tumultuous appetite

I haven’t entirely found the interest to post anything lately, its been largely to do with work more than anything else. I am experiencing my first day off from work since thanksgiving today. I had this idea for a post, but it got lost and I haven’t the ability to reproduce at the whim. I understand the attraction of this blog will always be from external 3rd party interest, like bands and movies. There might be a small demographic who will find interest in what I have to say. But in life, your worth and value comes only from the validation of others. People are only interested in things that are associated with interconnected interests. I digress. Maybe I will write more soon.

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childhood memories conversation with adult mind

I was quite enjoying myself outside of your heretical ideas. If you want me dead because of your religious agenda, I propose your ignorance to be married with your own hatred. I was found rather absent of hate, without your illogical ideas corrupting my brain. I think maybe instead of hating each other we should enjoy life. I am not talking about peace loving hippie bull-shit either. I mean a paradoxical estimation of beliefs. Perhaps we drink the brew together and interpret what parts we enjoy, separating bias, focus on the object at hand. In a more tangible sense, life is the object, we both can agree by the conscious mind leading my fingers to type this, that I am alive. If I am alive, and life is my conscious state, than it would only make sense, to make my greatest effort to contribute focus and attention on life, and what will help preserve life. 

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attracted to ignorance

ignorance will always be bliss. Man/woman will always find comfort being around a lesser educated opposite. It makes them feel a deep superiority that underlies all human being intentions. We can decorate ourselves in lies, masquerade a facade, or bring to surface this farce.

I think this is one of the most impossibly difficult mindsets to extract from ourselves. Removing it completely, means to abandon self.

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The pure beauty of life is a never ending search. It’s identifiable in the triggers that brain chemistry reacts. A supernatural feeling of divinity caressing the soul. Its not hard to forget the beauty when so much repulsion, disgusting ignorant ego’s that malign your path, tearing you down to their level of depravity. All instances of life that are camouflaged by the malignant and disgusting, meanwhile masquerading in the goodness are the most prominent details to this life. The truly good remain in the shadows, overlooked, they are the failing breed. The comforters of death welcome them into trinity. This life has become crowded by the maligned.

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sympathetic cowards

You criticize, you ostracize, poke and prod – place the blame, on the shoulders of the humans of this race who don’t carry your weight with you or share in your convictions. I don’t understand when political affiliation dictates your personal beliefs. There is a force beyond this life, way beyond space and time that reflects a nature of goodness, whether we want to accept it or not. If you ask me the conservatives are the one’s hiding the most skeletons, and the leftists “slobs” are the ones who lay it all out on the table, they let you see what they are. Though it would ignorant to view as a whole political affiliation has anything to do with how an individual lives their life. I find most views like this, a reverberating echo of my cynicism, an experiential verbal frustration with my existence thus far.

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Martyrs, Horror movies, nihilism and loopholes oh my

I have a kind of love/hate relationship with the Horror genre of films, particularly because of; while I wish to be entertained by excellent cinematography, acting etc. I think my most revered motive for Horror, is to be thoroughly evoked by the message and a emotional response from within self, through the characters and/or story-line. Though I am a fan to a certain extent to some sleaze and gore, if its intention is not to be taken seriously, and its theatrics are so over the top, there is absolutely no intention to involve the viewer in a realistic pretext. I want to clarify this maybe minute detail, primarily with the recent convention of Horror films, absolutely with no other intention to shock, and appall the viewer. At least in the regard of a social sense. That being said, I suppose I had the idea that Martyrs would fit in the later.

Martyrs was able to evoke a emotional response from me, from the characters involved, as well as engross me in the story-line and develop a deep interest in the subject matter. It’s a very nihilistic film, it absolutely abandons social regard for life, all the while deeply involves it self in meaning of existence. A almost contradicting statement. And though the ending does not answer meaning (more contributes to lack of meaning), it does create an emotional response, which to me brings more meaning to the human experience. Whether intentional or not, this could be something esoteric, and subjective from each individual.

The overall premise of the movie involves an organization of people, a council, who is seeking to find whether there are any real martyrs (witnesses) who can point to any kind of semblance of divinity to what awaits humanity at the end of life. Or if all who are subjected to great amounts of human torture and sacrifice are nothing more than victims. They look to the tortured and those at the threshold if they can give any kind of insight into the other side. Herein to me lies a loophole of the plot, that I think is too identifiable to dismiss. For starters they mention that Lucie suffered from battling with an imaginary apparition who would cause her to go into fits of self inflicting punishment, but it’s obvious that she developed this mental degradation through being held captive and tortured in the first place. When Mademoiselle is speaking to Anna she mentions that all cases are “victims” and only 4 could be classified as Martyrs. If Mademoiselle comes to the conclusion she does at the end of the movie from Anna’s insights than how could she not have came to the same conclusion with the last 4 test subjects? These are the two biggest questions I have about this film. I only watched this once, so I do believe a 2nd viewing is in course, just to try and clear up any loose ends in the movie.

