
Guardian Heroes – Sega Saturn – USA – 1996 – Treasure
For a treasure game this one is actually rather bare bones in consideration of the contenders I have played before it, especially when thinking about […]

special sega saturn stream (original hardware)
hello all saturn fans, I will be streaming tomorrow saturday (12-7-2024) at approximately 8am (eastern time) at twitch.tv/destroybaal

yippee kyeye!
Bruce Willis a man who has made himself a noble man in the media and movies as a hardnosed and brute who is about business […]

My history with collecting Video Games/Physical media
Something a lot of people today are interested in today is media and entertainment, I am no exception. I was born in 1984 and at […]

Panzer Dragoon Sega Saturn Review
Panzer Dragoon (1995) Sega Saturn Hey pencil neck! it’s me talking here, your punk son of a bitch! get a grip kid, you got to get […]

Interview with one of my favorite Sega web sites growing up
A brief interview with teh webmaster of the Shin Force

Dragons, Nintendo and Sega
So Nintendo and Sega are developing a relationship by bringing Sega exclusive titles over to Nintendo consoles. In this case, it is Panzer Dragoon from […]

Tokimeki Memorial – Sega Saturn
Tokimeki Memorial – forever with you (aka TokiMemo) is a dating simulation game published by Konami of Japan for the Sega Saturn. It was what […]