A crime involves one person, that in itself can affect many.
Sin is a virus, like a bacteria and disease.
Our flesh and carnal nature desires spoils of copious sex, drugs, tv, music, art, literature, work, working out, coffee, sports entertainment you name it!
I think when we include God in discussions we should also think about ourselves and how much our own free will works in our decision making and life.
The fact of the matter is that the this life, while physical exists internally behind the naked eye a spiritual world. And yes, in that real does exist both good and evil.
You would be surprised how much scripture correlates with not only the historical events depicted, but also how it correlates with our current life here.
Is Christianity ned flanders?
Christians are ordinary people no different than anyone else.
Consider the folks who peddle satanism which only promotes self hate and destruction VERSUS christian media and material that promotes life and productivity on earth until we are delivered over to death, or God convenes Himself and rescues us from this world.
Lastly I wanted to include this video, it really did help me deal with this situation.
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