It’s been made to my attention that there is a war on morality, a teetering self absorbed world on the horizon. We are so much consumed with our own self worth, have devalued the less honorable members of society. The less fortunate who cannot and will not seek help for their unfortunate existence.
I would even stretch the idea that those affected by mental defects are themselves incapable of finding a solution or a cause to an end, for their meaningless searching in life. Where do we cross the line of morality? is there such a possibility in this life time? well I am hoping to address and attempt to find a solution.
As we are all aware abortion is deemed an acceptable to offering women the opportunity to alleviate themselves from a notion that it may be a mistake. My question here, is when do we determine a life is not worth our valuable oxygen?
I’ve ultimately determined, that if we can wholly and unbiased come to a conclusion, concerning the value of a human life. If human life has no intrinsic value. We must broadly resolving the problems of humanity. Why can America only put the blood on their hands of the criminals and unborn? we should not limit America, we need to broadly address the human life that will not, and refuses to become productive members of society.
Establish whether human life is worth life?
When do we conclude the action that proceeds next?
Ultimately if abortion is wrong, so is suicide. If we conclude this outcome, than we must address all human life.
I thought I would briefly state, that this was an old paper I did for a mythology class. I’ve aged quite a bit since writing this.
The struggles that Christian faces in John Bunyon’s classic story of allegory, is to me one of the better literary iterations of what the human condition is. From beginning to end our vagabond (Christian) is appropriately placed in numerous circumstances and situations that you’re left with only to ponder the reality of his venture in your own lives. Over the next pages, I am going to dig into the Pilgrim Progress to draw parallels between the story and human beings living our lives and how it relates to the human condition that we all face on a daily basis. Regardless of morality and consciousness of a higher power, I believe that this story teaches much about humanity.
In the case of Christian he fears an imminent danger that awaits him, if he doesn’t get to this “mount Sion”, a metaphor of heaven. With this consciousness of doom, he no doubt is carrying along with him (whether physical or not) a heavy burden upon his back. A lot of talk of a book is given into sight from the beginning this no doubt being the holy Bible, a kind of roadmap to his venture laid out clearly in his eyes.
His first obstacle is the slough of despondence. A visual presentation of a swamp that finds men trapped in its murky waters. In the beauty of metaphors this stands as an opposition to those who are attempting to find counsel with the Lord. A man named “Help” gives refuge to Christian offering him a hand (literally) out of this swamp. This place of disposition tries many souls. Throughout its fog can be seen a series of steps that offer men a safe path out of the swamp, but few will see this path because their minds will leave them disturbed and lose sight of the path readily available to them. I think it important to think about the events in our lives that are often laid out as a clear obstacle, but through perseverance and a determination to overcome, we will have found the steps. But if one finds their mind to be overcome with the visceral, they will lose sight of the goal and be left drowning in despair. Meanwhile the one’s you thought cared will leave you abandoned (Pliable).
In ill intention there is always going to be some person who will want to persuade your ways to more conform to their own despair and struggle. In this case a one Worldly Wiseman consoles with Christian to shy his path from the one that Evangelist had set for him, at the Wicket Gate but to go and find Mr. Legality. The interesting point here is that Worldly Wiseman explains to Christian the obstacles he will face at his desired route, but offers him an “easier” route, a shortcut almost, that will guarantee him out of danger completely. Christian’s desperation of life and his struggle with the burden he carries far overshadows the troubles that Worldly Wiseman explains to him, it’s from this point that I give sight into the absolute determination that Christian has encompassed. Christian deceived, accepts the advice of Worldly Wiseman and finds himself in greater danger, as well as the burden on his back feeling yet heavier than before. He turns back at his surprise to find Evangelist who is puzzled by his whereabouts.
I can count several occasions in life where I would be considered in a state of ill-repute, and somebody would deceptively trick me into a far worse path to go along, this would bring me into a greater obstacle with the conscious burden with myself feeling far worse.
