Gosudar “Morbid Despotic Ritual” -a ritual thanks

Morbid Despotic Ritual | Gosudar

Around this time of year, it’s a good idea to be thankful for what you got. And today I got a glimpse into some of the most ball busting guttural assault. That goes without saying that this band hit me as a landslide, because I was completely unaware of their presentence, before listening to the said album on the YouTube streaming site. Considering the political climate and all apparent buzz around Russia, it’s nice to know they do have some individuals that are creating solid death metal art. I am writing all this to say that the 2021 release “Morbid Despotic Ritual” is one of, if not the best death metal slabs I’ve been exposed to. It’s a swallowing gargling hole but it goes deep, and you get into it.

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Інтерв’ю з Остіном Gameplay and Talk (Український переклад)

Розмірковуючи про схему відеоігор на YouTube, легко згадати AVGN і популярні канали, які насичували платформу. Для мене один із каналів, який, можливо, залишився поза увагою більшості основних каналів, це не хто інший, як Gameplay and Talk with Austin Mackert. Завзятий гравець, який не має упереджень, коли мова заходить про консольні чи комп’ютерні ігри, він навіть затятий гравець у пінбол. Мене захопили його прямі трансляції, які він робив у четвер увечері, а пізніше його активні трансляції на twitch. Те, що почалося для мене, полягало в тому, що я спостерігав за його грою, щоб досягти кращого успіху для себе, згодом це стало активною ігровою спільнотою, у якій мені дуже подобалося брати участь.

З: Що спонукало вас робити відео на You Tube?

Коротше кажучи, мене надихнули інші творці відео того часу (приблизно з 2007 по 2009 рік), як-от Lukemorse1, Дерек Александр (Happy Video Game Nerd) і безліч авторів відео на веб-сайті Retroware TV. У мене було те, що я вважав унікальним вихованням, коли справа доходила до відеоігор, я завжди був поруч із ними і завжди грав у них, а потім також збирав їх після певної точки та експериментував із менш популярними/більш незрозумілими іграми та консолями, яких багато люди пропустили. Завдяки цьому досвіду я відчув, що маю щось запропонувати, чого інші, хто знімав відео в той час, можливо, не мали.

Колекція консолей Остіна, приблизно 2000 рік.

У мене не було попереднього досвіду відеозапису, але оскільки стандартом на той час була зйомка вашого телевізора за допомогою відеокамери, я вклав кошти в один і просто пішов. На початку це було досить гетто, але, як я зазвичай кажу людям, ви повинні з чогось почати. Спочатку я зосереджувався лише на тому, щоб грати в гру та говорити про неї (звідси назва «Gameplay and Talk»), висловлювати свою думку, а також розповідати про ігровий процес і механіку. Приблизно через півтора року я отримав свою першу картку захоплення та почав роздумувати над ідеєю повних записів гри з коментарями нагорі, а потім це привело до ідеї Live Let’s Plays і, зрештою, прямих трансляцій, починаючи з 2015 року. Я Відтоді я був сумішшю цих двох пізніших форматів, з меншою увагою до думок і більшою для того, щоб показати людям, як грати в ігри, які я демонструю.

З: Який твій найкращий дитячий спогад про відеоігри?

Граю на Atari VCS/2600 у підвалі моїх мами й тата на початку 80-х. Вони володіли цією консоллю ще до мого народження, тож можна сказати, що відеоігри були в основному для мене з першого дня. Я чітко пам’ятаю, як мене лякали вигляд і звуки таких ігор, як Missile Command. Великий, бурхливий і страшний для малюка.

Можливо, був попередній досвід, якого я не пам’ятаю. Наприклад, у моїх батьків досі зберігається фотографія мене дитини в сорочці Pac-Man, а мені на той час, мабуть, не було й року. Я бачу це на фото, але я, звичайно, не пам’ятаю реального досвіду з перших рук. (відредаговано)

З: Чи вплинув ваш брат чи будь-який інший друг сім’ї на те, щоб ви зайнялися іграми?

Ні, мого брата не існувало протягом перших чотирьох років мого життя (він молодший), і мої батьки вже мали 2600, коли я народився, тому вплив був тут прямо з воріт. Коли ми переїхали з міста, у якому я народився, до місця, де зараз живемо (Ферфакс, штат Вірджинія, приблизно в 1986 або 1987 роках), я справді зустрів сусідів і подружився з людьми, які володіли Sega Master System і Nintendo Entertainment System, і обидва б мають на мене величезний вплив. Особливо NES, оскільки він був більш поширеним з двох тут. (відредаговано)

З: Одне, чого я ніколи не міг точно визначити, це ваш інтерес до музики, які ваші улюблені групи чи виконавці? будь то музика чи будь-який інший творчий вихід.

