leaky gut, lectin and prebiotics?


I randomly saw this ad and didn’t think much of it, but out of curiosity I watched it to the end and I am actually feeling kind of down on myself because I am in the group of people who assumed whole wheat and grains was a good part of diet, and was unaware of the damage of lectin’s in the intestinal walls of the gut. But this actually makes a whole lot of sense, because I do feel a lot of gassiness and bloating from my diet of high grains and nuts. So I’ve actually been doing myself quite a bit of harm, in the theory that I was actually doing myself some good. Its actually a very entertaining and enlightening video, if you have the time to watch it. But in summary he is trying to sell his vitamin Bio Complete 3. Its about $50 a bottle, and Im hard pressed for the cash, but I wish I had the money because I wanna start this stuff right now. This video covers a lot he dives into the diets of other countries and cultures and he details the benefits and longevity of said people. I had no idea the detrimental affect of chapstick and antacid pills. Im sure a lot of people are skeptical, but if that’s you, I’d seriously encourage you to watch the video. This might help give you an extra 10-20 years to your life span.

Now I am both excited and encouraged to find these discoveries from Dr. Gundry, it’s going to me some time to afford a bottle, but I do intend on purchasing it very soon and trying it out. Hope this might be of some help to anyone reading.

About Trevor Markiv 436 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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