A burden, need to relieve oneself from a struggle, an obligation to be set free to change. These are all things that I believe people will come to a conclusion about at one point or another in their lives. The metaphor in this case is a large burden on Christian’s back.
Today I have learned a few letters and some basic pronunciation. I have been practicing with a friend verbally communicating this as well.
А а – Ah
Б б – Bah
В в – Veh
Г г – H (hard H sound)
Ґ ґ – go
Д д – dog
Е е – Emily
Є є – yes
Additionally, I learned the following words: бaбa (grandma, (Я) ДaB (I gave). I would be very encouraged and interested if anyone would like to comment or engage in help with this lesson of the Cyrillic script.
When I think about current bands that epitomize the true nature of black and death metal music, I hold a special place for bands like Embrace of Thorns, an establish band from Greece. I was inspired to conduct this interview after repeated listens to their new release “Scorn Aesthetics”. A dark gripping, almost depressing and sometimes painful listen. And after reading through the responses here I find that I wasn’t necessarily fallen from the mark. During this interview process they were just finishing up a U.S. tour.
If there is one thing to appreciate considering this primitive form of music, it is the work ethic and devoted interest in this music. With all this said, I hope you will enjoy this brief but entertaining interview. I once again thank Embrace of Thorn for taking time to speak with me. Just a lowly no-name metal head from Michigan.
Tell me what is the underground metal scene like in Greece? It’s been increasingly better during the last decade, there are shows every week and lots of quality recordings coming out. Well it’s my big dysfunctional family, I tend to loathe it but I am unable to do without it. It carries the analogies and pathologies of every scene but it’s better than it was in the early 2000s.
What were your inspirations with Scorn Aesthetics? Calculated ,cold , desperate, comforting scorn against pretty much everything . It’s a rude awakening thing and a realization that change is not likely to come. So what we are left with is to fortify our own little strongholds . So strife has now another meaning , to barricade our precious world and not succumb to conformity and to the unified vision of the modern blindfolded man, a nihilistic irony…
Your music is very raw and primitive, a semblance of death and black metal. Angry and primitive, you even included (used exceptionally well) samples from the Jonestown Massacre. Please tell me what your worldview is in regards to living, basically what encourages you to continue on in this life? There is no unified worldview,but a rather tribal, dare I say atavistic need for preserving what fulfills our lifecode and inner needs. No edgy stuff here rather than a defiant philosophy and a hunger to reap the fruits of inner strife in times of conformity, that “encourages” us to move on. We ve been saying pretty much the same stuff since 2009… but some lyrics for an upcoming song briefly encapsulate my standpoint.
“Humanity is a cancer and tumours have been long devouring its marrow,All mechanisms of defense seem to have failed and there is no room for reversalThe end of this disgraceful travesty is nigh , this sick animal must be put to sleep.I dream of pallbearers and endless funerals, a rather pleasant interval to this misery incarnate.I dream of ravens croaking and vultures circling…I dream of heartbroken mothers, of their pale wrinkled faces ,of eyes blood red and self inflicted chest wounds.Let the deceased sons of failure be baptized in a pool of rotten blood…Let them dismantle in an eruption of disproportionate proportions…Mourning for what should have happened ages ago is pointless…For the threads and the fabrics have been long ago torn… And Rightfully the Filthy vermin brought the black plague forth …”
Can you give me a brief idea of your current band formation? are you all close friends? I am sure you all have employment and side jobs to support yourselves to play this kind of music. We are comrades,partners in crime, brothers from different mothers. Members with own agendas have no place in EoT. One must either unconditionally surrender himself to the glory of darkness impenetrable or he won’t last. The Scorn Aesthetics line-up is the quintessential EoT line-up
Current music that you are enjoying? the new DECEASED album, new DEATHHAMMER,COMMUNION,WITCHCRAFT(Fin), DEATHLY SCYTHE,AIMA,the new ARCHGOAT,last NECROPHOBIC album that’s what I’ve recently enjoyed
Current films, books you are enjoying? Tons of them but nothing that has impacted EoT lately.