Я б сказав, що у мене дуже різноманітні смаки, у певній мірі обмежені, якщо це має якийсь сенс. Загалом я віддаю перевагу музиці, яка є мелодійною та примхливою, часто депресивною, часто спрощеною, але водночас гострою (ви можете подякувати за це всій музиці з відеоігор, яку я виховував).

Музика є великою частиною мого життя, і це був довгий шлях формування моїх сьогоднішніх смаків. У ці дні я стрибаю туди-сюди між хард-роком/хеві-металом та електронною музикою (зокрема, трансом, прогресив-хаусом, брейкбітами та інколи драм-н-бейсом).

Деякі з моїх «найулюбленіших» рок/метал-гуртів – це Zeromancer, Paradise Lost, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Eisbrecher, A Perfect Circle і попередній випуск Linkin Park. Що стосується електронної сторони речей, то є з чого вибирати, і багато виконавців, які мають лише невеликий діапазон продукції, але Адам Фріленд є майже найкращим за всі часи в моїй книзі, тому його речі отримують масу ротації тут. Crystal Method ніколи не підводить, і оскільки я також багато грав у BeatmaniaIIDX знову й чув купу трансу, я чергував і зонувався до купи старіших трансових міксів Арміна Ван Бюрена (через його State of Серія альбомів Trance).

З: Будь ласка, з усією повагою, Way of the Warrior не така вже й «погана» гра, чому, в біса, ви її так ненавидите?

«Ненависть» – сильне слово. Проте гра мені не дуже подобається. Я вважаю, що частота кадрів непостійна та ривчаста, геймплей не реагує, дуга стрибка дратує високою, а візуальні ефекти загалом потворні. Майте на увазі, що я виріс на гладких, відшліфованих аркадних бойових іграх, таких як Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat II, Primal Rage, Killer Instinct 1 і 2, Virtua Fighter тощо. На той час, коли я почав грати в Way of the Warrior, це вже була одна з найдурніших речей у жанрі (якщо не брати до уваги Shadow: War of Succession). Можливо, днями я приділю цьому більше часу, і він нарешті «клацне», але я сумніваюся.

Питання: Чи були «шумпи» чи «стрілки» першим коханням, чи вам знадобилося багато часу, щоб увійти в них?

Над цим цікаво поміркувати, тому що коли я ріс, усі грали майже у все, і ми насправді не думали про речі як про «жанри», а про те, весела гра чи ні. Чесно кажучи, так було для мене до епохи PlayStation і Saturn, коли я вперше отримав доступ до Інтернету та натрапив на спеціальні спільноти для цих «жанрів» (наприклад, shmups.com). Shoot ’em ups є безумовно одним із моїх улюблених жанрів сьогодні, і я витрачаю надто багато часу, граючи в них (і роблю це з 90-х), але я б не сказав, що це було в кінці 80-х і на початку 90-х . У мене були улюблені скрізь, деякі були стрільцями, багато ні.

Q: Плани на майбутнє? цілі чи амбіції, якими ви хочете поділитися?

Просто продовжуйте рубати ці дрова, які ми називаємо «YouTube», і сподіваюся, що мій канал продовжить розвиватися. У мене немає жодних великих проектів на голові, але я традиційно був досить випадковим і спонтанним у створенні речей (саме так виник мій нещодавній «короткий» відеоконтент), тому хто знає, що я придумаю в майбутньому.

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Caustic Wound – “Death Posture,” 2020



(This is my attempt to translate my articles to Ukrainian, please feel free to let me know of any errors, I would be glad to fix mistakes to better accurately show the content in Ukrainian.)

Я не знав про Caustic Wound до цього року, тому я був надзвичайно схвильований, коли дізнався, що цей гурт має явну схожість з іншими співвітчизниками, тому що в них не іронічно спільних учасників, особливо; Мортиферум і церебральна гниль! але список виходить далеко за межі цього. Тепер, коли заплутане вирування членів і подібні звуки позаду, ми можемо по-справжньому розкритися в цій різанині слухання. Щось із самого початку, що є абсолютно унікальним для них самих, – це химерні гортанні, і це лайно зроблено жахливо. Дає вам уявлення про якогось маніяка, який ганяється за вами та вбиває людей.