But this film did accomplish more for me, than what I had originally expected. With all of the press the film got I was expecting a gore feast with absolutely no redeeming story or purpose to the film. Other than to subject the viewer to agonizing scenes of torture and gore. What I took away from this film was transcendental almost philosophical and less to do with gore and horror. It had the same effect as watching a good drama. Was there gore and unforgiving scenes of violence? yes, did it have meaning in purpose, in some cases yes, in most no. Overall I quite enjoyed this movie. Maybe piece this together in a more coherent review later, but just felt impelled to write this.

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I return

I have been on a long hiatus due to what I would like to call a sabbatical. Yes a pilgrimage through this journey known as life. For whatever reason I have left my absence without any warning, and that was only out of realistic knowledge as to of the audience this blog attracts, or in this case, lack thereof.

If anyone reads this, please leave me a comment. ANYTHING. I want some kind of adulation. I believe it’s deserved.

Updates soon.

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my review of the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast

This is satire. No really.

My biggest frustration with life and believing in an omnipotent being (and I don’t even know why I am getting into this, because this mind-fuck has disturbed me ever since – and I never wish anyone else to think about stuff like this, it takes away from the enjoyment of life) is the social aspect of life. OK there is this obvious superiority in the regards to a human’s social and economic class, there is this developmental complex that is implemented in everyone’s mind in regards to these certain characteristics. So essentially we are weighted into this hierarchy that to me is best related to the more primitive animal kingdom, the whole predator and prey. Now of course we are in a more civilized world and it is not to be imagined in the sense of a lion butchering a zebra for example. So I take this into perspective when trying to implement the ideas of religion in my life and we have these two forces fighting. In the case of Christianity do we suppose this animalistic side of life in the regard of evil, and a birth right of Satan  or did God create us in this way that is primitive and meant to be understood as such? or do we throw out this whole idea of a God and creator and just amount this existence as a simple “primordial slime” and the evolution of humanity came about.

I get these thoughts and ideas in my mind mainly from social networking sites and watching how people interact and relate that come from all different backgrounds and walks of life. We have Christians that relate with beating somebody in the face with a chair, because in their minds the said person lacks the required amount of common sense that they think they should have. And then I think in my mind, well this person is a self proclaimed christian, so he think that his Christianity is OK with the idea of beating up people who have less sense than them with a chair? this doesn’t sound like the behavior that Jesus preached to His disciples. But you see Christianity is conformed by the leaders in the church, its not conformed by the believer’s personal relationship with God and the bible, it is dictated by the interpretations of the church. Just watch and observe how people act.

Another example is “believers” who live a lifestyle that is totally contrary to the christian faith, but they believe and expect a  comfortable spot reserved for them in heaven when they die. It’s illogical to think this way.

Or maybe we have taken the scriptures too seriously. And we are to be meek and humble and try to live life the best we possibly can, and believe in God no matter how hypocritical we appear to those around us. Maybe this evident standard that I have in my mind is the expected standard that I should be living by, and I should no conform. Or possibly it is all bullshit. I think I will be battle with this for the rest of my life.

If we are humans that are nothing more than evolved product of a lesser more primitive ancestor, than the morality we have is nothing more than the fear of punishment for ill behavior. If we are to think that way, than the human existence is a scary place. I choose to refuse that idea, no matter how ignorant I sound. I do believe there is a spiritual aspect to life. I just want to be more involved in the spiritual.

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ghost of the rice pudding mystery bus

Just heard this band by the name of Ghost, they are one of those more theatrical bands with a stage presence consisting of a vocalist decked out in full priestly garb with skull paint on his face, meanwhile the rest of the band is all in dark hoods. The music is very reminiscent of old psychedelic rock and metal, often twinged with a stoner rock kind of feel. The vocals are all clean singing, and I am still in a love hate relationship with them. His range and tone rarely change little variety, it does get a little boring. There is some nice lead work here, and the overall tone and feel of the sound is very nostalgic and appealing to me. Of course this band is a by-product in sound comparison to the late and great Mercyful Fate. The band is good enough for me to take notice, I look forward to hearing their future work.


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what in the blistering hell is this

I look at my stats every once in a while via the blogger.com dashboard and I found my site is liked and linked from the following blog…


I think it’s cool that the only attention my blog gets is from online scams. Ok maybe that’s a little harsh. After little investigation the following blog leads to the site where you can supposedly make $100’s writing reviews and articles for some 3rd party. Sounds great right? well the only catch is that there is a fee to join this, and there is no guarantee you will make any substantial money. So I am assuming that the following blog that linked me was made by a bot or somebody who just mass builds blogs and then draws attention to other blogs, in hopes that the poor sob’s will sign up through them.

I imagine that the blog was either made by the company that supposedly pays you to make the articles, or it is made by a person who gets money from the company for refferals. I know this is all pretty obvious, and it doesn’t take Columbo to figure out. Peace outside!

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Death Metal – the trend, the legacy, the decay

Death metal a offspring of the already subgenre known as Thrash metal, which was popularized by bands like Megadeth, Metallica and Slayer. The earliest bands that I can think of that were probably the main influences of Death Metal were Venom, Sodom and the most obvious DEATH. I am no historian in Metal nor do I care to be, I just want to share my knowledge of the genre the best of my ability, which isn’t worth much, but if you got your wits about you, you will keep reading, ahem… moving right along.

