individuality and influence

(this is more of a hypothesis, and nothing is concrete set in stone fact. I speak out of life experience.)

Our interests and hobbies, things that we are more than happy to occupy our time with, how much of that is externally influenced, and how much of it is genuine. It’s no question, that as humans, being accepted is greatly accomplished by compromising whatever situation you find yourself in. In the case of core interests, you may abandon them in the favor to appease the social circle, you wish to be accepted by. What happens when this is allowed to happen in the human psyche? is it a slow gradual process from genuine to facade? all in the favor of acceptance? is our whole purpose not to be overwhelmed with interest, but in the favor of social acceptance?

Lets for a moment see how much influence has over a person, not through a disinterest, but a requirement of the desire for acceptance. A perfect example of this is in the work environment, the alpha male, will be the most voicetorious and express opinions without any thought. Respect for fellow humans, is only a categorical offense to almost cryptically, subtlety expose the obvious flaws of others. Their predictable ability to provoke offense, is a hook line sinker into the abandonment of beliefs and into the mentality of the surrounding behaviors of others.

Why I am particularly dissuaded to abandon my beliefs and interests in the favor of social acceptance, is when you rely on the external for your comfort, you will find the greatest loneliness outside of contact with people. If are going to bolster the interests of others, at the expense of abandonment of self, than we need to stop as a western culture influencing the idea of individuality. Because individualism is dead, the tides of popularity will overwhelm any kind of real genuineness. This is paradoxical in the sense, that though we desire individuality, we too find ourselves in circles that share a similar interest, but even then we are faced with a dilemma of consistency in self.

It would be ignorant of me to not admit that in our human nature we desire acceptance, and not only that, but we have an inherent link with family. This brings me to my next point, and that is selfishness.

selfiSH adjective (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure. 

 Does the material take precedence over the social? I think that we as a western culture have been thoroughly brainwashed, and pampered to believe that our safety is in harboring technology to distract us from the foreboding annihilation of the human race as we know it. We poke and prod at the affairs of others, entirely slaughter our own military in nonsensical efforts to towards a conquest that is absolutely subjugated by their oppressors. 

Of course like your superiors in the workplace hide the evidence of ulterior motives and potentially taking advantage of you and your abilities. America’s exposure to reality outside of the one they live in day to day, is potentially fabricated by the media/government/national figures who are appointed to respond to any conflict or struggle in the united states. 
a little more on track…
My inclination is to believe that yes there must be a certain percentage of social versus material, because without it, you would become depressed. No one likes feeling like an outcast, or disadvantaged from their peers. Individuality is not an extinct form of identity, but it’s extremely difficult when the sways of popular interest overshadow the core interests of yourself. 

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indecisive bastard

Buying a domain and using its great amount of resources, has become a anti-climatic conclusion, it all sucks; well except for the domain part. I was using wordpress, and found it to be incredibly slow, so I had to ditch that. I tried out some new scripts only to find out that all the themes are in the upward of $50. I would use the control panel, and try out their html editors, and yet again the features were limited, unless you wanted to shell out some cash. And after using a ftp client of my own, all of the contents were a big mess. So I am going to ditch all of the “cool” and fancy features and go back to my roots. That being notepad and ftp. Sure I will lose the ease of what wordpress offers, but in the long run, this hobby of mine will be a lot more rewarding and fun.

I guess this all being said, I am going to still use this blog. But will dedicate a lot of my time at, to create a content driven site.

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Ok so I went ahead and got a domain for the site,, nothing of interest yet. But I do have plans to either a.) implement my blogger to the domain, or b.) go the wordpress route, but I am inexperienced in that, and so  I will have to study up and defeat any learning curves that I may encounter. It was actually pretty anti-climatic upon purchasing the domain and the minimal hosting package, considering I have been plotting and scheming to do this for a while now. But suffice to say, the financial obligation is out of the way, now its time to get to work and make a damn good web site. Of course content driven, and maybe a few surprises like maybe an internet radio show or something along those lines.

I also finally got around to updating the about page. A lot of images and content, worth checking out.

And I did just recently buy the additional content for Dark Souls, so a marathon is in order tonight. More chapters to come.

