
do ya need it? do ya want it? can you afford it?
when I first started working out, I didn’t know know much about anything. I would eat a routine meal of no specific agenda or design […]

Lions superbowl bound? and my life with sports
Its beginning to look more and more like the Lions have an opportunity to another Superbowl. Those are words I never expected to ever see […]

Understanding hedonism and suffering
I’ve suffered from the detriment of addiction, not only from others but most of all from myself. Much of my life became living like a […]

There is nothing but muscles under the sun
Ever heard of Mike Mentzer before? neither had I, until I watched a brief biography of the guy, and his rise and fall, and sadly […]

Are you serious?
This kind of thing is hilarious to me, because HE is having a hard time with the fact that HE is a MAN and HE […]

Corinna Kopf
This person went and made millions on line by exploiting herself and making men fall under her spell. A disgusting miscreant, and a vile wench. […]

Займенники та літературні слова чи предмети не ідентифікують вашу стать
I think it’s hilarious that for some reason people have this idea in their heads that you can just wave your hands and this magic […]

physical violence against 쇠고기?
I’m not exactly sure why but when I think of oriental cooking the first image that comes to mind is rice. Does this make me […]

my issue with schizophrenia and mental illness
I am going to make myself vulnerable and discuss and speak about something that has personally affected me for a long time but have never […]

leaky gut, lectin and prebiotics?
https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/230510a/video/video.php I randomly saw this ad and didn’t think much of it, but out of curiosity I watched it to the end and I am […]

Starvation, pain and support
Я припускаю, що в моєму найсильнішому стані я мав 260 фунтів. Моя поточна маса тіла становить приблизно 140 фунтів. Отже, я втратив досить значну кількість […]

Injuries and Health
Growing up I always admired superheroes and athletes, “strong guys”, Or people with super inhuman powers that could defy the realities of life. All that […]

Pregablin for Anxiety treatment
I am writing today because my psychiatrist will not prescribe me Lyrica (pregablin) for my debilitating anxiety. Her reason for not prescribing me Pregablin as […]

genova gains
Jason Genova the man the myth the legend. An incredible physique, and physique that will never change.