Ok so we have a basic idea of the influences now to mention the bands that really pushed the genre along and that to me would be none other than Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation and Napalm Death. What was the draw to this genre? well it sounded evil and it had really offensive art work, it was individuality and teenage angst more than anything for me. When I was an adolescent I could turn on some Suffocation and feel like the baddest mother fucker alive. Little did I know, that like myself this genre mainly attracted geeks and other anti-social basement dwellers.

 Lets move along to the 2000’s and we see a genre of metal that is chugging along rather nicely in it’s small circle fans. But ya know the dark nature of this music attracted lesser developed brains particularly those of a demographic of human that was socially adaptive but found the tried and true formula of death metal a little too complicated so they dumbed it down into brakdowns and “moshy” parts. See as I said before this genre attracted some social folks, one’s that aren’t afraid to adapt with other humans, so they wanted to compromise the genre of music, for more of the live aspect, and less of an enjoyable musical experience. This birthed what we know today as “deathcore”, to me a degenerative aspect of metal music, but its there and it exists, and though a degenerate substandard, I can appreciate certain aspects.

 True Death Metal still does live today and is continuing to create noise from the bands of past as well as new one’s that spring up from time to time and garnish some attention from new and long time fans of this genre. Proving that though misunderstood by many has a place in the music world as the almost anti-music movement.

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quasi-review of Defeated Sanity, Chapaters…

Artist: Defeated Sanity, Album: Chapters of Repugnance, Label: WillowtipYear: 2010, Wiki: derka derka jihad
The German death metal band Defeated Sanity was one of those random picks I grabbed from the willowtip roster and wasn’t overly impressed with their sound until I listened to Chapters of Repugnance a very chaotic and brutal form of death metal, very reminiscent to me what the (US)Disgorge was trying to do. This is no frills, little distinction from track to track, but for some reason this keeps me interested from start to finish. I don’t think I can use enough adjectives to expound upon this already brutal delivery. Let me just put it simply in matters of regards to musical delivery, vocal approach and lastly the overall package and presentation of the content. Firstly the music as described beforehand is your standard fare of early brutal death metal, I want to say nothing exciting here but it actually does offer a new refreshing dose to the genre. The vocals are standard fare, low gutturals that sound great. Cover and package is your typical generic death metal fare, anti-human art. Overall this album does deliver great brutal metal that is perfect for the gym and/or feeding those nihilistic thoughts of a bleak existence. All kidding aside its a good album, and probably one of the best modern brutal death metal albums I have heard since Cannibal Corpse’s, “Butchered at Birth”. Highly recommended if you are a death metal fan. 
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Death Disco

If I was to single handily point out the one band who has most assuredly kept with my ears since my inception into their sound it would be none other than Death. The music of Chuck Schuldiner and camp is nothing short of a melodic yet chaotic blend of pure genius. To be able to be amazed with every new release and have something be touched inside one’s self is a rare case in most music of today. I can’t really say I was very much impressed with “The Sound Of Perseverance” but I think it was an issue with Chuck more than anything else, it seemed as if the metal genius was furthering himself more and more away from his death metal roots and steering closer and closer into a more traditional heavy metal sound, which eventually was in fact the case with Control Denied. To me what made Death so memorable to me was how Chuck’s growls (yet very decipherable) vocals blended so well with his melodic metal sound. I can see how he could get a distaste for the genre of death metal and “extreme” metal in general, but it is no reason to push away something that is good. I really could not get into the music of Control Denied for that exact reason being the vocals. And let me be the first to say I love all forms of metal! I have no bias, but that to me was what ruined Control Denied for me. Although I suppose that is why it was a completely no band, no disappointment in that I guess.

Scream Bloody Gore 1987

As Sepultura finely put it “roots… bloody… roots!!”, this is what the roots of death metal is today. They laid the blueprints and then later perfected the craft, mastered it and graduated into a more traditional metal sound. I can only imagine hearing this disc in the 80’s during the time of when thrash was the most dominant, this must have really turned heads. I was born in 1984, so I was too young to experience this disc at its inception. I was already desensitized by Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation before I heard this. Probably their least technical release, focusing on pure aggression to expose the listener to a homage of horror movies and thrash metal.

Leprosy 1988

This is the disc that made me a fan of Death in the first place! I remember as an adolescent listening to this and thinking how bad their newer material was in comparison, this of course was due to its harsh and violent sound, and little to do with overall composition. I was more interested in its harshness, it was far more accessible and enjoyable to listen to than Scream Bloody Gore, there was a consistency here that was missing in SBG.

Spiritual Healing 1990

With the addition of James Murphy the death roster changes to what will become the ever revolving lineup change for future releases. With Spiritual Healing you can tell that Chuck and company are more interested in the technical aspects of metal and not just to shock and awe listeners with brutal chimes. This is definitely a progression from any of their past efforts, they have gotten a lot tighter and more consistent. If you were to ask me 10 years ago what my favorite Death album is, it would be probably either this one or Leprosy. I think for those with a low attention span they need look no further than Death’s earlier releases. But they will probably feel more at home with Leprosy and Scream. Great disc, memorable tracks, classic death.

