run against trafficking.

I run against traffic

Wanted to show off my new tshirt. Consider purchasing a tshirt and support a good cause.

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Goodbye to a dear friend squirrel

I feel like piece of shit for saying this that is because I am, not in the literal sense but in the metaphorical and or abstract kind of sense. Because as a species and a living organism we’re too fucking trapped in our own minds. And social media and the internet and all of it is a big part of the blame, but the big derailment was the covid virus spread that encouraged and put people in this isolation mindset, that did shift a lot otherwise social people into the lifestyle.

Looking at our cities and our environment we need to wake up to pollution and toxic waste. We need to figure out ways to help harvest our environment. Not destroy it and rob it. I think. My outlook lately has been on too much finger pointing and hating. I need to wake up to the fact that this life is valuable, and it deserves to be loved and shared and helped for not destroyed and abandoned and hated.

Working a shit job that sucks, and with this heat its really easy to lose your shit and get angry. And we have to be aware of that and be considerate and loving and understanding. As best as we can. Because life is above all the highest goal and achievement.

This week has been burdensome to me, because now I am seeing that I am doing too little and expecting too much. I need to live by my means and not overextend my boundaries. In these coming weeks and months, I hope to develop more into my disciple and character and start to mature and help myself, but most of all help others.


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Sharing in the suffering of Christ

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the normal christian life

the normal christian life

I am finishing the “the normal Christian life” by 倪柝聲. He shared a particularly encouraging story that I thought I would copy and write to you from the book….
“In 1929 I returned from Shanghai to my hometown of Foochow. One day I was walking along the street with a stick, very weak and in broken health, and I met one of my old college professors. He took me into a teashop where we sat down. He looked at tme from head tot foot and from foot to head, and then he said: “Now look here; during your college days we thought a good deal of you, and we had hope that you would achieve something great. Do you mean to tell me that this is what you are?” Looking at the me with penetrating eyes, he asked that very pointed question. I must confess that, on hearing it, my first desire was to break and weep. My career, my health, everything had gone, and here was my old professor who taught me law in the school, asking me: “Are you still in this condition, with no success, to progress, nothing to show?”
But the very next moment—and I have to admit that in all my life it was the first time–I really knew what it means to have the, “spirit of glory” resting upon me.” -倪柝聲, The Normal Christian Life, pages 278 – 279
倪柝聲 and his wife倪柝聲 later suffered and died in prison as a devoted follower of Christ, his last recorded words were written on a piece of paper found after his death that said: “Christ is the Son of God who died for the redemption of sinners and resurrected after three days. This is the greatest truth in the universe. I die because of my belief in Christ.” -倪柝聲.
Never disavow your faith and trust in God. Your reward in heaven is something you cannot physically comprehend on this physical earth. And furthermore, something you will come to know and realize a relationship with Christ IS the most rewarding experience on this earth.


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my issue with schizophrenia and mental illness

I am going to make myself vulnerable and discuss and speak about something that has personally affected me for a long time but have never publicly spoken about it. This is not a joke and something I make light of for sympathy or any other ulterior motive. I simply want freedom from this and get back a sense of myself and true identity.

I hear audible voices/hallucinations, they come and go. It happens daily, whether home or out and about. It doesn’t matter what I am doing, they are always around. I’ve been having these kinds of episodes for over 2 decades now I am almost 40 years old. I’ve had a theory that at some point in my life somebody planted surveillance technology in my body, but I am not sure.

I am aware that drugs/alcohol do have symptoms of paranoia hallucinations from withdrawal. But I do not have an addiction to anything.

These voices are too specific and conscious, like a real living person. They respond to my thoughts and consciousness. Whether I say something with my mind they can hear and repeat whatever I think. And sometimes they just speak without reason.

I do take medication, but I am currently on a new medication that I’ve only been using for a short time. I speak to a psychiatrist and get mental health treatment. I may need deliverance from demonic possession, but this is something I’ve dealt with for over 2 decades now.