Тон і атмосфера нагадують мені Butchered at Birth, особливо перший трек, коли гітари просто виють і випромінюють шум і атмосферу. Давайте не будемо помилятися, вважаючи, що це щось інше, але не оригінальне, тому що тут достатньо, щоб залишити його самостійним, і він творчо діє в окремий спосіб, що дозволяє йому стати чимось унікальним і самостійним. З огляду на це, усі вищезазначені групи, безумовно, мають схожість, і це справді видно, коли їх слухати поруч.

Я слухав це неодноразово і дуже радію новому матеріалу. Цей повільний дез-метал справді усуває свербіж.

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Autopsy Metal Radio Show

Chris Reifert is guest DJ on Gimmemetal Radio next week on September 29th at 8:00 AM PST, 11:00 AM ET, etc. Be sure to tune in, check out a mind melting hand selected assortment of metal new and old, headbang, go nuts, join the chat room and generally freak out! Insane times guaranteed for all!
Here’s where it happens: gimmemetal.com #gimmemetal

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Caustic Wound – “Death Posture,” 2020

Death Posture | CAUSTIC WOUND | Profound Lore Records (bandcamp.com)

I was unaware of Caustic Wound prior to this year, so I was thoroughly excited when I found out this band shares distinct similarities to other compatriots, because they unironically share members, most notably; Mortiferum and Cerebreal Rot! but the list goes far and beyond that. Now with the confusing seething of members and similar sounds is out of the way, we can divulge truly into this massacre of a listen. Something from the start that is distinctly unique to themselves is the bizarre gutturals, and that shit is creepily done. Gives you the idea of some kind of maniac chasing you around and butchering people.

The tone and atmosphere remind me of Butchered at Birth, especially the first track when the guitars just howl and emanate noise and atmosphere. Let’s not make the mistake of thinking that this is anything but original, because it has enough here to let it stand alone, and it creatively performs in a distinct way that allows it to become something unique and of itself. That being said, the aforementioned bands definitely all have similarities, and it really shows when listened to alongside one another.

I have been listening to this repeatedly and am really psyched for new material. This slow foreboding death metal really fixes the itch.

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Austin Mackert – “Gameplay and Talk”



Austin as baby

When reflecting on the video game circuit on YouTube it’s easy to remember AVGN and the popular channels that saturated the platform. For me one of the channels that may have gone under the radar of most mainstream channels, is none other than Gameplay and Talk with Austin Mackert. A die-hard gamer that holds no bias when it comes to console or pc games, he is even avid pinball player. For me what got me hooked was his live feeds he would do on Thursday nights, and later his active streams on twitch. What started out for me was watching his gameplay to better achieve success for myself, later became an active gaming community that I thoroughly enjoyed participating in.

Q: What got you into making you tube videos?

The short of it is I was inspired by other video creators at the time (roughly 2007 to 2009), like Lukemorse1, Derek Alexander (Happy Video Game Nerd), and a host of video creators on Retroware TV’s web site. I did have what I felt to be a unique upbringing when it came to videogames, always being around them and always playing them, but then also collecting them after a point and experimenting with the less popular/more obscure games and consoles that a lot of people missed out on. With those experiences I felt I had something to offer that others making videos at the time may have not.

Austin’s console collection, circa 2000.

I had no prior experience with video recording, but since the standard at the time was simply shooting your TV with a camcorder, I invested in one and just went for it. It was pretty ghetto in the early days, but as I tend to tell people, you’ve got to start somewhere. The initial focus was just playing a game and talking about it (hence the name, “Gameplay and Talk”), giving my opinions but also talking about the gameplay and mechanics. About a year and a half in I got my first capture card and began toying with the idea of full playthrough recordings with commentary on top, and then that led into the idea of live Let’s Plays, and eventually live streams starting in 2015. I’ve been a mix of those later two formats ever since, with less of a focus on opinions and more of a focus on showing people how to play the games I show off. 

Q: What’s your earliest childhood memory with video games?

Playing the Atari VCS/2600 in my Mom and Dad’s basement in the early ’80s. They owned that console prior to when I was born, so you can say videogames were basically there for me right from day one. I distinctly recall being scared by the sights and sounds of games like Missile Command. Big, booming, and scary for a toddler.