Human 1991

To many this is a lot of people’s favorite Death album, with good reason. Chuck never satisfied continues to delve deeper and deeper into more progressive metal elements, stirring what today many fail to emulate. With this release we have an all star lineup with no familiar faces other than the mastermind himself, mr. Chuck Schuldiner. This release brings more atmosphere more substance just an all around progression into what will become the greatest metal band. The bass playing on this disc a lot more prominent  and the guitar solos have gotten a lot more creative. Alongside Cynic, Believer and Atheist, death metal bands began to experiment with other genres of music that seemed like boundaries forbidden, but Death proved them all it was possible, and further blueprints for metal bands today.

Individual Thought Patterns 1993

In my opinion this is a more polished and refined Human part 2. Not to say it necessarily discredits Human, it just borrows the sound and doesn’t evolve much as was so much noticeable with the prior albums. What we have here is another progressive masterpiece with the essential melodic elements that we have come to expect from Chuck and company. As with Human the Lyrics are more introspective and delve into human psychology, less to do with shocking the listener more intelligent and relatable lyrics.

Symbolic 1995

The ball stops here with Symbolic, this to me is the greatest end all of the Death discography. They have accumulated all of the talent of past releases and melded them together to make this. What to me makes this disc so great is the atmosphere it builds with the direction of the songs and guitar solos, it takes you places, believe me when I say that (and I am not talking about being on psychedelic drugs). I am thoroughly impressed that this disc was released in 1995, it is well beyond its time, I have never heard anything even come close to this since. Allmusic.com says “some of the riffs are beginning to sound a little tired and there is no great leap forward in terms of their musical ideas…”, and I can’t disagree more, because to me what makes this disc so memorable is because it sounds nothing like their past releases. Human/Individual… those both could be compared, Leprosy/Spiritual could be compared, but to me Symbolic stands out on its own. To me this album brings to the table the most memorable riffs and solos, it just leaves a lasting impression on you once you listen to it. The past releases, are great, phenomenal, I don’t even want to place any of them on a hierarchy  because that would discredit the elements that made this band so great.

The Sound of Perseverance 1998

A step backwards in my opinion from where Symbolic finished. Perhaps more technical, and the bass can be heard more distinctively, but this release just didn’t have the same lasting appeal on me that Symbolic did. This is what would soon become Control Denied. Not much to say about this disc, it’s technical and melodic but it just didn’t win me over after Symbolic. EDIT- I forgot to mention the phenomenal drumming on this disc by none other than Richard Christy of Howard Stern fame. Yes I found this important enough to mention, because I think that was one of the more emphasized instruments in this works production.

Regardless of opinions Chuck’s contribution to the metal community is unparalleled, a true innovator and originator of his craft. From reading and watching his interviews he seemed like he had a big heart for people and a sincere passion for what he was doing. He has been a great inspiration to me through his philosophy on life and obviously his music. I wish I could say more, but I feel like it’s already been said and probably better than I can do.

UPDATED: 7-21-13
UPDATED: 8-03-14

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music growing up

I wanted to talk a little bit about the genre’s of music that I have been into while growing up and what I listen to today, and how it hasn’t all really changed much. Nostalgia aside.

Growing up I was into hard rock and alternative music, particularly ac/dc, alice in chains, soundgarden, pearl jam, nin… far too many to mention, it wasn’t until around 8-9 years old that I started to abandon the alternative rock music and started to steer towards underground rap. Growing up in michigan, undergroup rap groups like esham, natas, dayton family and icp were a big part of michigan culture, at least in my social circles. Around the lansing area we had simken heights, and then in flint and detroit it was really booming in this music scene. I was also into hip hop out of new york predominately wu-tang clan, especially the Gza (genius). I wasn’t big into west coast rap, I did like spice 1 though.

When I started my freshman year in high school, I started to become a huge loner and was gearing into that angsty teenage mold. I was in a art class this kid I was talking with let me borrow a couple cd’s, one was slayer and another had vader and cannibal corpse. I wasn’t really that impressed with the slayer disc, but the cannibal corpse and vader, I was an instant fan. This was exactly what I wanted to listen to fill this angst rebellion. From then on till my mid to late 20’s I was a die hard metal fan. I still listen to death metal to this day, but am much more selective, and generally speaking my attention span just cant tolerate a lot of it anymore.

Currently my musical taste has remained much the same, I still listen to a lot of the genre’s of music that I grew up hearing, but now I have added the addition to a lot of instrumental music like godspeed! you black emperor, kojiki kitaro, frames etc. I also like some indie rock like lydia and band of horses. Predominately my music is still death metal, with top of the list being immolation and hour of penance.

My mood is influenced by all facets of media outlets. Whether it be movies, music, books… basically any form of entertainment, I think I have an insanely established imagination, sometimes I border out of the lines of reality. With that all being said I have to pay close attention to what is influencing my mood, whether in a positive or negative light.

