North American Lost Ark alternatives?

As you all are aware, or maybe not? Lost Ark was just released October 7th at 2pm (KST) in Korea. For the uninformed, Lost Ark is a very appealing action (think diablo-esque) oriented MMORPG. There are already numerous ways for North American and Global players to play this game in its native language, but I myself am not willing to spend the money and time to tackle the huge language barrier. So with this all in mind, it has me curious what does the North American gamer have to satiate their hunger for a new MMO that promises entertainment on the scale of a game like Lost Ark. So I’ve included here, my top contenders.


Fractured is the first open-world sandbox MMORPG mixing action combat with fully interactable environments, appealing equally to lovers of competitive and cooperative gameplay. Jump right into the fray from day one. Defeat your enemies through your own skill and cleverness, not equipment or level. Gather resources, craft, trade and venture into legendary travels as a solitary hero, or start a settlement with your guild and grow it into the next empire. -via official web page

That sounds very appealing, particularly defeating your enemies through your own skill and cleverness. The screen shots and video also have some impressive visuals. Fractured is going into Alpha 1 testing come December 2018. Players that get to test this game exclusive to Kickstarter backers. That being said you can expect a couple months for an official release.



Inspired by the original sandbox MMORPGs like Ultima Online, discover a non-instanced persistent world driven by you. Build your character your way, be you a crafter, adventurer, or humble fisherman. The first full-scale MMORPG to support community servers and modding.-Via official steam page

This is arguably the most unique MMO to be released. And to be excited I am sure you can all expect this game to be released Officially on December 2018.



Mad World is an MMORPG. It stays true to classic MMORPGs but has unique setting, characters, and choatic and yet addictive combat system combining targeting and non-targeting combat.

Farming, Hunting, PVP, PVE, Quests, Giant Bosses, Item Trading, and other enjoyable features often found in traditional MMORPGs plus something original that we are thinking of adding. -VIA Official FAQ

Looking at the style and direction of this game it has me really excited. It will be ran through HTML-5 so it will not be a stand alone client you have to download. They also mention that because of it’s HTML-5 structure, you can expect to this to be released cross platforms. No release has been listed.

That concludes my list. I did omit some other promising titles particularly Project TL (The Lineage). But I think this list gives some realistic expectations, and not just pie in the sky details.





About Trevor Markiv 442 Articles
wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.

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