There may have been earlier experiences that I don’t recall. For instance, my parents still have a photo of baby me in a Pac-Man shirt, and I probably wasn’t even 1 year old by that time. I can see it in the photo, but I naturally don’t remember the actual experience first-hand. (edited)

Q: was your brother or any other family friend an influence in you getting into gaming?

Nope, my brother didn’t exist for the first four years of my life (he’s the younger one) and my parents already had a 2600 when I was born, so the influence was there right out of the gate. When we moved from the city I was born in to where we currently reside (Fairfax, VA, roughly 1986 or 1987), I did meet neighbors and make friends with people that owned both the Sega Master System and Nintendo Entertainment System, and both would have a huge influence on me. The NES in particular, as it was the more common of the two around here. (edited)

Q: One thing I’ve never been able to pinpoint is your interest in music, what are some of your favorite bands or artists? whether it be music or any other creative outlet for that matter.

I’d say I have a wide variety of tastes, in a limited sort of way, if that makes any sense. I generally prefer music that’s melodic and moody, often times depressing, a lot of times simplistic but edgy at the same time (you can likely thank all the videogame music in my upbringing for that).

Music is a big part of my life and it’s been a long journey forming my current-day tastes. These days I find myself bouncing back and forth between hard rock/heavy metal and electronic music (particularly trance, progressive house, breakbeats and the occasional drum ‘n bass).

Some of my current “all-time favorite” rock/metal bands are Zeromancer, Paradise Lost, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Eisbrecher, A Perfect Circle and Linkin Park’s earlier output. For the electronic side of things, there’s so much to pick from and a lot of artists that only have a small range of output, but Adam Freeland is pretty much the greatest of all time in my book, so his stuff gets a ton of rotation here. The Crystal Method never fails, and since I’ve also been playing a lot of BeatmaniaIIDX again and hearing a bunch of trance, I’ve been rotating and zoning out to a bunch of older trance mixes by Armin Van Buuren (via his State of Trance album series).

Q: Please with all due respect, Way of the Warrior is not that, “bad” of a game, why the hell do you hate it so much?

Hate” is a strong word. That said, I do not like the game very much. I find the framerate inconsistent and choppy, the gameplay unresponsive, the jump arc irritatingly tall, and the visuals generally ugly. Keep in mind I was raised on smooth, polished arcade fighting games, like Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat II, Primal Rage, Killer Instinct 1 and 2, Virtua Fighter, among others. By the time I got around to playing Way of the Warrior, it was already one of the goofiest things in the genre (Shadow: War of Succession aside). Maybe one of these days I’ll put more time into it and it’ll finally “click”, but I doubt it.

Q: Were “shumps” or “shooters” a first love interest, or did it take you a lot of time to get into them?

That’s interesting to ponder, because when I was growing up, everyone played just about everything, and we didn’t really think of things as “genres” so much as whether the game was fun or not. It was honestly like that for me until the PlayStation and Saturn era, where I first gained access to the internet and stumbled upon dedicated communities for these “genres” (for example, shmups.com). Shoot ’em ups are absolutely one of my favorite genres today and I spend an excessive amount of time playing them (and have since the ’90s), but I wouldn’t say that was the case in the late ’80s and early ’90s. I had favorites all over the place, some were shooters, many were not.

Q: Future plans? goals or ambitions you want to share?

Just keep chopping away at this wood we call “YouTube”, and hope my channel continues to grow. I don’t have any major projects off the top of my head, but I’ve traditionally been pretty random and spontaneous with the things I create (that’s how my recent “shorts” video content came to be), so who knows what I’ll come up with in the future.

Gameplay and Talk – YouTube

Austin (@GameplayAndTalk) / Twitter

amackert – Twitch

Gameplay and Talk



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Panzer Dragoon Sega Saturn Review

Panzer Dragoon (1995)

Sega Saturn

panzer dragoon


Hey pencil neck! it’s me talking here, your punk son of a bitch! get a grip kid, you got to get quicker on the thumbs, if you want to smash through this game. Panzer Dragoon is an amazing and stellar story of a guy and his motherfucking dragon. These two go on a adventure and they do not give up. This shit goes to heaven! You want to fly through the skies and enjoy some of the most orgasmic music, then buckle up buddy because Panzer Dragoon started it first! this game gets all the accolades, and for good reason. I’m not talking cheap gimmicks or go-carts; I’m talking about talking about riding on the back of a motherfucking dragon bitch!