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My history with collecting Video Games/Physical media

Something a lot of people today are interested in today is media and entertainment, I am no exception. I was born in 1984 and at my inception, I was groomed and brought up on a healthy dosage of it. I think our family was one of the few in the early 90’s to have the privilege of owning a home computer, TV, VCR and Video Games. I even remember it being a big deal to go over to my cousin’s house and they had a home video camcorder, for recording home movies. And of course, my grandparents even had HBO in the early days, which was amazing being able to watch actual uncensored movies.

Throughout my childhood I had the privilege of owning a NES, compliments of my grandma (on my dad’s side). I remember it came packaged with a dual cart of volleyball and soccer. And then I remember having to a cool spot game, that was a sort of puzzle game. And then later introduced to the Mario games, Milons Secret Castle, Astyanax, Mad Max, Home Alone and who knows what else? this really sparked my interest in video games and my love for it as a kid.

After the NES, my parents bought me a Sega Game Gear and that interjected in me a love and interest for Sega, but what really drove my devotion to Sega was receiving my free subscription to Sega Visions magazine. Yes, I still don’t have any idea how I started getting the magazine, but I do vaguely remember turning in one of those cards that would be included in an instruction booklet and can only surmise that that must have been why they began sending it to me.

After the Game Gear, my memory gets a little cloudy, but I do recall selling my NES and its games to FuncoLand to buy a Sega CD. I remember having Willy Beamish, Vay, Sewer Shark, Rise of the Dragon. This was also what interjected in me a morbid curiosity about the taboo and suggestive themes possible in games. Yes, I had this morbid curiosity about that game Night Trap, and it was my pursuit or eventually try and obtain and own it. Well that never did happen for me. I was shot down by an employee at FuncoLand when they interrupted my purchase to let my mom know that it was an “adult” game. That is neither here nor there, but just a funny story I remember.

Later when all my friends were getting into the PlayStation, I went a different route and got a Saturn. I remember. Saving a long time to get Panzer Dragoon Saga off of eBay for $150, and the guy was nice enough to even include a copy of x-men vs street fighter, with the 4mb cart. The Saturn was when I really started to seriously collect and buy for. I had all the AAA games and then some. I worked my ass off working lawn car to pay for them. That was my biggest drive and motivator to do landscaping.

I then got a Dreamcast and collected and had a lot of games for that too, almost all the defining games. In between all of this I remember having a PSX and N64, and PlayStation 2. This was more fueled by my older brother. I did get a 360 later and really enjoyed that console, especially the Xbox live service. This introduced me to Dark Souls and really jump started my love and interest for next generation games.

So, this summarizes and concludes my collecting for video games in retrospect it was a fun and memorable experience, but something about video games is that there was always video game outlets and sites like eBay where you could buy, sell, trade and this like a kind of recycling and retribution helped give and take the hobby. I think all this to say, is that now in my adult life I will never, and no way shape or form ever dream or even think about owning any of this stuff today.

As for today I buy digitally and play on computer. Most games I enjoy today are via emulation. If I feel a moral conviction or obligation about something I will pay or do my civil duty to compensate something that I believe garners it vestment. But no, I will not have a room loaded with physical media to show off and brag about online. See when I collected video games, it wasn’t so much a thing of what it is today.

I love video games, I like playing them, I love that it encourages brain activity and motor function, it encourages friendly competition and comradeship with people. It’s a healthy and positive past time. But like anything else it does have its share of pitfalls and dangers. But one thing I know about physical media and collecting really anything for that matter, is that we are mortal and finite beings that will someday be dissolved from this earth, and when your dead and gone none of that stuff will accompany you or be a part of you. And yes, I do believe that there will be a judgment and a moment before God where we will need to answer and account for our time here on this earth, and I do with all sincerity hope that He will find my life here an acceptable example of living. And if you’re not a believer yourself, I encourage you to do some searching and develop a relationship with God or at least come to terms or grips with whatever you find agreeable in your existence. Because see it’s not up to me, it’s up to you as an individual and as your own person to decide and figure this stuff out for yourself.