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A R T update

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This is just about the only thing that keeps me sane. I got a whole bunch more just like this, all I need do is just sketch and sketch. If anyone who is reading this who wants something personalized done I will happily do it for you. With just an idea I can draw you something.

And I apologize shitty pictures, I don’t have a scanner, not to mention all shot on my webcam. All images on same page, just had to take different shots to attempt to capture everything.

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5 minutes and a briefcase of ideas

the minute I see something beautiful I see restriction, its like an element too perfect to touch so I avoid it, and then through several instances of trial and error I see that perfect beauty again. Always haunting me, always reminding me, to turn from error. But I cant make sense out of beauty without error. Story of my life.

I always had this idea of how to live my life, but now I see it was just voices in my life restricting me, from being the person that I wanted to be. If I cant be me, who the fuck is gonna do that job for me? I am sick and tired of living with restraint and restriction, I feel like I am regressing not progressing. What the fuck am I supposed to do with myself? I am not talking about going off and doing anything illegal I am just speaking my mind. When people like you because you are deemed as a weak fucking coward, fuck that bullshit. You cant go around kissing ass, you gotta be yourself. Why am I using so many expletives? I think to emphasize these ideas, maybe sound offensive. I already know every preconceived idea you are thinking. Every stereotype, everything you think is right, but it just turns out it is something that you learned from somebody else. So really being yourself, is being a culmination of every one in your life that you admire. So if you want to talk to me about individuality than please tell me the individuals who influence you, and make you, who you say you are. Life is is nothing more than getting to a conclusion that makes you better and stronger, and makes you elevated past the bullshit that is the obstacle in your way. Imagine a world where reputation and dollar salary didn’t surmount worth. The amount of friends, the superficial was eliminated, sounds like a horror story. But we all have this imagination of utopia. Some kind of heaven. The objective factor is the heaven we have surmised is a place, that is out of our reach. Never knew my mind lost it long before it could ever save me. I used to remember a time when words had meaning, now it’s just a big game show gimmick whose fooling who? you aren’t fooling me. You aren’t fooling the bums, the junkies. Life is a struggle, but don’t compromise who you are just climb that phallic dick you are sucking. finding out a lot of brilliant people lost their way because they didn’t want to jump on board the american dream. The more I live life the more I realize that it is all about reputation and influence. I confused the human kind with the divine. I let myself gather all my hate and disgust with this world and I placed it on the ranks of a heavenly omnipotent being, the creator of this universe. When I think about the threshold, the tolerance for this disgust, and the only thing that keeps me from the point of lashing out, it’s the divine. I cannot see any kind of beauty in this world, in life, in nature without the recourse of a creator. To be agnostic, to be an atheist, is to make declaration with ignorance. To be ignorant would be to swear allegiance to the human mind, to disregard the possible divine. I do see beauty in life, and I cannot explain that. Something in my chest still does feel a lot for humanity, and this feeling doesn’t feel like it is without an outside connection. I am not here to impress humans, or to act like I have this great idea. I just know it’s stupid to live life without any kind of divine reason to be here. I will not be a part of a congregation that accepts money to make people believe. I will never offer a free gift with a price. the capacity to numb, is death. I will go on as long as I can. But for once I think I have comfortable with whatever my fate is. It’s funny to me how people can disregard human life as mere cattle to the slaughter but then complain about them not caring about other humans. It’s a double standard ass hole, and you either play the game or you dont. The comfort of life depends on the submission of mankind. Productivity is the proclivity of our existence, the social hierarchy of our existence; the systemic struggle to survive, the lower worthless bottom feeders of society our to be crushed and left to waste. I think the biggest problem I can see with this day and age is the influence of media. It distracts us from human relationship, and entices us into pessimism; ultimately sociopath lifestyles at the harshest extent. To encourage anti-social behavior is blasphemy and provocation from the devil himself. In every human being is an instinctual desire to pursue a task, we never seem to question the source of this. Instead we neglect the task and pay homage to pride. Therein presupposes an idea. Nothing materialistic, more of the divine.There is a devil and its name is pride. It lives in the books you read, the movies you watch and the music you listen to. not sure what I want to be the next chapter of my life, I feel like I have embraced the idea of death so much that I have paused myself from living. It’s clear to me now, after affecting the people that care about me, I never want to leave them behind. I love my family, my friends and the people who ever gave a damn about me. I have lived my entire life way too selfish. All I have cared about is myself. I let drugs/alcohol rule me. I became a slave to those things. I am so fed up with myself. I just look at myself and see all the wasted potential. Now I know why everyone gets so pissed off when they see me, because they see what I never wanted for myself. I wanted to be a loser and a good for nothing. I thought I was being some kind of a martyr but truth is I was just being ignorant and stupid. I dont know what the fuck is wrong with me. I hate how I have hurt my mom, my friend matt, all the people at the city rescue mission, mike thompson and all of the guys at the living rock, mike fields, the crosariol family, noah weir…. all of you cared to the extent that you offered me a hand in my life. I forgot to mention my grandparents, especially my grandpa, I really hurt him and I dont know if I can ever mend that broken bond. My uncle, me being such a dumb fucking disgrace of a human being. Some days