I know the record has been spun a million times over, but it needs to be said that we as people need to focus our attention on the priorities and goals that benefit and encourage, not negate and proceed with destruction.
If I am confined by man and comprised, yes I’ll play the game just like everyone else.
But in reality and life, I will always walk and behave do my best to uphold and be true to my word and and uplift and uphold scripture. I am not your example of living, and I am not supposed to be! YOU are supposed to be having your attention on God – Jesus, the Christ and Messiah and savior of our souls and life itself. This is not a game, its the business and operation of the world.
Confidence in self and in others is a distraction and a bankrupt way of living, you’ll always be measuring and trying to exert your boundaries, and the devil will play right into this. Its the most devastatingly hard battles a person goes through.
And a big thank you! to Razorfist, for reminding me of Iced Earth… and uplifting my otherwise ordinary and mundane Friday.
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