
NAME: Trevor

DOB: March 19, 1984


I am the creator of Devout Craziness, I started this blog or web site when I was in the middle of finishing the discipleship program at the Lansing City Rescue Mission. During this time it was difficult for me, because while I was doing something good for myself, my mind was battling with addiction and my allegiance to the world and my flesh was far more powerful. Because of this, this web site has taken several turns and different routes. Most notebly is in the content and message of the site. This page was always intended as a beacon for my loves and interests. But one thing I started to notice, is that my heart and mind were put into things that where helping the kingdom of satan and not God.

So now in 2024 I am hoping to move forward in a more positive and Christ like fashion. I still listen to Metal music, I still love gaming, but I like to think I have much better discretion and am trying to make my focus more christ centered and hopefully my future content and work will be a representation of that.

DEATH BLACKMETAL ETC Growing up I was always into rap/hop, especially fond of the underground scene here in Michigan. My brothers got me be big into it. Later in life, earlier in my high school days is when I heard slayer and vader, and that is what got me big into death metal and metal in general. Most of my life was spent pursuing and listening to this style of music. It really lead through a rabbit hole of digging and searching. I was so fascinated with it, it got me more into demonic and hateful behavior and a negative way of living. While I do enjoy this style of music, I would rather listen to bands that are Christian and have a more positive message. I know a lot of people think its cheesy or counter productive to be using Christianity in a style of music that is commonly associated with Satan. But personally I think people give the devil too much credit the war is won and belongs to Jesus and Gods kingdom.

FAILURE/DRUG ADDICTION… well throughout my life on this earth, I have had many opportunities and chances to fulfill and perform different roles. My most memorable and high regarded achievements, where going through the discipleship program at the Lansing City Rescue Mission, a 12 month program, that I unfortunately flunked out of towards the very end of it. Yes, I did relapse and failed to achieve graduation. Next was my time spent at the Denton Freedom House in Texas, this was a 6 month program, that I did graduate and finish, but my life spiraled out of control and I was still not done with my addiction. Lastly, was my time at the Guiding Light Mission in Grand Rapids. This was probably my best time and I met the most success and achievements. Its really unfortunate that I didn’t complete my CNC course at GRCC, but the devil and my drug addiction were still rampant.

Yes I have a bad addiction to drugs and alcohol. Its taken 38 year for me to conquer my addiction to Marijuana, Alcohol and Tobacco, and now lastly its taken me 40 years to conquer and achieve any success with complete and total abstinence from a dirty little secret I like to call DXM, or Dextromethorphan. This is a common ingredient in most if not all sold cough medications. I started to get big into this because it was both relatively cheap and I started to see the connection between it and Ketamine, which were both seeming to be apparent help in psychological and behavioral health.

Yes I have battled addiction and mental illness most of my life. Had it not been for God and the bible, I would still be trapped and overcome by not only addiction, but also to the trap and snare of mental illness industry.

My time on this earth has not pretty, I’ve failed more than succeeded, and have played the victim for too long. From now I want to become a victor and a conqueror. No more using my weaknesses but through my faith and hope in Christ, I believe I can overcome and achieve anything that I put my mind towards.

I do sincerely apologize to all those I have hurt and for the continued spectacle I have made of myself. I do want to move forward in a better and positive light. So thank you sincerely to those who still encourage and pray for me.

PAST WEB SITES…. Before all this I was an html fiend and was always trying to make new and creative web pages. I think the web sites that I catered to whatever particular internet source, was well overshadowed by my interest in the fan aspect of web sites. Looking back, I don’t think I ever had the attention span to watch dragon ball or other anime, with the exception of Vampire Hunter D, MD Geist, Fist of the North Star… the emerging vintage class of animation, that is now officially devoid in the current anime circuit. I do not consider myself a fan of anime, the animation style today is lacking in my opinion. And I think that its influence on western culture is kind of disgusting. This is not to say there are not a handful of creative and great titles, but I think the majority all come from the 80’s to 90’s era.

That all being said I would like to share a bit of the projects I worked with in the past that were all anime/gaming related. Further proving my geekiness, that I have not completely came to terms with.

Internet Alias…

When I was younger me and a neighborhood friend wanted to be rappers. To be honest, I was never really into metal music until my late teens/20’s. The name came about from a wordplay of the common cautionary stickers on CD’s that contain explicit content, “Parental Advisory”. So I called myself adviseORe.
Various Web Projects… 
What initially sparked my interest in web projects was my interest and love in various different hobbies. The internet was a lot different than it is today. And not to mention for a long time I had only a 56k internet connection. So even browsing simple images took a considerable amount of time, streaming videos was completely foreign and unknown thing. Information was largely relayed through personal web sites, forums and various different internet communities, and even via chat rooms like what was commonly available on AOL (America online). After my infancy and eventually getting a DSL connection, I started to immerse myself in HTML and viewing source codes of web sites and then started to create my own unique and original web pages.
After a while I found it rather cumbersome and really not worth the effort to build and construct whole web pages, so I eventually started using blogger.com and other journal/blog type sites. Here are just a few of my past web pages of note.
Name: Remaining Memories 

About: A rather simple Dragon Ball page, absolutely useless content and most of which was stolen from other Dragon ball web pages. This was my first go at a web site, and if I had a screencap of the site itself it really shows. As I said before I am not a fan of Dragon ball, I was at one point fascinated with the character designs, and the some of the themes. But when I realized it was an expansive 100+ episodes of just poorly dubbed dialogue, and fights that lasted for several episodes. I think it’s way over hyped. And really one of the more comical series.

Name: Sega Reform http//www.angelfire.com/yt/hakusho

Version 1.0
Version 2.0

About: Having grown up with a NES, you would think I would have become a Nintendo enthusiast. But it always seemed like Nintendo garnered to a more family-oriented approach, while Sega had the balls to just put out whatever they damn well pleased. Reminds me of the first release of the Mortal Kombat games, the Sega version included all the blood and gore without a fuss. And if I remember correctly you had to type in a code or something to get the blood on SNES. Plus, something else that made me a big fan, was receiving the magazine Sega Visions. The site itself dwindled into obscurity with absolutely no viewer base, and little support from those that were once a part of it. Still has a memorable place for me. But its death certificate has definitely been set in stone.

Name: Torn X Souls
About: Self adulation at its finest, borderline narcissistic. But in all honesty this site probably resembles the purpose and interest of this current blog, then the other sites. It was a combination of reviews/writings as well as a heavily focused attention to personal affairs in my life. It was swelled up with enough teenage angst, to be taken seriously. This site went through several re-designs but I this was the only image I could find of it. So, deal with it!