage another player in a game. That is the most scummy and lousy pathetic behavior.
And yes, I do apologize I do not play better, I know my numbers are very small and pathetic, and worst of all my debuffs are so low too. I really do need a lot of improvement.
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