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September 29, 2015 Trevor Markiv 0

Depression is a metaphysical ailment that debilitates a person from attaining a livable life. The key emphasis is “life”. For all intensive purposes (I always […]

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August 28, 2015 Trevor Markiv 0

This summarizes my beliefs, or lack thereof. I do to an extent feel a nagging on my spirit to exist, by something outside myself. But […]

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Gorguts – Colored Sands

August 27, 2015 Trevor Markiv 0

Artist: GorgutsAlbum: Colored SandsLabel: Season of MistYear: 2013Wiki: Gorguts never being the most accessible of the death metal variety, experimental and rather unconventional in their approach. […]

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Leviathan – Scar Sighted

June 24, 2015 Trevor Markiv 0

Artist: LeviathanAlbum: Scar SightedLabel: Profound LoreYear: 2015Wiki: It’s alright, but it never really had much longevity. I was big into it when it first came out. […]

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oooooh k

December 20, 2014 Trevor Markiv 0

Feeling uninspired, not dead. Hopefully 2015 will bring about some incredible changes, stagnation is not my idea of a good time.

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whores of mankind

October 13, 2014 Trevor Markiv 0

For some reason I get a lot of fake profiles +’ing my posts. Its not entirely obtrusive, but misleading and deceptive. If I had a way […]