Fuck em’ all!

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[ART] Cthulhu difficulty and overall flaws

This image is going to be a little more difficult to tackle than my other projects, because of some obvious flaws in the picture, which I so aptly supplied text over said flawed areas. Firstly, the shadow from my phone is unusually large in this picture, I know that the same flaw was in my last picture, but it seemed minimal in comparison. And now for something that I actually could have controlled, but when all you use to draw is with pens, there is little room for making changes. I am going to try and work on eliminating the forehead area completely, because I am just not happy with how I ended up drawing that. The shadow is probably gonna stay. I like this picture because it was completely off the top of my head, I used absolutely no references or copied/traced anything. As with all of my artwork it is  completely original and all done with pen.

I want to make  clear from the start, that my knowledge of graphics and graphic software is very limited, I am learning as I go. So though it might be a waste of time to edit an already flawed picture, or low resolution stock that would be better off not using at all. I am doing all this for practice sake. With that being said here is the picture I hope to edit soon. If no work on saturday or sunday, I will start messing around with it.

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Dead Congregation -“Promulgation Of The Fall”, a routine of tangents wrapped in a seminal review

Artist: Dead Congregation
Album: Promulgation Of The Fall
Label: Profound Lore (check them out!)
Year: 2014
Wiki: super cereal

There is a greek band I was recently introduced to just this year, and they put out some pretty amazing music. Where most of the current generation Death Metal bands are trying to oust each other is production and technicality, Dead  Congregation relies heavily on mood and atmosphere. I know I say that a lot, but it is really the only way I can describe the music. This is old school Death Metal back to life.

Slowly churning Death Metal that transitions speedily into a different direction without blinking. It can become rather boring to hear the same blasting on the drums, and the same riffs played in little variation for a minute or more, but man all is forgotten when the music takes a shift into atmospheric guitar sections, and melody. There is enough in each track to balance out the redundancy of filler – to transition into something of the doom variety.

To current generation of metal listeners they have been garnered to a certain sound, much to blame is the attention to technicality and progressiveness, which in theory there is absolutely nothing wrong with. But when you abandon the core of what death metal music stands for, you leave the listener unsatisfied. More balance in favor to evoking the mood of listener, than say entertaining the listener. If I said I liked death metal because of the music, I would be lying to myself and the rest of the world. I like death metal, because in its arrangements it accomplishes more to evoke a response from oneself, than other music fails to deliver, quite deliberately.

In the case of Dead Congregation I am thoroughly interested in their basic formula of playing, a derivative of your autopsy/incantation variety, and able to offer their own ingredients into the mix of death metal stew. This alongside Triptykon are the leading contenders for music of 2014, that I thoroughly enjoy.

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insert generic update title

The menu bar is now fully functional for the most part. I am disappointed in how blogger works in regard to the pages, but I guess it managed what I intended. I just would have prefered a separate page completely. Ah well, I guess if I want to get really into this, I will have to convert over to WordPress.

Most links are nothing more than a depository for all labeled posts. So it makes them easily accessible by point of interest. I still need to complete the “About” page.

Other than that, burning the midnight oil on 2nd shift, probably going to move out of this house and into a shared duplex soon, maybe sooner than I thought, because my roommate of 3 months just left, and I don’t really want to share a room with any random creeps.

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Tourniquet -“Stop the Bleeding”. (quasi-review)

Artist: Tourniquet
Record: Stop the Bleeding
Label: Intense Records
Year: 1990
Wiki: jesus metal!!!1

There is a almost contradictory way about “christian” metal, a sub-genre for disambiguation sake. I have never been one to get into the extremes of what genre’s have become today, to me it is simply metal, death/black metal, thrash and grindcore. Those are the subtle most reflective genre’s that give you enough point of reference as to what any one particular band sounds like. The sense in putting your religious ideals as part of the genre is one of the most nonsensical things I have ever heard of. If every band was to categorize their bands with religious preference/metal style, it would be a boringly terrible way to find bands.

