Throughout history one thing has always been true, that suicide is something that happens and will continue to happen. I can recall 3-4 times where I seriously tried to escape this current and pass over to the next. Its only by the grace of God that I am still here today. Satan had convinced me that there is no hell or heaven, and that the human is void and absent of a soul or spirit.
I suppose this post came to me when I had heard about a celebrity couple who said they died of carbon monoxide in their house. And now I am seeing a string of other celebs dying of whom are all relatively young.
Just to give you some perspective my grandparents now are in 80s approaching 90s. My grandma on my dad’s side died in her 90s and my great grandma passed away in her late 90s. This piece of information gives me weight and reason to believe the average human lives up into this age.
When I see and hear about people dying in 50s and 60s … and especially 40s and younger! I myself will be celebrating my 41st birthday this coming march. And I have seriously taken advantage of this human husk and have been disobedient to my holy temple. It’s not until the recent years that I quit smoking, and almost all together have given up on drinking. Do I enjoy tobacco and alcohol anymore? not really. Fact of the matter is, God has pretty much taken the thirst and desire for these things pretty much completely from me.
If you want a role model or an example of living look to scriptures and the pages of the bible, I will let you down and fail you, I am not Jesus Christ.
The nature and role of sin is destruction. Ive been on benders and relapses that could have very well put me in the ICU. I’ve experienced homelessness and sleeping outside and in the woods. Shared the presence and company of hookers and real active and dangerous drug users. The lifestyle and the reality of it is disgusting and shameful.
Speaking of shame, did you know this is a real human emotion? much like guilt. The same with empathy and remorse. The world today wants nothing to do with shame or feelings and human emotion as a whole. And much of the necessity and role of drugs is to numb and push down these emotions.
But this post is not supposed to be about that, but about suicide. The world today does not want us to view or see suicide, because much of what humans do is that they see a person like a celebrity or musician, and they begin to admire them. Slowly through admiration and praise this person begins to take the place of God and begins to be downright idol worship.
We have a suicide problem, but medications/drugs and getting advice from a person whom greatest achievements are a piece of paper stamped by a college or university is not the kind of credentials the Lord is impressed with.
much more bible verses detailing and discussing the spirit and soul. This human husk we walk this dirt with is only the vehicle of our spirit and soul. I remember reading details about this in various books from the late Chinese author Watchman Nee. I think the books were “the release of the spirit” and especially the large book, “the normal christian life”.
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