Let’s get our feet heated really quick with the gameplay, you are on a ride, and let me tell you, this is a ride. Yes, I am talking about flying through skies and your imagination is no limitation they really speeded out a beautiful landscape for you to travel through. It’s got its mechanics and it does make you work and think about you are going to do.

For me it is the music that really drives it for me. It’s some of the greatest sounds and music you will ever hear, and it goes together so well. I just love the combination it has. Its breathtaking really.

As you sour through the skies you will encounter epic bosses and battles that will make you have to turn in every direction to shoot and kill and eliminated the shit that is trying to KILL you. It’s fun, and it gets your motor mechanics working really well, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of that.

I love the art and the style and design; I just cannot get over it. How this is the greatest game to exist on the Saturn console. I hope this will get you even more excited for the sequels to come. And I hope you saved your money, because goddammit this shit is going to get expensive. God bless you Sega, for this masterpiece.

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Embrace of Thorns Interview -Entropy Dynamics

Without much delay, they have delivered to me the answers to some of my most pressing questions. This release of Entropy is a signal of the atmosphere for sure. I think this is a powerful discussion and I hope you will enjoy. And yes, I will introduce a new page specifically for interviews.

embrace of thorns

First of all, how the hell are you, anyway? considering the social and political climate in the European disaster that is happening, it goes without saying.

A, Thanks for having us again. We have just come back home from a show in central Greece, we did a local festival there. This is the second show we played since the whole pandemic thing ensued. Regarding climate, I don’t really feel like discussing inflation, fuel shortage, energy crisis etc. . It seems like an endless downward spiral, let alone history tends to repeat itself. Regarding the band during the COVID crisis, we suffered the cancellation of a festival appearance and we saw a tour going down the drain, eventually also getting canceled. We try to stay afloat. Entropy Dynamics, which is the upcoming album, was recorded a year ago. In the meantime, we released an Ep. Needless to say, that I don’t have any grandiose expectations when it comes to the near future as there is still turbulence around. One thing that I find pleasing is that we managed to write and record a damn great album, filled with darkness and contempt, totally representative of the Kali Yuga age we are undergoing.

Q, I was actually browsing over your recent Facebook post and I saw your aggression and concern about the genre of black metal, I think you spoke it rather well, and no need to divulge. But it’s with a passing concern that we allow Hollywood to narrate our music? or it be the other way around? 

A, I don’t really lose any sleep over the future of Black metal and metal in general. We are in the middle of a weeding out process (to quote BLACK FLAG). You see when it comes to black metal there is a certain sensationalist approach plus it is a very popular subject matter for the press to write about, as well we are witnessing a generational shift when it comes to who is involved with the black metal scene. I said, in a stream of consciousness style, but rather calmly, what I think about the whole issue. I was asked in an interview, and I answered back. Black metal is a big part of my past, present and probably my future, so I think my 2 cents are somehow relevant. Suffice to say, that this is no longer a scene consisting of renegades and outcasts. Back when I was a teen, I had to make a stand when it came to my choice of black metal t-shirts, now it’s been an integral part of the pop culture. People are making feature films and documentaries about black metal. But this is the reality of the situation.

Q, I’m still thinking about Antigone and that goddamn scene of suicide and sacrifices of humans, its unthinkable this Greek mythology. How much does this affect your music?

A, what is most interesting in my eyes is sacrilege, blasphemy and divine punishment involved and inherent in ancient Greek tragedies, as well as other forms of social commentary. Human sacrifices among other measures were utilized to appease the angry gods. Burnt offerings, such as animals were mostly used and sacrificing humans was considered the last resort. That was common in many pre-Christian civilizations.
Antigone poses critique to the social structure of many ancient Greek states and uses some very interesting symbolism. When primary identity is reduced to “us” and “them,” the definition of justice narrows. It becomes simply what helps “us” and harms “them”. When a leader urges citizens to identify his enemies as enemies of the state, what those citizens may end up having most in common with each other is anger, fear and mutual contempt. Thucydides’, one of the most significant ancient Greek Historians, observed that when a community is at war with itself, “moderates suffered most, because they were subject to attack by both factions.”
Sophocles offers another lesson in Antigone. Namely, that a single person in power, if he persuades or frightens enough people, can cause the suffering of innocents and the loss of institutions and customs on which civil order rely.
Of course, this masterpiece could have taught the future generations a lesson or two. Alas, it wasn’t bound to happen.
Art in general, be it music, literature, cinema or theater profoundly affects our music.