 To me I have no bias in regards to religious, political orientation etc. If it sounds good I will listen to it. I do not believe that Beelzebul is involved in metal music, I do on the other hand believe that there is a certain creative blitz surrounding once taboo topics such as satanism. Nowadays you can call your band “satan worshipping cunts from the clitorus in the womb of filth”, and most metal/nonmetal listening people wouldn’t blink an eye; it has become something of a more satirical/funny. It would be contradictory of me, to not admit my own fascination and involvement in the dark side, I mean just look at my rating system. It is all art and entertaining lore to me.

 In the case of Tourniquet a speed/thrash metal band, that should be rightfully called one of the founding pioneers of thrash metal. Inspiring they are, they just just didn’t involve themselves in the taboo nature of earlier extreme metal bands, and opted to include lyrical content that is christian inspired. Because of the cut and dry; cookie cutter criteria for creating a metal band, the first on the list would be: “act as evil as possible”. I know some of the tracks on this album can be terribly distracting and almost borderline the “cheese” (reference Stryper) factor. I think they could have easily portrayed a positive image without involving too much their religious beliefs. But then they wouldn’t be true spreaders of the word of god! can I get a glooooray!

With Tourniquet they put out an album musically that is way ahead of its time. Even bands today cannot emulate this sound. Their creativity in vocals are off the wall, standard fare semi-gruff sounding to an insanely high pitched falsetto (somewhat like Mercyful Fate/King Diamond) without warning. Excellent leads, inspired solos, and insanely creative drumming by Kirkpatrick, the bass takes a backseat in the production, with the exception of Harlot Widow and the Virgin Bride, as with most bands. Creatively inspired, and an almost impossible reality this was actually released in 1990.

Highly recommended, I think this and Psycho Surgery are the choice gems from their discography. If you find yourself “too evil” to tolerate the lyrics, than by all means accept your ignorance and remain in a archetypical social degenerate. This is greatly done Metal, and is too good to be slept on.

Before I end this I think it’s worth mentioning the guest vocals of Roger Martinez a now converted satanist. Apparently he got butt hurt a way back and is now scarily evil, and taking himself and life a little too serious. According to credible sources (cough, wikipedia, cough) Roger was credited as co-producer who was clueless in producing albums, but credited only because of his popularity in the christian circles of extreme metal music.

If I wasn’t descriptive enough on the music aspect, I definitely encourage you to check out this album, as I believe it a pivotal piece in the history of metal music.

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Carcass Necroticism – Descanting The Insalubrious

Artist: Carcass
Record: Necroticism – Descanting The Insalubrious
Label: Earache, Relativity Records
Year: 1991
Wiki: follow the link ya wankers

My history with the band Carcass is a bit jaded, of course they had some memorable tracks that were great to listen to. But I didn’t necessarily jump on the bandwagon, I was a fan by association. I mean who can call themselves a fan of Death Metal and not like the mighty Carcass. Let me make it perfectly clear right off the bat, I am not interested in their older predecessors, and with the exception of Heartwork their successors either. I like what I like, it is all about personal preference. There are more than a handful of credible bands that I can only handpick a select few releases that I actually like from them. That is the nature of music, the evolution and transformation in sound. It is not bad, it is absolutely necessary for any form of media/entertainment to advance, they are artists, and they portray their art accordingly. Whether it is progress or regress, is entirely up to the listener.

Their earliest work as described is known as Grindcore. A genre I can only describe as violent bursts of noise. The typical band will belt out a indecipherable barrage of noise in under a minute and have a tracklist well into the double digits, god forbid the triple digits. It’s definitely a novelty genre, but it does have some credibility with bands like of course Carcass(derr), Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Cephalic Carnage and Anal Cunt who have or been described as Grindcore. I guess the best example of this is none other than Carcass who transformed into a progressive and technical Death Metal powerhouse. The lead work by Amott and Steer are some of the most progressive and borderline genres, not to mention technical prowess for a death metal band. The harmonies the solos all interwoven to create a jaw dropping masterpiece. For whatever reason, beyond Heartwork I got disinterested with the band, I cannot say for sure why or for what reason, the newer work just does nothing for me.

