Very interesting

The host of sky news Australia is no doubt a woman, but the person she is talking to is guess what? also a woman.

You cannot take chemicals and drugs and have surgeries and declare yourself a female. The same goes for a male.

I understand cases of hemihedrites, to the extent that they do exist, but not any elaborate studying of them.

Do you know the kind of shit men have to deal with? and the kind of shit women have to deal with?

They are two distinct and different sexes, we need to make things simple and not complicate and waste money and resources on mutating humans into science projects, to prove that God made you as YOU ARE.

I spoke to my dad the other day and it reminded me of the movie Juno.

I liked the movie; I thought it was good at the time… nothing really stuck in my head other than the fact I thought that Ellen Page was attractive.

So, it shocked me when I found out that Ellen Page is now Elliot Page.

It’s over and done with now, this whole world has gone corrupt and delusional, and I am pissed off to no end. You are a woman! you have your pro and con just like men have theirs, there is no debate or battle against one another.

God made people in His image, and he is the master creator.

You cannot use chemicals and drugs and surgeries from doctors and then declare yourself as an opposite sex, this is terrible.

And now we have the wreckage in professional sports. And the situation of whether a man or a female or a WHOSE who? is in the which bathroom? and you have kids. It’s just getting to be a huge problem, and the people involved and responsible for making this happen need to be stopped and their practice and profession with doing these operations and procedures needs to be discontinued.

I do not care what your sexual preference is, it’s none of my business!

but what is my business is that the human race is made up of people who are born and made in God’s design.

About Trevor Markiv 442 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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