0 G[27.4] N[4] od[1][3][2][0] e_f_d_p[85] a_e_f[0] c_p_n[20] FM0 CR0 Prmid2 mxDrkA1.71 mxBrtA0.32 mxPkNSat1.67 dr34.28 br6.33 wdr14.77 wbr2.41 sbr0.00 ldr36.42 lp0.0 [f0] 011011011bfalic 00000This is the inside of my saturn contrtoller, I took it apart to get the buttons to work correctly. I noticed the z button was sticking. When I opened it up, I was surprised to find that my sega was made (usa? japan?) in china. Its a model 2 usa saturn.
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