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dis mfuka mut b onnn suM drgs

streaming is fun and it is a “community” but it’s all monetized and incentivized around money. It ruins the fun and the grain and fabric of authenticity in place of greed and status. It’s the catastrophic dichotomy of the internet. And entertainment in general. It’s no fault, in anybody and there is no point in finger pointing but it does trivialize and cause me concern to think about this, because while yes, I do enjoy my hobbies and extracurricular activities, but I am perplexed to think that maybe I need to meditate and think about what God has in opportunity for me? because I by myself am swirling in confusion. And not mention the constant schizoid voices and/or demons and are infecting my brain daily, its intolerable to deal with a lot of things placed in front of me. I do want to put more effort and devotion into building this page into something better, but I cannot benial authenticity. 1st world problems, demand first world solutions… and that might be to get all sloshed or meddle my face in a batter of misery. But no there is hope and there is a path that leads and absolves doubt fear and depression and that is in the convincing and comfortable scriptures of our father God in heaven who has gifted us with the bible, so read it and meditate on it like a great piece of food or savory delicacy.

I am sorry to my fans of apathy and depression, and otherwise self-loathing and determinantal mental gymnastics aside. I am laid distressed at this pedigree of life choices I’m faced with. It’s with privilege and duty that I am offered a life to breathe and exist so that I might share this with you, and I hope in good mood.

My psychology and thinking are getting better, but there is still this disconnect between reality and the spiritual. And or if government conspiracy paranoia is present. It never ends and I may die having this mystery in my mind.

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Horrendous summer and heat but great relief with death metal

Something about death metal is that its evolution and versatility is what makes it so motherfucking beautiful. That is why it is with great pleasure that I am able to gnaw my vitamin deficient and calcium needed teeth into a slab of some of America’s best Death Metal, with nothing other than Horrendous! These mad motherfuckers give up no latency when it comes to groove gimmicks and reeking melodies, they have been the bench dwellers of the modern death metal stew for a while, and it deserves their recognition. So without with further adu, and by that I do admit my lenience of a well whatever the fuck!? just listen to this new delicious track they have graced us with.

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homosexuality manipulating, misaligning the masses

I wasn’t sure that when I had a impulse or desire to act or respond to it. In fact, the necessity to assess the situation would be better facilitated. See the problem I have with homosexuals and this whole LGBQT establishment is that in its presence is this in grating detail that it derails normal and productive human living. It prohibits progress in the pursuit of doing nothing more than causing a disharmony in the original genetic and organic balance of the world. Life is very simple, we as humans like to entangle and make things more confusing and maddening.

I want a stop to this perverted ideology and lifestyle; I think men and women should have consensual sex as per usual there need not be any more discussion. If a person has an unhuman amount of sexual desire, then they need to be medically treated in some kind of facility that can treat them. This is also where I have a very liberal and misaligned view on drugs and alcohol. Because yes accessibility and distribution of that kind of product would indeed lead into chaotic havoc. People are not responsible enough to limit their consumption.

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私の祖父は軍人でした。彼はそのことについてあまり話しませんが、私の祖父の特徴の一つは、彼が非常に規律正しい男だということです。彼はルーティンを守り、それが彼の人生の生き方です。彼がいつも私に言うことの一つは、軍隊では直接の命令を受ける方法を学ぶということです。 「あれもこれも」というような問題は一切なく、厳密には「はい、いいえ、いいえ」です。私の祖父も神に忠実な人で、食事の祈りを忘れず、私に感謝の必要性を思い出させてくれます。私はおじいちゃんをとても愛していますし、尊敬しています。そして彼が今と同じくらいの年齢で今でも元気に活動しているという事実は、人間の男性として大きな功績です。

私が小学校に入学したのは4年生まででした。その前は自宅で勉強していました。公立学校制度には不満もありましたが、感謝していることの一つは、公立学校に通った結果できた友人関係です。私が感謝している人の一人は、イェンスという名前の男です。彼は高校卒業後海軍に勤務した。勤務中、私と彼は NetPlay を使用したエミュレーション経由で StarCraft をプレイしたり、Contra Hard Corps をプレイしたりしていました。私が民間生活について愚痴ったりうめいたりするたびに、彼は私にアドバイスをくれたり、愚痴や不平を言っている私をからかったりしてくれました。イェンスの特徴は、決して批判したり、不平を言ったりしないことです。彼は常に楽観的な見方と人生観を持っていました。そして彼の寛大さは計り知れないほどでした。