To me the most pivotal and prolific album from this band’s discography is Necroticism. It borrows the atmosphere and lyrical approach of their earlier work, but goes bounds and leaps in the musical department. This well maintained the balance between chaos and the ability to play some sweet melodies that could easily be a forerunner for the development of not only extreme music, but the metal and rock world. The leads and solos are what do it for me without a doubt. It’s also entertaining and never old to hear the interludes, which some are almost satirical in tone and nature. Makes me think of some old b-horror movie. Some of my favorite quotes on this album can be found featured on the Incredibly Strange Film Show. To me the dialogue between tracks and the technical prowess of Steer and Amott as described earlier just blend together a perfect a perfect release in my opinion. And the key title in their discography.

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Dark Souls, Chapter 7: “Fuck”


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Dark Souls: Chapter 6, “A dish of new content”

Avast! antivirus, no silly this is more exploits of my running around in Dark Souls. First things first, I have successfully decimated all of the main bosses, it is time now to piece together a strategy to complete everything that I missed the first time around.

Firstly for better or worse, I killed Alvina the cat looking thing in Darkroot Garden. There was a slight deliberation before I went along and made the first attack on one of her cronies. After wiping out her assembly of a fudge bandits, I went looking for her. First time around she/them killed me, I had no idea there were like 3-4 of them that attack you all at once. I came back more prepared and delivered myself a not so satisfying victory. Why? because she didn’t drop anything, and now every time I go to the Darkroot Garden, I have to deal with her guards. They respawn, and are kind of annoying when you trying to get from point, A to be point B. For what its worth, they do offer a nice amount of souls.

After searching around I found out about some additional content was added to game, and is available for download on the xbox, but I am 95% sure it’s already available on my game. I killed the Hydra killed the Crystal Golem, freeing Dusk of Oolacile. Only thing left to do is find the Crystal Golem in Dukes archives, who I searched high and low for, but cannot find him. I now have accurate coordinates of his whereabouts and will try to be as optimistic as possible that he will drop me the Broken Pendant. After all this is completed I should be able to get to the Sanctuary Garden, which is exciting because I have never been there before.

I hope to make a write up at how (un)successful I am at this, regardless of outcome. Though it would be a major letdown if I cannot get in there.

That saga continues for the search of the golden toaster oven, containing the golden brown toast of  Carbohydrates, thus intruding the Metabolism of Galvankall, to successfully assemble the bowel movement of restoration.

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Dark Souls, Chapter 5: “it is finished!”

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Demonic Souls: Chapter 4, “the four dickheads”

I have now coming to a chilling conclusion that has to be the most discouraging moments in the game. See the Four Kings were one of the easiest boss battles in my first time around playing this game, but they to have got a hold of some dbol (anabolic steroids), because they absolutely offer no mercy in this battle. You can roll around, hit, but they they have attacks that will literally devastate your life bar. This is the first fight that I can honestly say is 100% luck, skill technique, is out the fucking window.

I was told a good approach in terms of equipment is concerned is to wear the Dark Knight set, Mask of the Child and the Grass Crest Shield because of the increased stamina it offers. I died almost seconds with this setup, my defense took too much of a sacrifice, to do this build justice, though the noticeable stamina regen was tempting. And with the weapon use, havel’s gear is out of the question. I really want to have a lot more poise than I do, and I know havel will get me that.

As I mentioned before this fight literally a hit, pot combination that make seconds the most determining factor involved with survival. I have got them down to a quarter of life, so I know that I can take them, its just a matter of running to them, and remaining motivated to kill them.

Prior to this fight was Sif, the Great Grey Wolf who albeit the new difficulty (ng+) remains one of the easier bosses.

Ya know my frustration from the amount of deaths I was dealt at the Four Kings, had led me to become obsessed for blood shed. So I disregarded my covenant with Alvina in the Darkroot Garden, and went around killing of her soldiers. It was one of the most satisfying outlets for my frustration. Most the npc’s as I’ve found out turn on you anyway, so might as well just kill em’ all!

After work tonight I will give it another go at the Four Kings, maybe figure out a way to wear Havel’s gear. Currently I am using Iron Armor all +5 which is a hike on defense even over the Havel set. But where it shines in defense, it lacks in poise.