I dont even like to call myself human. I am not being too harsh on myself. Everyone needs to quit feeling bad for me. I really fucked up and made a lot of stupid mistakes, its time I owe to all the dumb shit I’ve done. I hurt my dad, I know he hasnt been a part of my life much, but I love him, and I think me and him both struggle with the same issues. I said a lot of things that I am sure hurt him and his wife. I hear this voice inside my head telling me I am a pussy for apologizing and all that, but I need to shut that voice up, because its the same voice I have been listening to for so long that has gotten me into this fucked up state of my life that it is in. I dont know if I am becoming religious again, but something has to change. I am sick and tired of this miserable self defeating existence. I want to be a friend to people, I want to enjoy life. I do love life. I am being ignorant and stupid for thinking that I do not love life. Nobody owes me a thing in this life, anything I get is a gift. I have to work for whatever I want in this life. My enjoyment is the measure of work I want to contribute. I need to change. The year 2013 needs to be the year I buck up and change. Stop being a little bitch and whining about my problems. And do something about it. I dont know what the fuck it is that I am going to do. But I need to do something. I want to get into computers, I want to repair them and make money doing that. Then I want to do something with music and with art. Those are the two hobbies I think that I can enjoy and have fun with, plus they are not necessarily anti-social. But I mean to be honest I need to learn how to stand on my own two feet before I even think about any of that shit. I need to walk up and down every street begging for a job, crawling through the shit and the scum until somebody blesses me with a job. I need to shake every hand, smile at every face, fucking be confident and strong and appreciate everything. Never kiss ass, never beg or be pathetic. Just do what I got to do to be successful in this life. Understand that my thoughts and emotions are unpredictable, and that in as quick as I can feel good about myself, it can all change in a second and I can feel shitty. But I need to understand, that just like that I  can feel better again. I need to embrace positive feelings and emotions. Embrace the things that will help me to persevere in life. Stop listening to the negative shit inside my head and start listening to the voices that are telling me to be a good person and to enjoy this life. Hang around people who think the same way. Stop being around all this negative stupid shit. Allow myself to be vulnerable, accept criticism. Stop being such a whiny little bitch. I will keep writing until there is nothing more to be said. I want every thought every fucking idea to be out and in the open. I want to express myself completely. Nothing unturned. I forgot to mention my son. I have not even come close to being a father to him, I just didn’t care. And now I see how much I am missing out. He was a gift to me, and I didn’t want any part of it, and now I feel the remorse and regret of that. I dont give a damn what his mom might think about me, but I do deep inside care about him. I always will care about him. Even when I am dead and in the ground I will care about him. He is my blood a living part of me. I never want him to go through all the bullshit that I put myself through. This sounds like a broken record I know. Nobody rules me except for myself. I control my destiny my actions and everything I do will assure the outcome. I can be whatever I want to be. Through typing all this shit up I am starting to see and realize the therapy in expressing myself. I am beginning to understand and realize all that shit I thought was silly and just a bunch of psychological nonsense is actually working. I never wanted to hear what anybody else had to say because I thought in my head that “I got this” just like every other addict says. Its just stupid. When am I going to learn. And to accept and change. I am almost fucking 30 years old and I have wasted my life. I have just fucking wasted it. It pisses me off. But ya know I cant live in this regret. If I am working a dead end job, I should be so thankful and happy that I have another day to live on this earth. That I have another opportunity to make a amends to people. That I have an opportunity to meet a new person and to affect somebody in a positive way. And that somebody can affect me in a positive way. That I have the chance to learn something new. To be better. To overcome stupid shit that I have held onto. The voice of evil fucking self destructing, that shit has got to stop. I hear all the voices inside my head, telling me to die and to just give up, but if I got the courage and the guts to kill myself, than I got the courage and the guts to live in this fucking world. If say to myself damn I can kill myself and be ok with that, than what the fuck do I have to fear out of life. I know its a lot harder, but to me I donno. I am not making much sense right now. But I cant stop writing, I cant stop letting words come out. This is the therapy that makes me see and realize my worth, my potential. Or maybe I am crazy. I always thought I was crazy, but nobody believed me, no shrink psychiatrist believed me. The fuck charger fell out, I dont think this computer is going to be around much longer. I thank my brother for this thing. All I can think about is being homeless in the cold, having to go through this shit all over again. I dont know the last thing about being homeless living on the streets and now I am forced into it, because of bad decisions. I need to find a homeless shelter I can get into and just work at it. Fuck I dont care if I have to give another year in a program, I hope  I get that chance. Because I want to change. And I need help with it. I pray to GOD that I can have the opportunity to change my life. I hope that I get that chance to make a difference in myself. I want to have a wife, I would love to be with a women and to provide and have kids and  raise a family. Just be normal, have a normal fucking life. Why do I oppose that so much. I dont want to be this fucking loser waste of oxygen anymore. I want to contribute and love this life. This fucking explainable gift. I need to stop trying to figure things out! ya know shit doesnt have to make sense, I mean look at life. People been trying to analyze and figure it out since birth, and we are all as dumbfounded as always. Shit doesnt make sense, deal with it! what the fuck is wrong with me. Fear, I want to wrestle that bastard. Fucking fear you piece of shit. You have dominated for too long. I oppose you. You pathetic worthless.

