The idea of suicide is morally benign and the church is expressive in disabling it. They are corrupt vultures that would rather watch humans destroy themselves from the inside out, watching a miserable human writhe and twitch before themselves or somebody twists the neck and puts it out of their own misery. Would you watch while a deer lay half dead twitching and bleeding out, before you grab a rock big enough to release it from its pain.
We offer a humane way for somebody to end their life. This will never happen. And reason is money. Not money for the cost of procedure. But the money that is being made from misery. If this indeed happened. There would be empty psychiatric hospitals, psychiatrists, pharmaceuticals etc. etc. There is the moral particle and the greedy apologia.
Let’s ignore the suicidal, the miserable, the leeches and the bottom feeders of society. After all what is the purpose of perfection if there are not those we can snub are noses to.
Is this an equation of some kind of utopia?
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