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Panzer Dragoon Sega Saturn Review

Panzer Dragoon (1995)

Sega Saturn

panzer dragoon


Hey pencil neck! it’s me talking here, your punk son of a bitch! get a grip kid, you got to get quicker on the thumbs, if you want to smash through this game. Panzer Dragoon is an amazing and stellar story of a guy and his motherfucking dragon. These two go on a adventure and they do not give up. This shit goes to heaven! You want to fly through the skies and enjoy some of the most orgasmic music, then buckle up buddy because Panzer Dragoon started it first! this game gets all the accolades, and for good reason. I’m not talking cheap gimmicks or go-carts; I’m talking about talking about riding on the back of a motherfucking dragon bitch!

Let’s get our feet heated really quick with the gameplay, you are on a ride, and let me tell you, this is a ride. Yes, I am talking about flying through skies and your imagination is no limitation they really speeded out a beautiful landscape for you to travel through. It’s got its mechanics and it does make you work and think about you are going to do.

For me it is the music that really drives it for me. It’s some of the greatest sounds and music you will ever hear, and it goes together so well. I just love the combination it has. Its breathtaking really.

As you sour through the skies you will encounter epic bosses and battles that will make you have to turn in every direction to shoot and kill and eliminated the shit that is trying to KILL you. It’s fun, and it gets your motor mechanics working really well, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of that.

I love the art and the style and design; I just cannot get over it. How this is the greatest game to exist on the Saturn console. I hope this will get you even more excited for the sequels to come. And I hope you saved your money, because goddammit this shit is going to get expensive. God bless you Sega, for this masterpiece.

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