How to tell somebody’s biological sex… on twitch

Twitch is the safe space community for the lgbtq and those whom support them. As I mentioned before gayti_ er sorry goati_ banned me from his twitch stream. Because I said I do not support lgbtq or specifically homosexuals. This is when he himself called me a closet gay man. I continued to then use the bible as an example of why homosexuality is wrong. And he then proceeded to ban me from twitch without warning.

Remember guys, on twitch you cannot speak openly and honestly with these people. They are all sensitive snowflakes and to be honest probably gay themselves.

I started a list of all my twitch bans, I call it my “snowflake collection”. Its all the sensitive and convoluted individuals who banned and kicked me from their streams, simply because they disagree with me.

So in honor of this post I want you all to recognize and remember AMACKERT, KOOLRUNNER and now our newly added invidual GOATI.

And just for the record, you can speak your mind even get pissed and yell at me on my streams. I wont ban you. I might return the yelling and level of anger, but I will never ban anyone from my chat.

this is how I see tranny’s

Just like the real world, I understand and realize dealing with humans is not an option its an obligation. There are no safe spaces in life.

It didn’t occur to me, but I learned that I was being trolled by twitch. So I am making this post to hopefully show you guys how to identify a person’s actual biological gender.

Today we will be looking at the user AbbyJamz

Who for all intended purposes their appearance alone does give the vibe and identity of an actual female.

So at first I didn’t necessarily question their actual gender.

But when you hear and listen to them speak, you start to get the vibe that you are actually sitting and chilling with one of the “guys”. I felt like it was an actual man.

So this is where I started to do some detective work. Take a look at my findings below…

Well got 2 red flags right off rip! I will let you figure this out on your own.

And this right here solidified my initial curiosity.

Please do not send any hate or rally around and try and make this guys life miserable. But it is hilarious, that he still acts and behaves like his biological sex, but he wants to be identified as a woman.

Ive ben in jail, this guy has more of a potty mouth that any convict Ive hung around. He speech is literally the F word every other sentence. I swear on occasion myself, but I do try to actually only use it for a.) humor or b.) a reaction from extreme pain or insult.

I hope you all enjoyed this article, and don’t take me or this very seriously. I do pray that the Lord would open me to love others more and to continually search myself for my own sins and to seek refuge and confidence in the lord. If any viewers need prayer, please message me at [email protected] and I will pray for you and communicate with you freely. I will never ask for money. So if you ever get contacted by anyone claiming to be me and they solicit you, you are talking to a fake person.

About Trevor Markiv 454 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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