This was a minor recap, maybe I will give a better recount of my exploits in the game. All I know is that the Four Kings must die, and perform several inappropriate things with their dead bodies. Like force feed them cheese whiz and then roll their dead bodies in some kind of batter and then make a snack out of their bodies. Sanity level declining, more to come soon. Peace, love and hair grease.

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Cannibal hamsters running amok

Artist: Cannibal Corpse
Album: Butchered at Birth
Label: Metal Blade Records
Year: 1991
Wiki: you bet your ass!

To dig into Cannibal Corpse’ discography is probably one of the most difficult task as far as pinpointing their definitive sound. They started out as a death metal band that was largely influenced by thrash metal. They went balls to wall with Butchered at Birth, ridiculous vocals on Tomb of the Mutilated, and then probably their most accessible album the Bleeding. The future of Cannibal Corpse was absent Chris Barnes, and welcome George Fisher, a much better fit and a very versatile death metal vocalist, his ability to present the brutality of death metal, all the while making an effort to make the lyrics decipherable and well annunciated.

Well I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I never included a single album with George Fisher, and I credit him for his vocal delivery. You see after the Bleeding, this band changed, it lost its spirit in my opinion. Never will I hear another Butchered at Birth, no more insanely uncompromised brutality. The albums are very gimmicky in nature, and for me, just aren’t that catching to me. Its not to say I don’t like a little Unleashing the Bloodthirsty or some of Vile, hell even some of their newer releases have some pretty good tracks. Their new stuff is a helluva lot better than anything Chris Barnes as done with Six Feet Under, I think he needs to lay off the marijuana because his band sucks.

All this being said, to me the most standout album is without a doubt Butchered at Birth, from the beginning track till the end, it is just something otherworldly, terrifyingly brutality, that feels and gives off a very genuine vibe. That beginning track you know, there is a slaughter coming.

Nothing overly technical, some of the most uninspired solos, but the vocals and guitars carry along like a well synced audio assault. The vocals are a tad bit on the hard to understand calibre, but at the same time you might catch a word or two you can understand. The CD inlay is absolutely necessary to sing along with this family favorite.

And the icing on the cake is the absolutely disturbing album cover. You have a ghastly zombie character chopping up bodies, meanwhile a half dead women and the most offending of all, infants hanging from meat hooks. This is the fictitious hell ride, that after 5-10 years still gets my blood flowing.

I guess all this being said, Cannibal Corpse is a confusing band to follow with the change in lineup and especially the most significant losing Chris Barnes and gaining George Fisher, which in my opinion is an excellent and credible vocalist. I could not see Cannibal Corpse progressing along as well as they do, with Chris Barnes remaining in the band. Just listen to a Six Feet Under album, and if you’re not bored as shit after listening one track, than you must be higher than he is.

Cannibal Corpse the stars of Death Metal, and the most recognized, and for good reason.

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Dark Souls, Chapter 3: Die, die, die, my darling (NG+)

(this and other posts contain certain spoilers, if you want to keep the game new to yourself, read on with caution), (this is more for archival purposes more than anything else, this is probably very boring and unnecessary – so move on…)

Ornstein was slayed and Slough was executed, respectively in that order. I took no prisoners, I didn’t intend on grinding, but it kind of just happened that way. See I was desperate for all 20 of my estus flask, so if while attempting to get to the boss fight I would lose a significant amount of life, I would just homeward bone(r) back to the shrine, and then rinse and repeat. I know that this is completely unnecessary and borders on noobish behavior if not already. So anyways I actually got my strength to level 50 which means I was finally able to equip the  Dragon King Greataxe, although it seemed like a small boost in my attack, it was enough to kind of invigorate me to want to press on, I was using the dragon tooth basically all through the game, with the exception when I first started playing and was using the Halberd, I digress.