Q, I have had 2 psychotic breaks and dislocated my right shoulder, I need a replacement shoulder, it’s been on my mind to get the surgery, what do you think?
Yeah, shoulder is a flawed joint anyways,please do get a replacement shoulder…

A, as for the psychotic breaks of yours, I don’t know your background and I don’t want to patronize you, but it seems that more and more people are in a bad place and are struggling with depression, borderline personality disorder, self-harm tendencies etc. This should be of primary interest. I am very aware of the reality of mental disorders and very supportive of people who struggle. I’ve had people close to me who suffered in silence. When I was young, I was clueless, I was raised to buckle up and suck it, bite the shit sandwich and smile type of approach. This is of course wrong, and I figured this out on my own, when shit hit the fan in more than one occasions.

Q, it’s exciting your releasing new music, how about Dead Congregation? any idea if they might be brewing something up? {maybe I should ask them myself?}
A, Yeah, they have written the new album but haven’t found time to record yet. Hopefully soon…

Q, what are your thoughts on Ketamine and mushrooms? do you think the world will ever get there shit straight and consider the fact that this does indeed help people?

A, there’s been a discussion since the Sixties on hallucinogens and other mind-expanding drugs or drugs that serve medical purposes. It is without doubt that people get helped by certain drugs. However, the whole drug culture is definitely not my thing.

Q, You guys like video games?
A, some of the past and present members like them. I was never a fan. I am mostly infatuated with music, cinema and literature.
Thats the best of it, I look forward to your response.
I would like to thank you again for hosting us again. New album is going to hit you hard.
Die by Power!

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Abyssal Black Death Metal from France

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MU Legend > Blader > Skills….


skills blader

Earth Cleaver: Enables you to slam your weapon to the ground in front, attacking enemies in a straight line at 1,163% of attack, and pushing them away from the cracks in the ground. CD: 10.0s, MP COST: 109, Required Level: 61 INSTANT.

Leap Attack: Enables you to leap to the target location and hammer the ground, inflicts damage on all enemies in range at 365% of attack and decreases their movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.  CD: 5s, MP cost: 95

Cyclone Slash: Enables you to quickly spin and create a cyclone, inflicting AoE damage at 215% of attack ever 3s. Increases your movement speed by 10% while casting.

Gravity Deflection: Enables you to muster your strength, hammer the ground in front of you, and launch enemies within a certain distance into the air, aone by one. All targets receive damage at 1,295% of attack and get launched in the air. The shock from falling inflicts damage at 798% of attack. CD: 25s, MP: 93

Sonorous Roar: Lets out a Sonorous roar to increase the agro of nearby enemies by 50% for 10s restores 1% of the casters max hp every second and increases attack and movement speed of the caster and surrounding allies by %5 CD:15, MP: 34

Redemption: Enables you to move with the fluid precision, granting invincibility for 2s attacks surrounding enemies to inflict damage at 895% of attack and increases their agro by 50% in 2s. CD: 20, MP: 76

Charge: Charges at the target to inflict damage at 315% of attack and cause stun for 2s. CD:8, MP: 53

Wallop: Enables you to charge forward and deliver a decisive blow at the cost of 30% of max HP. Inflict true damage at 70% of hp consumed.

Last-ditch effort: Creates a shield that increases attack by %5 and absorbs incoming damage for up to 20% of max hp for 10s. CD: 30, MP: 95

Lightspeed Slash: Quickly Swings the blade, inflicting damage at 1,690% of attack on the enemies in front. Inflicts damage 3 times. Weapon skill attacks inflict 50% Additional damage and a increase attack speed by 20% for 10s. CD: 25, MP: 89

Shatter: Enables you to take a wide swing with your weapon tower the ground and send forth a shockwave. The shockwave attacks all surrounding targets at 202% of attack and causes bleeding draining 1% CD:2s

Rampage: Forcefully strikes enemies in front. Attacks 5 times. Each attack inflicts damage at 292% of attack and stuns the target for 5s. CD: 15, MP: 72

Iron Armor: Instantly summons iron armor to protect the body for 3s, protects against 80% damage. Restores as much HP as 40% of the reduced damage. CD: 30s, MP: 48


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Random Update

Nothing too major but I did manage to update a couple of the pages alongside adding a news/update section. Next up is to go through all posts, delete any duplicates and categorize everything. Please make sure to check out the Shin Force Interview, and my review of the new Embrace of Thorns album.

