Understanding hedonism and suffering

I’ve suffered from the detriment of addiction, not only from others but most of all from myself. Much of my life became living like a hedonist and I didn’t even realize it or refused to accept it. Even today I sometimes let my emotions get the better of me, and I resort to drinking to alleviate the stressors of life.

I would say not until my late 30’s did I even realize it was a problem or an issue. I am not out here to judge people on their behaviors and interests and pleasures, that is not my job, it is between yourself and God.

For the most part I have fully eliminated nicotine and alcohol, and I am not much at all interested in recreational marijuana use. And if you ask me, unless you are harvesting and growing your own plants, I wouldn’t trust buying or using anything ran or funded by the government.

It’s the government that is allowing men and women to butcher their own physical bodies and play God by deciding their sex and gender. It’s all for profit and corruption.

And now if the conflict between russiaVSukraine, or israelVSgaza, and other worldwide escalations of war isn’t enough. We have militant groups and organizations like the muslims whom are killing and executing christians in nigeria. We have the black hebrew israelites whom are separating and causing hate in men and woman’s hearts much like the nazi’s and the kkk.

And at the very worst men and women are at an all time deficit because they don’t even know how to deal or live with the skin that God put them in.

I was broken down after listening to a podcast from RC Sproul, and that is what prompted me today to want to make this post.


About Trevor Markiv 454 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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