Negligence to refuse adaptability when it (instinctual sense) would benefit yourself, seems like the biggest acceleration of ignorance. Life seems like such a facade a farce, it all just amounts to total and utter bullshit. And at the end of nihilistic bleak outlook, you get to look forward to burning in hell for eternal torment forever and ever. Or you amuse yourself in the objectifying of human life, limiting humans as nothing more than a means to a benefit, than you can squeeze through that narrow path that leads to salvation. This is really elementary because when you become an adult you figure out (through your instincts) what delivers you to a path of survival. We postulate the imaginary, when we are simplified to nothing more than the rest of the animal kingdom; survival.

Don’t get me wrong it is very comforting to believe in a god, or something that exists out in the cosmos that will watch us and guard us. But at the end of the day, or rather days… we all have one person to answer to, and that is ourselves. How incredibly selfish our species is, we rely on the myths to give us a reason to love our fellow man. And then we

I get exacerbated with the overall legitimacy of death metal music, and some times it takes me hearing something so raw and primitive to remind me of why I got into this genre of music in the first place. I have always considered myself a fan of Autopsy since hearing them in the past, but I never quite had the attention span, something so raw and gritty it left me without much appetite to

I have been wanting to express my utter disgust with life, people, technology, women… almost every facet of life that has been forcefully brought upon me. I have not entirely welcomed any interest in living, other than the strong response to family and friendship, sincere ties with human beings. But the idea of living forever scares the ever living shit out of me, I just wish that I could feel the response to life and live at last. I do not want to be in heaven eternal, or hell forever… neither idea appeals to me. I want to live my life to the fullest extent and then feel the orgasm of death, eternal rest, nothing, absolute blackness.

Haven’t been posting as much, I lost a lot of motivation and have been working a lot so not much time has been put into the blog (For all who read it anyway?). My interests in almost everything has diminished, been apathetic towards life.

The most detestable is one of who rejects his own humanity, in return for something artificial and inanimate.

The psychology behind everything points at our most primitive and instinctual attributes, as if to carry us over into a contradiction of interests. The complication of thinking collapses into a spiral of wasted energy. How do we espouse a desire absent of thought, something that perplexes beyond our own thinking and prejudice. I want to overweight the interest of our simple instinctual desires of life, if I can be met at content without the nagging interest of self preservation, if I can carry on my existence in the contradictory purpose our internal pleasures and rational reasons to strive and exist. I believe I have found the most fundamental and noble ways in the contradictory, the elemental purpose will always nag because I go against its normality. My purpose to exist is in the element of contradiction, in the expectation of death.

Life has no meaning, we are sands in the elements of disaster, we exist because the elements formulated a biological advancement beyond our intended lifespan. Nature and humanity are always there to interfere with the natural causes of life. Excitement in the contradictory, the fuel of delusion is what helps carry us on our path. Engage in the human, entertain the fairy tales and mythology.

A bleak and hopeless idea to entertain, but in the entertainment helps fuel along my path. I am excited for the unpredictability of death, of the eternal rest. I am rest assured in my ability to always lean on its possibility.

There is a distinct difference in horror when in comparison to american and Italian. Filmmakers like Lucio Fulci and Dario Argento, they delve into the gore aspect unflinchingly, whereas most american horror leaves a lot up to your own imagination. In many cases I think it aught be left to imagination, then depicting a scene that looks too face to take seriously. But I have to admit, there is something about Italian horror that really pulls me in. The most fascinating aspect is how far they will go in their delivery of gore. I think the finest example can be scene in the New York Ripper, or even the notorious Cannibal Holocaust, it really does put to shame a lot of the more recent horror directors.

It’s some of a paradoxical mystifying

Maybe there is a god, because I feel in my heart of hearts this agonizing hatred towards god. I feel in my stomach a pit of anger towards any kind of inclination about a god, about a

suspending one self into depravity, but ignoring reality, is a horrific conclusion. Its all associated with the

It is also likely that he sees hypocrisy as the norm and is attuned to delusion as the natural state of the human mind.

That is to say, it will be the result of a human mind, which is already the darkest thing in nature. As Rust tells us in the car, consciousness is an aberration from nature.

I want to give up, I really want to just cease to exist, but there is this “gnawing and ebbing” feeling to keep going, it’s outside of myself whatever it is. This impossibly simple course of existence has always given me something esoteric, invisible but still it exists. I know I sound crazy, I know this will only make sense to myself, but somehow I find it now therapeutic to vent/write what I am feeling. My mood is a bit elevated, I think maybe I finally got the right meds, that or I am excited about starting a new job. Whatever the case, I do owe my life to what I will call God, the God as I understand Him.