My interest in metal of Greece started with Dead Congregation. Are you at all associated with them? or friends? Yes we are, we can call them close acquaintances,even friends, AV even used to play for EoT from 2009 til’ 2012, he recorded “praying for absolution” with us and remains someone we hold dear. DEAD CONGREGATION are very dedicated persons and deserve all the support they have gotten through the years.
Do you think Friedrich Nietzsche would listen to death/black metal? (assuming he was alive today) I guess he would rather listen to some very brooding classical pieces…
The zine is dead and the label in hiatus,there are no hopes for a revival of the zine ,as for the label time shall tell. The scene is something that I hold in very high esteem and I don’t want to do the label thing if my heart is not into it 100%, at the moment there is no possibility to be more active with the label, but I think the impact of what I have released has been big enough. My goal was to create something in the vein those very dedicated 90ies labels, that provided an outlet for underground expression wrapped in a very limited anticommercial framework. I have been let down but I have also reaped great rewards through my course in Kyp. Truth is however that the underground is a whole different beast nowadays and I don’t have much left in the tank anymore ,so as to keep on soldiering through it forever. If I am to go through the motions in order to do it,i’d rather not do it at all. Kill Yourself Productions – Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives
I think that is all I have got for you. I want to thank you in advance for this opportunity, and honor of speaking with you. Feel free to include any promotional information or closing words. I will do my best to get the word out about your band and music.
thank you for the interview…
Please support these musicians and their pursuit and vision. They are incredibly hard working, and what great guys to take the time to answer some questions from me.
There are already several guides available to help you with the Emulating the Saturn, but I thought I would offer my expertise and put together my own guide concerning this under dog of a console. Note this guide is for Windows users.
First things first…
Getting an Emulator is actually a lot easier than times past. It seemed that the only available option was SSF , easily the highest compatibility of the bunch. But the GUI leaves a lot to be desired, and the options of graphical enhancements are left to a bare minimum. That being the said, the newest version “TestVer (07-02-2017)” does indeed include an overhaul to modifying and adjusting settings to make games look pretty damn good.
The Emulator that I personally use unless of course there is compatibility issues is Yabause, particularly the unofficial port uoYabause. I find that uoYabause offers more functionality and is also frequently updated. By that same token I find Yabause to run games better than uoYabause on windows 10.
A multi-console Emulator of interest is Mednafen. I have tried several ROM’s with this EMU and find that it is virtually flawless in terms of compatibility. It does not offer any kind of Gui so be prepared to use a terminal and operate settings through command prompts. You can however download a GUI, such as MedGui v2.00 aka MedGui Reborn and/or Mednaffe. I personally cannot tolerate programs such as Retroarch, but I might as well at-least mention it. In terms of graphical enhancement it is bare minimum. And you might just as well use an Emu like SSF. Though it is a remarkable project and they are making up to date progress with it.
I feel as if I am morally obligated to mention, that piracy of any kind is illegal and not encouraged. If you legally own the hardware and games, than it is fine. On the other hand Retro gaming has become nothing more than a bragging right, and if you spend in the upward of $500-1000 for a video game you’re clearly trying to over compensate for some inability in your life. I could run off on a tangent concerning the state of current retro gaming, but I feel like I am the old man in the chair, complaining about “times past”. All the same, I grew up as a kid with original hardware and games. Even into my adulthood I held onto my Saturn and Dreamcast, and collected all the well sought after titles of today. I digress, you can find a lot of good information HERE, HERE and HERE, for Rom‘s and Bio files. Listen, out of print titles and merchandise go to individual consumers and do not benefit the manufacturer. Your patronage is better suited in buying next gen SEGA merchandise.
When my friend Noah offered to give me a domain and setup a wordpress for then at the time ( blog, I was ecstatic and excited and to make the move.
That being said, after getting VERY ahead of myself, I then relapsed into cowardice and fear at the very idea of gaining any sort of traction or desirable audience to my writings and ventures on the internet.
