Did you know that chess is considered one of the most strategic and challenging game you can play, and its invention was dated back to numbers I’m lazy to research for myself, but if you really get down to the thick of it, battle arena and strategy games are very similar to chess. It’s completely in the idea and necessity to strategize. But I think for the better half of League of Legends it’s been spent on degrading the aspects of women and encouraging players to not only hate themselves, but to hate others.
Yes, it’s not hidden in the details, it’s out in plain sight. And no, I am not going to give you any ideas, because that in and of itself will begin the degradation process. See I’m a fan of video games first and foremost, but really, I enjoy the aspect of friendly competition. And League does try to give us that, but with one undefining detail, and that is in their ability to decide on a objective other than curtailing to the mind-numbingly dumb shit that is this snowflake assembly of the far left and gay/lesbian/trans identities.
Just remember satan is the instructor of hate and the main ringleader in organizing this bankrupt and deplorable behavior. I’m just merely a resident sleeper and unfortunate victim to its benign and twisted formalities.
Anybody remember or know about the cartoon south park? well, that is a show that better paints the details of life than even you or I could think about. Everything in our modern age is becoming overcome by automation and artificial intelligence, even me trying to write a constructive blog post is already in and of itself becoming the aforementioned.
But I can’t stop, and I won’t stop thinking for myself and being a leader in obeying and conforming standard. And that is love, but no not the love that is peddled out by the left-wing circus known as homosexuality, but the love that Jesus preached about. And that is the true and defined Αγάπη.
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