The problem with being nihilistic, misanthropic, pessimism or whatever other adjective/noun that describes a general distrust and hatred for life, and for the unanswerable questions about life and the universe in general. It all contradicts itself, it defeats existence, it all points to death. I wish nothing more than the later for myself, but I feel as if there is something that is keeping me on a path of existence, and I would be foolish to sway from that path. Besides there are still many pleasures of life that I have discouraged myself from, cowardly accepting defeat and retreating from acceptance.

Do we construct ourselves around a subjective standard, and then try to infuse objective realities that are stemmed from concrete evidence? I have no idea about what the cosmos have to tell us, other than the beauty of the earth we see. I say this in the regards to the acceptance of God, and/or gods. I think that Carl Sagan had the best grasp on god and the philosophical parallels. I think that through the ages mankind has been seeking a certain civility for a range of comfortable living. Of course in the

I would rather die in a place where your human hatred would rather see me. I would rather not believe in a reality that confronts with my freewill. Instead I will shed the collar that strangles me from breathing the oxygen that gives me life. Compromise, adapt, instinctual – animal habits kept intact. You react out of preservation, but till the bitter end what remains important is the next of kin.

Trying to be profound, trying so hard to resemble something that is great that will impress a imaginary audience. The only person watching you, is yourself. That is the delusion of isolation, you begin to impress yourself with delusion, you try hard to be a part of it all, but you’re left alone.

The antagonizing voices, with condescending undertones wishing to damage ego.

Every reverberated echo of mockery engulfs any thought of sincerity, it is all become pointless to reflect on what is reality. Life is optional, there is nothing that holds us here. Meaning is the momentary delusions we entertain, there is nothing resembling a principle decision to exist. I love the faces that reflect my own, and it is with great sadness I have to leave you. The reality of the matter, is that since I was young I always wanted to die.

victimized by life, the only rational escape is death

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faith, rambling, nobody will read this

Maybe I am not making enough sense out of this, or maybe somebody will misinterpret this and than will fail to clearly see what I am trying to say altogether. Or maybe this whole idea of me making any sense, is just a esoteric idea only to be understood to myself. This doesn’t change the general idea that I believe that faith is something that all human beings struggle with and have the choice every day to accept faith or to deny it. And think from experience I can say with sincerity that when  I choose faith, that I generally leave the experience with an elevated sense of my self-worth and the preservation of my existence on this earth. I believe that ultimately this coinciding idea of faith and the elevation of self is intrinsic to an omnipotent being (whatever you want to call it). I have such a hard time believing in coincidence, and karma. Because they are too damn human, what do I mean by that? well its all just cause and effect, actions and reactions, relativity. For any body to accept that is truth, degrades the human race of any real meaning or purpose. I thought that my struggle on this earth was unique, but it turns out it is not. All humans wrestle with this. Some are just able to be easily distracted by life.

…to are be continued

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rambling about a movie (not a review, or anything coherent)

I just watched an independent film called “the Motel” it is about a Asian american family that own and operate a hourly rate motel in what looks like a poor white town. For me the movie is more about the adage of boy (Ernest) becoming man, or the relationship of father and son, and in this case the absent father. I have learned a lot about this topic from reading the fairy tale Iron John, and the psychology behind it from Robert Bly, also the not so great books from christian authors Donald Miller (to own a dragon) and John Eldridge (wild at heart) there seems to be a lot of connection between a boy needing another man to affirm his masculinity.

The movie revolves around a young Asian kid Ernest, who is like many adolescents clueless to life. (kind of sounds like me, and I am an adult ?!) He meets an older guy named Sam who is staying at the motel, you usually see him coming in with hookers and always has a bottle of some kind of alcohol, great role model right? but in this story it is just what the boy needs. He is caught in living life with his guard up and is not anywhere near allowing risk or chance have a role in his life.

It’s rather depressing in the end, but it does show a perplexing view into the male psyche that is just completely unanswerable in this existence. My favorite part of the movie is when they are stopped on the roadside (Ernest and Sam  and they start yelling to the heavens “I want to be happy!!”, “I want to be fucking happy!!” and Sam shares the Buddhist philosophy that life is a process of finding enlightenment. Every trial and every obstacle is the pursuit of becoming closer to that enlightenment. I don’t give a damn about cinematography, and known actors, if a movie can remind me of this core foundation of this existence. All the while inspiring me, it has achieved more for me than I can say for a lot of higher budget movies.

That’s all I got for today. Merry fucking Christmas. I am spending it alone, but I am OK with that. For once in my life, I am happy, and have no reverberating voices that taunt me otherwise.

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morality is subjective?

I think intellectually, personally, logic and overall perspective of life is highly esteemed in the favor of the atheist. But as far as morals are concerned they must be divinely inspired, otherwise we are only living by whatever idea of “right” and “wrong” we were brought up believing. Which is a bunch of rubbish, because I could do whatever the hell I want. My fear of man is the only limitation to the caliber of depravity I wish to invest. If we behave and act like animals, why does the world get all bent out of shape when human beings go on these mass murdering sprees? they do this because we are brainwashed into believe that we are animals.

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