The fight between Slough and Ornstein went like this. I killed Ornstein within seconds, so it was just Slough, myself and Solaire to fight. Slough absolutely raped Solaire, his ass smash had him dead pretty quick. So I went back to the same strategy I used against Gwyn, which was finding one of the broke down pillars and any opportunity taking a swing at Slough. It was basically a 10-20 minute game of cat and mouse, and at long last I had defeated them, what a humiliatingly awful conclusion, considering my stats, build etc. But in all honesty I consider myself a casual gamer, its rare a game catches my attention like Dark Souls did. 
If my memory is correct, I headed to the Catacombs after the shiz went down in Anor Londo. The catacombs was one of the biggest pains in my ass, well next to Blighttown, er the Tomb of the Giants… nevermind that. This time around I noticed a lot of stuff that I missed before, particularly the location of a firekeeper shrine, and the location of a blacksmith (Vamos) that I never even knew existed until this playthrough, it also opened up to me a kind of shortcut, that was especially useful in the case of having to backtrack at all. I was gaining traction, moving along pretty well. I got to the boss Pinwheel who I demolished easily, he/it has never given me any real trouble. 
Next on my plate was Tomb of the Giants, which was giving me more of a hassle than it should have. This was because I forgot to change shields, and was using a shield that had less than 100% against physical. After the swap it was difficult, but now manageable. Notable encounters include the scenario with a guy named Patches, who I was already aware would betray me, so I just killed him. I know if you play it right you can get him to sell you wares, but I didn’t really care to use him. After that I ran into a new face, Rhea of Thorolund. I must have skipped past this area completely my first time through. She asks me to kill her escorts Vince and Nico of Thorolund, whom I find quickly after talking to her. Killed em’ was on my way. After this and a few other events/places I missed before, I was trying to move efficiently but kind of slower this time around, trying to uncover anything new. I was already aware of Leeroy ahead and got to that point in human form. I am not sure when/how I forgot, but there is a black knight that came at me like a bat out of hell, was completely unexpected. Pressing forward towards the boss fight with Gravelord Nito. Prior to, you fight some pinwheel servants and the little baby skeletons, that are a royal pain in the ass. It took me a bit of running around to realize that they infinitely respawn. So I just killed the servants and got the hell out of there. The fight with Gravelord Nito was not too successful the first time around, but my second go at him was the winner. After this I headed to New Londo Ruins. 
This was not necessarily needed, considering I hadn’t secured the Covenant of Artorias to even begin the boss fight agains with the Four Kings. I just wanted to clear out the place, so it was done and out of the way, also in the case I wanted to farm Darkwraiths. 
Moving right along to the Dukes Archives. Only thing worth noting is Big Hat Logan, a guy that is locked up and needs to be freed. I either missed this, or just forgot about it, because I don’t remember this at all the first time through. Seriously had such a disastrous time in this place, my first time around, so I wasn’t exactly excited to have to go at it again. But this time was really stress free, and pretty easy to get around. After looting the Archives, I headed towards the Crystal Cave. 
Took me a bit to remember how to kill Seath the Scaleless, I don’t know how it came to me, but I eventually figured out how to weaken him so you can actually do damage. The buck stops here, see ya next time. When I venture back some old places, and new places, and talk about how taco bell is not authentic mexican food, or how coke is better than pepsi, wait what the fuck am I going on about. This is the comedic relief necessary for a post this boring, sorry. Till next time.
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If something encourages a person, and delivers them a certain amount of energy,  but said “something” may possibly deemed offensive to the average person. This issue is nothing new, it is plastered all over the media whenever some whack jobs wants to go on a rampage. The news outlets begin to dissect certain forms of media, and perpetuate the negative stigma on media formats they would probably have no association to begin with. But what line is crossed too far? I think that is all up to the individual. I do not necessarily like gore, rape, necrophilia, anything to do with humiliating other human beings. I think those particular formats, are used only to individuals who get their jollies from offending other people. It is marketable, and adds a potential to be exploited, thus drawing more attention to themselves.

But at what expense? now you’re the person be stigmatized. The only thing that bothers me, is that no matter how you present something of offensive detail, it is always at its core; entertainment. Do you think a serial killer, or a mass murderer or some complete sexual deviant that actually act out these sick human atrocity attribute this behavior because of horror movies or metal music? sure it may encourage and give them something to entertain their sick desires. But a person like that is going to act out their desires regardless. It all starts with a thought, and once entertained inside your head, you will begin to eventually want to act out, those desires.