I suppose I making this update today, to let you all know, that I am very much interested in sharing my desires and interests. But for the most part do not wish to involve myself in any way shape or form, a career out of this. But most importantly a hobby and a interest. And a tool to grow as a writer and web developer.
So for those who have stuck with me this far, please continue to do so. And expect future updates from me, when I feel impressed to write. And please always feel free to leave any feedback or comments, or just say, “Hi”.
“this tree stands lonely here in the mountains; it grew high above man and beast . And if it wanted to speak it would have nobody who could understand it, so high has it grown. Now it waits and waits-for what is it waiting? It dwells too near the seat of the clouds: surely it waits for the first lightning.” –
Friedrich Nietzsche
Is this not what man has achieved? a lonely expression, abandoned by all civilization merely waiting until its end.
Sorry for the depressing pretext. It is merely an illustration, a metaphor for loneliness? maybe my interpretation is all wrong. I do accept dialogue and constructive criticism.
Remember when you had a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)? Oh, come on, we all know you did. A good ninety percent of gamers had them, so don’t try to weasel yourself out claiming you just had a Master System. I did back in the very late eighties and early nineties and one out of three American households did. Even so, the Master System featured some awesome games such as the first Phantasy Star game, the Alex Kidd series, and awesome arcade ports. Now, let’s move on to the brainchild of Sega.
The Master System or, in Japan, SG-1000 Mark III was the last of the
SG-1000 product series, and the only devoted video game console out of
the three systems. While the SG-1000 and SC-3000 enjoyed a moderate
success, the Master System was set out to combat Nintendo‘s ultimate
weapon. 1985 marked the release of the Mark III in Japan and was
visually identical to the Mark II. However, this system held hardware
enhancements. The processor was speedy in its time with a Zilog Z80 3.6
MHz CPU. Graphics were also improved with a meager, but slightly
significant upgrade in on screen sprites; now 64 instead of 32. Perhaps
the most noteworthy addition is was a PCM sound synthesizer chip,
creating six audio channels. This eradicated the beeps of previous
consoles with something that could be considered music.
This console also marked two “firsts”. First off, it toyed with
virtual reality. Using supped up 3D movie glasses, each lens would
briskly toggle among opaque and clear. While this was happening,
on-screen graphics would have to be consistent with the glasses, thus
creating a nearly seamless semi-virtual environment. Crude, but still
effective to this day. Secondly, it was the first system to use two
formats for gaming. The eight bit standard cartridges were used, but a
cheaper, market friendly four bit “game card” was created. These games
tended to be smaller due to obvious size and memory limitations, but
subsequently, much cheaper. This provided a great way for us gamers with
almost no cash buy games for their beloved system.
When the NES hit (or literally tackled) the market, Sega found
itself in a steep declining of sales. With great games and a cheap price
no one could hate, the NES fiercely ripped the gaming market from Sega,
and any other competitor for that matter, and took it as its own. Sega
had to alter their game plan, and so they gave life to the Master
System, aka Mark III (Read above) using some of the most advanced
hardware available in the current 8-bit technology. This marked the
first of any console to be widely distributed in the US, but that didn’t
stop Nintendo’s reign over the gaming market. On launch, an approximate
of 175,000 consoles were sold on its first market quarter (Three
months) with each system costing 200 dollars.
CEO of Sega, Hayao Nakayama, had a distaste of a 16 to 1 ratio of
system sales when compared to Nintendo’s. Figuring he better hand out
the marketing and such to Tonka, an American toy company, official
preparations were made and carried out in 1988. This turned out to be
the idiot’s move as Tonka had no idea on marketing of video games. While
everyone knew about the cool, awesome, super-duper NES, most people
would scratch their heads at the mention of the Master System. Why?
