Who said I only listen to death metal?

I guess since instagram wants to recommend me some great thrash I will in return recommend it to you here on this very webpage.

Here we have a band by the name of FreaKings, and the album is amptly titled “Rise of Violence”. I think I might even like this more than the last selection I found.

My knowledge and background with thrash dates back to mainly the most known and discussed bands. But with exception Ripping Corpse, Exhorder, Dark Angel, Vengeance Rising, Seventh Angel and Sacrament. As far as christian is concerned I definitely hold Deliverance “what a joke” up in high regard, alongside Living Sacrifice -Self Titled.

I really think to explore and make the genre grow would be much of what Vengeance Rising and Testament have done and start imparting different elements of death and thrash.

All in all though, I really do love this more traditional old school approach with the clean singing, er screaming!

God bless everyone, and remember Christ is king! love your neighbor as yourself. And if you beat your wife, you are indeed a coward and will get your snout kicked in by a better man sooner or later. That being said dont let an old slag get too snippy on the liquid and cause a fuss, just call the cops and let them disperse the mess.

About Trevor Markiv 466 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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