So what point am I trying to make? that “offensive” media is deemed worthy to showcase, because only a sick person is going to act out, regardless of depravity illustrated in media. I begin to wonder why there is such a battle over morality in the first place? I wonder why as human beings we even have the capacity to even develop this ability to feel human compassion or be of disgust by certain sick details of life. That doesn’t just come to people. That is something developed and educated to a person from their upbringing.

I know it has been said a thousand times before, but it is absolutely true. I think people should have the freedom to use what ever artistic creative talents to entertain. I think it is always the responsibility of the parent/care taker, to bring up a person to have morals to have a compassion towards life. When a person acts out unthinkable acts, that battle begins in their mind, not from a movie or music. It is unfortunate that a lot of artistic talent that is deemed offensive gets a bad reputation, because of the material was watched or heard from some nutjob that wants to go kill a bunch of people.

Is there a line to what is right, and wrong? I think there potentially is, I think that anything that depicts actual acts or portrays even acted out events that are intentionally meant to be “realistic” in nature, should never be allowed to have a marketable venue for. Anyone who enjoys actual human punishment, is need of some serious psychological help. My gut, my conscious are the driving motivators in my worldview, what is morally right, what is morally wrong.

I feel as if this must be at least touched on, because of the nature of my blog, and the image I am trying to portray. I find fantasy, horror and extreme music a developmental motivator in my character and overall a interest of hobby. I am not saying anything new, I don’t think it has to be an on the fence issue, I believe that it all comes down the surrounding and the upbringing. I believe those whole “argument” has the potential to just be some kind of justification issue, and encourages people to entertain the sick and macabre, but why not? good people make careers from this, and I know for a fact their intention is not to help encourage acts of violence.

Well I said my bit, thats enough.

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Did a little bit of editing to the banner, the old one was bugging me, I am sure I will find things in the current one I want to change. But as for now I am pretty content.

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Dark Souls chapter 2, dying isn’t fun anymore…

After going through the second time around in the game, I am now for certain that they heightened the difficulty a bit. The thing about this game, is that any kind of science you develop any sort of pattern, rhythm, it is usually jousted by some freak accident that typical happen more times than not. I have grown more careful, more precautious, and still there are moments, just make me want to bash in the tv. Currently stuck at Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough, I have attempted to beat them more times than I would like to mention. When I fought them before not only were they a helluva lot easier, I picked an actual person help me defeat them, which looking back now was probably not the wisest choice.

Which brings me to the next pain in my ass about this game, is getting help from an npc. Right now they give you Solaire of Astoria, who you literally have to walk him slowly down the stairs otherwise he will just off the ledge and take off a quarter of his life, before the boss battle even begins. I am so terrible though, that I need him in this boss fight just to distract Smough enough so I can take out Ornstein. I don’t know why people say killing Smough is more difficult at the start, to me it’s the opposite. In the beginning yes, Ornstein is a pushover, but his buff the second time around is a bitch. Not to say Smough isn’t thoroughly smothering me with his shiny golden ass. But I do know one thing, like fighting Gwyn, if you stand behind a broke down pillar, you can semi- have control of the fight. I spent probably 30 minutes hiding behind that, hitting him whenever possible, playing cautious, and then just like that I got overconfident and he nerfs me with that ass attack he does.

To distract me from my dying a thousand deaths, I used the the Black Eye Orb to go and take care of Lautrec who unbeknownst to me kills Anastacia. I  didn’t know this the first time around playing, because I killed him, among all the other npc’s after they reward me, or just for the helluva it. It’s very satisfying, killing them. Anyways I let him off, and he goes and kills Anastacia. This whole th
ing is completely new to me, and a new twist to the game. So if a fire keeper dies, you need to enter into their world of whoever kills them, and you take the form as a spirit of vengeance, which isn’t much different from yourself in the real world, but you do not have the option of using the Estus Flask to heal. This battle was a pushover compared to smough and Ornstein.

So after this I got my confidence up, and attempt smough and
ornstein again, and well I did come ridiculously close to beating them, I would always come up short in the end, and would lose patience. So I did some grinding trying to get my strength to 50 so I could use the Dragon King Greataxe, deals more damage than the Dragon tooth I’ve been using for basically the entirety of the whole game. With the exception of the Man Serpent Greatsword, when I want to grind in the Depths killing rats for Humanity.