Anxiously waiting for interview responses, so I can post an interview for Embrace of Thorns and one from Austin for Gameplay and Talk.

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Embrace of Thorns The Pantheon I (full EP 2022)

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Disma Earthendium

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Embrace of Thorns Entropy Dynamics

See the source image

  • https://embracethorns.bandcamp.com/
  • https://www.deezer.com/es/artist/9378214/radio?autoplay=true&deferredFl=1#target-item-album-1
  • https://www.facebook.com/EmbraceOfThorns
  • https://instagram.com/embraceofthorns_official
  • EMBRACE of THORNS, Entropy Dynamics
  • https://myspace.com/embraceofthorns

What a bloody miserable well has this earth dug up but a concoction of some kind of mythology or thermodynamics, hell we are heading into entropy! And what can’t be said that has already been claimed from the beginning. These goddamned mongrels from hell or is it Greece? have mucked up one unearthly pleasantry with this aural assault.  The thing about Embrace of Thorns is that they have melded together both the glue of black metal and have chaotically expressed the sounds of death metal. One thing they don’t spare is the atmosphere that is in Greece, that mythological place, a beacon for the gods and goddesses. I was reminded of Antigone when she killed herself in the tragedy. It involves my thoughts into this expression that torments my mind. A hard listen but nothing short of amazing, a masterpiece in its wake. I wasn’t woken up to the grip of its sound since hearing their last release. So, this is refreshing and something new. Very chaotic, very melodic and definitely reconciles the sounds of their native tongue. A beautiful masterpiece I am grateful to have had the pleasure to listen to. One thing distinctly different from their last ensemble.

I’ve entrusted a lot of attention into the inherent and benign but failed to examine the details of the music itself, and with that I’ve been encouraged by a more bombastic sound approach. Nothing left uncharged, this is full force ahead war metal. Unhinged and relying on the melodies that rather impressed me so much with their earlier effort, “Scorn Aesthetics”. It does present samples that I do think really deliver the sound and message very well, I wish they would have implemented it more, it really does help with the sound and atmosphere. That being said, I think this raw and belial way is more forthright and disastrous. The clean singing or chanting alongside the arrangements makes for a nice sound. And the drums are just amazing, very thick and pounding. It bellows throughout the house.

I feel like I haven’t done it justice to say that this release has harnessed the black and death metal capita, but it has definitely broadened its path in that territory. With this release you will get chaotic and ambient melodies all interwoven in a destructive package.



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Stigma at last

Windchimes like a cracking asphalt division my mind is under a considerable amount of stress. I can’t let up or stop. But I’m having fun and I hope this will continue on. Keep your eyes peeled, for some new Interviews coming. And much more, I am just starting to get the gears moving. Hope to venture further into this project. Lots of good things to come.



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unity and peace for all people

It’s been a rough couple of days for me, I am sorry that I have not spent more time on the web site to let you all know how I am doing. This is not something I planned or desired to get so much ATTENTION. But holy shit here I am, and so is EVERYONE. So please with all respect courtesy and guidance celebrate your life and your heritage. You deserve a good life, no matter race color or skin. We are all one person, and that person is….

Now I am running out time and patience, but I won’t stop. I will continue and help and reflect. Just please be patient with me. God bless.

Це була важка пара днів для мене, мені шкода, що я не провів більше часу на веб-сайті, щоб повідомити вам усім, як у мене справи. Це не те, що я планував або хотів привернути стільки УВАГИ. Але тут я тут, і КОЖЕН також. Тож, будь ласка, з усією шанобливістю та ввічливістю шануйте своє життя та свою спадщину. Ви заслуговуєте на хороше життя, незалежно від раси чи шкіри. Ми всі одна людина, і ця людина… Зараз у мене закінчується час і терпіння, але я не зупинюся. Я буду продовжувати, допомагатиму й міркуватиму. Будь ласка, будьте терплячі зі мною. Бог благословить.

I do want to speak Ukrainian without the help of technology. But it’s going to take a lot of work and effort. Thank you for patience.

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MU Legend 22-23

I am excited to announce that MU Legend is STILL active, and it is a massively multiple players for this RPG game that has dungeons and Combat. If you are interested in playing the game. Please look through this information.



