Women run gaming

This is proof that females’ are the dominant equator in gaming. This girl stream’s no less than 12 hours a day. And she gets regular donations, bits and subs. I have no idea if they have a patreon or other ulterior ways to make money, but I can only assume that they do.

She is extremely condescending and rude in her streams. Very pretentious.

I liked them initially, but after being scolded for asking simple questions, or being berated for a compliment. I understand they are both delusional and a bitch.

Imagine that too putting in over 12 hours a day to a game like diablo, no wonder these games are so damn grind heavy, when people are literally living on the game. She gets paid, she isn’t a real gamer, just another leech like the rest.

My stats after streaming over 8 hours 2 days in a row, was 1 viewer and 1 chatter. And the chat was graphic artists or spammers.

About Trevor Markiv 455 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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