Tonka had no initiative. Due partly with their lack of any know-how, but
also what I believe: a little with laziness. After all, they had
millions. Why take the time to take video game marketing 101 when they
could blindly stumble and hope to succeed? At any rate, Tonka managed to
snag two third party developers, the now well know Activision, and
Parker Brothers, the board game company. It was probably not too much
their fault on that blunder as Nintendo was a pre-Microsoft. That’s
right, monopolizing any third party developer they could into an
agreement basically saying they were developing for the NES, and only
the NES. This severely damaged the system status and chance of
succeeding. Sega, Activision, and Parker Brothers couldn’t possibly keep
up with the sheer games coming out for the NES, and ultimately had a
smaller library of games in the end… or at least in the US. Let’s take
a trip down to Europe.
Amazingly, there was some areas where the NES and its power
didn’t penetrate. One of the main one locales was Europe. Never had been
introduced to a gaming system, or even the NES, Europeans jumped on the
Master System when it was released in the fall of 1987. Also, instead
of two developers, Europe received fourteen. These are Absolute,
Activision, Acclaim, Codemasters, Core, Domark, Flying Edge, Image
Works, Sony Imagesoft, TecMagik, Tengen, U.S. Gold, and Virgin. Nintendo
was never able to retrieve the Europe market for Sega, one Master
System victory. This particular victory lasted until 1996 despite the
fact better consoles were out there.
Tec Toy, a small company, released their version of the Master System, the Master System Three in the late eighty’s. With minor aesthetic changes, the revised console only featured built-in games as a new incentive. However, some games were re-created with more familiar Brazilian characters, and translated into Portuguese. Later on Game Gear game ports were created for the Master System, such as the notable Sonic games. Perhaps most unique of all is the only licensed 8-bit port of Capcom’s popular Street Fighter 2.
Despite wooing Europe over, Sega still had loss the 8 bit race, and wasn’t quite sure what to do. Tonka had screwed up any chance for the US Master System to succeed, the smaller, sleek Master System II released in 1988 died quickly, but suddenly Sega had a revelation. They thought with the utter success of the black and white color portable Game Boy system from Nintendo, they could make use with the Master System. Sega’s plan? Cram a Master System (With a few improvements) into likewise portable package, except much bigger length wise with a wide area for your hands. Released in 1990, it sported an awesome color screen, and graphics far surpassing the Game Boy’s, it also drained batteries like crazy. This turned off most casual gamers, and most went with the Game Boy’s and Nintendo’s recognition by name. After all, Little Billy didn’t want to spend money on six more double A batteries for every six or so hours of game play on the Game Gear when he could squeeze 10 to 12 hours of gaming with only four batteries on the Game Boy.
If Nintendo owning 90% the gaming market shocked you, it should
of. It was plainly illegal. Binding third party developers to an
exclusive contract with just Nintendo was wrong, and by the time of
1992, the Japanese and American governments were starting to get angry,
and Nintendo toned down. All ready too late for the Master System for it
was gone except in Brazil and Europe.
Now that we’ve gone over the system that should’ve of started it all, but didn’t, we can come to appreciate really good business tactics: Who knows, what if Sega won the 8 bit war? We’d probably see the same cunning tactics on future systems (Sega CD, Sega 32X, etc.) and maybe a future filled with Sega consoles. But, for now, pick up a Master System just for the heck of it, and live in Sega’s past.
– Zilog Z80 CPU running at 3.58 MHz
– Texas Instruments SN-76596 PCM audio processor (6 channel sound)
– Yamaha YM-2413 OPL-3 FM synthesizer (FM module for Sega Mark III only)
– Texas Instruments TMS9929A VDP
– 64K VRAM
– 16-color palette with 16 intensities each (64 colors from a 256-color palette)
– Support for 256×192 (SC-3000) and 240×226 (native) graphics display modes
– 32×28 character text display mode
– 1 MB system ROM
– 64 K system RAM
– 1 expansion slot (unused)
– 1 cartridge port
– 1 Game Card slot
– 2 joystick ports
– Commodore-style A/V port and internal RF adapter
Storage – SG-1000 style videogame cartridges (supports ROM sizes from 128K to 4 MB) – Sega Game Cards (supports ROM sizes from 32K to 256K)
CREDIT… Anthony and (now defunct) “Sega Base”, web site.