That in a nutshell is where I am at in the game. I ended up writing a lot more than I initially intended, so gonna draw this chapter to a close. Next chapter will be victorious and great new beginnings.

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Hate Eternal, 1999 – “Conquering the Throne”

Artist: Hate Eternal
Album: “Conquering the Throne”
Label: Earache Records
Year: 1999
Wiki: haters eternally gon’ hate

When I first got into death metal, there were a few considerable memories of some bands, that always had left an impression on me. It might not even necessarily be the band, but a particular album from their discography. I won’t go into too much detail about all of the bands, but off the top of my head is, Prophecy, Broken Hope and Hate Eternal. Now I don’t really see what what was so great about Prophecy, joe ptacek is dead from Broken Hope, which now I realize was the biggest reason I liked the band in the first place, I find that more and more true, with every listen of their new album. And lastly Hate Eternal’s greatest disc, in my opinion, 1999’s, “Conquering The Throne”. I think I am of a small demographic, because it seems like all of their newer stuff gets all the praise. I can appreciate a couple tracks off of some of their newer releases, but nothing like Conquering the Throne, from start to finish this album tears my face off.

The drumming is incredible, nothing over the top, but with precision and well executed speed. The lyrics and vocals are very decipherable, and are not trying to be overly guttural. The guitars are seriously like a thousand bees buzzing around your head, all retaining a melody that is unique for all tracks. The song titles are some of the most creative I have see put out by a death metal band. Cool cd inlay, the whole package is great. It’s same reminiscent feeling I got from Suffocation’ release “Pierced from Within”, just a memorable album that never gets old. 
Like I said I might be of a small demographic here, and to be honest I think that this might be offensive even to the band. But this style was never played in their later releases they journeyed down a new path with their future releases. Which I guess is what makes the album so unique. Because it seems like with “King of all Kings”, they played off of the groundwork on that release, just kept advancing in that style. 
It’s undeniable the talent of Erik Rutan, and his contribution to metal music, especially the more extreme stuff like Morbid Angel and Hate Eternal! 
Rest in Peace (2006), Jared Andersen… 
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Hour of Penance, 2014 – “Regicide”

Artist: Hour of Penance
Album: Regicide
Label: Prosthetic Records
Year: 2014
Wiki: dat shit right hurr

A year or so back I wrote about Hour of Penance release, Sedition. A very memorable release, alongside Paradogma. That sound, the raw energy they can produce, has always been an ingredient to to keep me coming back to listen. To me the only thing that failed with Sedition is the fact that it ended entirely too soon.

Thus comes Regicide. The long overdue continuation where Sedition left you begging for more. I was surprisingly not as overly ecstatic about this release, as when I initially heard of its release date. I still am not entirely on board with this release, overall. It’s evil as fuck, they are on a crusade against organized religion, it seems to be the theme in all of their releases.

What I like about this album is that it maintained their traditional sound. What I don’t like is that it retained their original sound. It’s kind of a catch 22 for me. I was hoping for something new, and what I got was their same sound I have heard before. They could have done far worse, gone the path of a lot of heavier bands, that disregard integrity for music sales. I like this album, I really do… I feel like I might be convincing myself. Some of the tracks the drumming sounds really redundant, I don’t know if it’s the tone, but it just drags on like somebody banging on a pan, for entirely too long.

I like this release, but it just doesn’t have the same spark for me, that Sedition did. I also haven’t given it enough listens to really satiate the ability that it supplies.

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work in progress

I am having more fun than I thought with doing the photo manipulations. I still need to work on my technique with backgrounds and what not, but I am seriously enjoying this more than I have before. Let me know what you think. Regularly scheduled updates will be on a hiatus. I have real life shit that is kicking me in the ass at the moment. I will do my best to maintain the blog and regular life. I will for sure be showing the image I was working on last night.

here is the image, what I got done so far. Really its all finished, I just was going to work on the goblin’s mouth a little bit. But I like what I have so far. Oh and not to mention the damn shadow in the picture. I had to work with it though, the only image I had. Need to get a scanner or something.

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