observation and perspective

It wasn’t made aware to me, until I actually took a moment to evaluate myself and see the highly critical judgments I make, and all the while having myself openly online and being made suspect of the same things that I judge and analyze others for. It’s this critical and judgmental behavior that makes me very concerned, but almost a relief, that I have for once been able to see it for myself, from myself and not just the brash or offensive word of another person.

I think I have been being not hard enough on myself and have never been able to fully embrace my strengths and develop and help my weaknesses. It’s very easy for others to be some overt and forward with their intentions and me disregard their kindness and generosity and pursue selfish motives instead. But much like anyone else, it is up to the individual to change, it must come from within themselves, and nobody can make that choice for them.

I am 40 years old and while I don’t feel like I have much to say for myself, I do have a long laundry list of things that I need to do and accomplish. One thing I know for certain is that this time around, while I don’t have a lot of personal physical support, like before; whereas now I have the dependence and support of God, of whom I trust and rely with all my body, soul, spirit and mind.

Whatever circumstance, whatever hardship or struggles I confront, I do know that the scriptures and the life of the apostles and the living breathing Christ are strength and enough for me.

I write these words with hope and desire that they will resonate and stick with me, for many years to come. And I hope maybe they will help you as well.

About Trevor Markiv 441 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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