The most difficult aspect about this particular web page is because I cover such a broad range of interests and it’s extremely difficult to market and share it with others, because it is not singularly focused on particular interest.
I am having a hard time with this, and just wanted to post and share and maybe get some opinions and help guidance and how to make this site more centrally focused.
When I started this blog, it was just that a blog! a place for me to share my thoughts and interests. I think I am jumping a bit ahead of myself, maybe need to take a few steps back and keep this indeed, just that a blog.
Many ideas and thoughts are stirring, hopefully I will come to some kind of resolve and be able to develop this site further.
I haven’t been posting as much as I would like to, but I intend to add more and contribute to this area of the web. What I have in the forecast for content is the following…
Finish Panzer Dragoon Saga, then play translated Dragon Force 2. That is the console gaming I have lined up. Outside of that I plan on doing a lets play of Nioh. Also exploring mmorpg’s, particularly in the pursuit to create and share with others an enjoyable on-line experience. I want to create a variety of distractions to compromise the gnawing idea that we “have” to do anything. Our existence is acceptance in itself.
Want to do more videos, more art, more of everything that makes me happy.
Okay a bowl full of shit is a bit too tame, lets up the ante and present to you a face smashed in. Jesus, I can’t stomach much more of this. Herein is the internal dialogue one will be conflicted with upon initial exposure to the band Pissgrave.
I question my mental stability to review death metal honestly anymore, especially when gimmicks are at the forefront. If the aforementioned is to deter otherwise unintelligent and ignorant music, than I guess I should be cheering them on.
Here we have a track from their second full length release “Posthumous Humiliation” out March 01, 2019 on Profound Lore Records. I record label that has a reputation for putting out some highly esteemed music, ranging from a broad array of genres.
For the uninitiated who didn’t have the pleasure of hearing “Suicide Euphoria”, this track alone will keep you to pace with their brand of dirty and brutal angry death metal. Unhinged on conventional formulaic brutal death metal. They rely on strong melody and downright distorted buzzsaw guitars not to be confused what bands from Sweden were doing.
All this being said, this track alone doesn’t necessarily represent anything new to the table. But I do admit after hearing their last release a lot was to be desired, their music does have a place in the genre, and I am excited to hear the full length.
How do I start this without sounding cliche or gimmicky. Sorry fresh out of ideas, I will just proceed with sharing my selective albums of the year 2018. Most if not all are in the death and black metal genre wise.
I am going to start the list off with what is arguably the best metal album of 2018, this alongside Corpsessed, should satiate any death metal fans hunger. This is a dark depressing ride, played in death/black metal fashion. Embrace of Thorns hailing from Greece are proving alongside Dead Congregation to be the capita’ of performance in this genre of territory. The samples of Jonestown and accompanying onslaught just leave a dark miserable hole in your chest.
Seeing as I mentioned Corpsessed above, it is with no wonder that I am including them second on this list. Here is a band I had the privilege learning about a few years back with their debut full length, “Abysmal Thresholds”. Following in the similar vein of their earlier work they are delivering dark/death metal. Harmonious and chaotic elements still remain witch are catching my ears attention. If you have not already heard this band, I would highly recommend you pick the new release.
Here is something new and disastrously effective. Chaotic as hell, with little availability for interpretation. But where this release shines is in its dark foreboding elements catching any listener off guard and prepared to pay attention. This is hardly initiatory death metal mind you, this release will do anything but hold your hand, you have to sit and listen for prolonged periods to hear its redeeming quality’s.
Short and sweet and to the point. I didn’t get a chance to hear as much new death metal this year as I would have liked. But I am happy with the progress this genre of music is going through. I think the greatest beauty of death metal, is its ability to let you lose yourself in thought, once you let go of any distractions in your mind, that my friend is when you will hear the beauty.
When something is done out of desire and no required outcome. You will find yourself fulfilled with the process and not the goal. The only achievable goal is the required act of doing.