MU Legend on Steam

MU Legend Global on VFUN | Facebook

mu legend

2022 mu legend



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На даний момент моя найбільша ціль і інтерес – вивчити та розмовляти українською.

I suppose this is the part where you start asking me some questions?

ALL BUSINESS EMAIL: [email protected]

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Interview with one of my favorite Sega web sites growing up


The web sites are booming!!!!

When I first got into the Internet and using a personal computer, my interest was mostly with using it to play games and perform routines with educational software. Things didn’t start to get exciting until America Online was introduced. This brings the beginning stages for me and where I started out.

Fastforward to a more modern time, I’m browsing through the Sega Force or Shin Force, for the uninitiated. A bounty of content and elaborate details about much prized Sega memorabilia. I was always fascinated with this site and especially because to me, all life really was and is about GAMING.

I really enjoyed the shin force, and I used it as a valuable resource for news and information, hell I even went as far as becoming a staff member and contributing even some of my own content, which now that I think about it, I cannot even remember whether I even contributed anything or not?  whatever the case, I really liked the Shin/Sega Force. So, with that, it’s my great pleasure to get to ask the webmaster himself some questions and get his feedback.

I’ll answer most of those questions……..

Q. what got you into sega?

A I became a Sega fan for life by going to arcades in the 80s and realizing how many amazing games were created by them. Games like Buck Rogers, Zaxxon, Turbo, Shinobi, After Burner, and Golden Axe we’re always among the most popular at local arcades. The Master System release in 1986 was a match made in heaven, with Sega hardware and software in one neat package.

Q aside from your fandom of sega, what enticed you into building and making a webpage? why did you think to make the shin force?

A Sega/Shin Force was inspired by my opinion that too many video game magazines didn’t match my view of Sega. I thought it would be a great way to commune with others that appreciate their originality and creativity.

Q you seem to have a lot of interest in airplanes, where you ever in the air force?

A I love everything about airplanes, but I never served in the military. I grew up playing with airplanes, making model airplanes, visiting aircraft museums, and attending airshows regularly. All flying games are of instant interest to me, beginning with the original Microsoft Flight Simulator (PC).

Q what do you suppose would rebirth sega? is it even possible?

A My vision of the rebirth of Sega is not probable, because it would be Sega making its own modern console and supporting it with awesome software. That dream died with the Dreamcast when Sega discontinued it in 2001. If there was an avenue of rebirth, it would probably involve being purchased by Microsoft and kept as a second party exclusive developer.

Q how did you learn to code and design web sites? any formal education or schooling?

A I used Netscape Communicator to produce HTML, which featured a WYSIWYG interface that made website creation accessible to everyone. No formal training necessary, just a creative idea and the desire to see it through.

Q what kind of music do you like?

A My go to music genre has always been Heavy Metal. I grew up on Iron Maiden, Rainbow, Loudness, Earthshaker, Motley Crue, Accept, Grave Digger, and Yngwie Malmsteen, to mention a few.

the Sega Reform

My first ever Sega webpage


Q Would love to hear about any other sega web sites or anybody else who was doing something like yourself at the time. Really hash this out and give us information on what the web scene was like when you first started doing your web page.

A The web scene in the 90s was young and growing by leaps and bounds. There were a few sites I would visit daily to see the hottest video game news, which I would compile into news articles for Sega Force. Honestly, people would constantly ask for web link swaps, and I almost always agreed. Sega/Shin Force had enough impact to gain the attention of some companies like Sega and Tecmo. For example, Sega gave me access to their media FTP and Tecmo sent me a pre-release version of Dead or Alive 2 (Dreamcast). The best part was knowing that like-minded gamers were finally getting what they craved: a Sega biased view on video games. Fast forward to current times. I’ve been covering Sega for 25 years and will continue to do so, mainly on social media, until it no longer gives me satisfaction. I don’t do this for popularity or profit — I do this because I want to share Sega fandom with others. We also have a couple of international correspondents on Facebook that provide occasional content. The main focus is outlined as follows: we specialize in Phantasy Star, Sega, Xbox, and retro gaming.

That about wraps it up. I am very grateful to Shin and the FORCE for giving us all a whole of courage and inspiration in a dark cold and depressing world. Is it getting close to fall yet?

For those interested, please consider checking out:


Sega / Shin Force | Facebook

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