打ちのめされてボロボロになった私の脳は正確な日付や具体的な日付を思い出せないが、テキサス州の男性回復プログラムに参加したのは20代前半から半ばだったと思う。これは6か月にわたる過酷なプログラムでした。文字通り、日の出から日没までの1時間すべてが仕事や勉強に費やされました。それはキリスト教に基づいており、人間についての私の意見は神についての私の意見を反映しているため、当時の私は非常に悲観的でした。これはどういう意味ですか?私は人間の行為を判断することに大きな関心を持ち、その結果、よりパリサイ人としての人生を送りました。そう、このプログラムは回復というよりは「目的を達成するための手段」だったのだ。それはさておき、私は多くの素晴らしい人たちに出会うことができ、その中の何人かは私と連絡を取り続けていましたが、全員ではないにしても、ほとんどが今では連絡をとっていません。一人が命を落としたことは確かです。とにかく、このプログラムの間、私の主な仕事内容はキッチンでした。そして、彼らは私が実際に食べ物を作ることを決して信頼しませんでしたが(誰が彼らを責めることができますか?私はひどい料理人です)、私は必要なあらゆる方法で手伝うつもりでした。仕事のほとんどは準備と品出しでした。よく油を注いだ他の機械と同様に、私たちにもシステムがあり、それはうまく機能しました。この流れ作業をうまく機能させた人物の 1 人は、海兵隊に勤務していたエリック トーモスという男性です。彼の神への愛と労働倫理は私にとって決して忘れられない特質であり、失ってしまったのは悲しいです彼とは連絡を取っていませんが、彼が元気で、コミュニティを助け、奉仕していることは間違いありません。



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Heterosexual – lifestyle is misaligned and alienated?

I wasn’t sure that when I had a impulse or desire to act or respond to it. In fact the necessity to assess the situation would be better facilitated. See the problem I have with homosexuals and this whole LGBQT establishment is that in its presence is this ingrating detail that it derails normal and productive human living. It prohibits progress in the pursuit of doing nothing more than causing a disharmony in the original genetic and organic balance of the world. Life is very simple, we as humans like to entangle and make things more confusing and maddening.

I want a stop to this perverted ideology and lifestyle, I think men and women should have consensual sex as per usual there need not be any more discussion. If a person has an unhuman amount of sexual desire, than they need to be medically treated in some kind of facility that can treat them. This is also where I have a very liberal and misaligned view on drugs and alcohol. Because yes accessibility and distribution of that kind of product would indeed lead into chaotic havoc. People are not responsible enough to limit their consumption.

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Happy Memorial day

Something I take for granted is the fact that my life is a result of the service of others. And I don’t just mean the military. But because today is memorial day, I think and reflect on the friendships of I’ve made with those who have served.

My grandpa served in the military, he doesn’t talk about it too much, but one thing about my grandpa is that he is a very disciplined guy. He sticks to a routine and that’s is how he lives his life. One thing he always tells me, is that in the military you learn how to take a direct a order. There is none of that business about, “but this, or but that”, it’s strictly, “yes sir, no sir”. My grandpa is also a loyal man of God, he never forgets to pray for a meal or remind me of the necessity to be thankful. I love and respect my grandpa very much, and the fact he is as old as is he is and still around and kicking is a huge accomplishment for a human male.

I didn’t start elementary school until the 4th grade. Prior to that I was home schooled. Although I had my gripes with the public school system, one thing I am thankful for is the friendships I made as a result of attending public schools. One of those people I am grateful for is a guy by the name of Jens. He served in the navy after high school. While in service me and him would play StarCraft or play Contra Hard Corps via emulation using NetPlay. Any time I would bitch and moan about my civilian life he would be there to offer me advice or make fun of me for whining and complaining. Something about Jens is he never judged or would complain. He always had an optimistic view and outlook on life. And his generosity exceeded immeasurably.

My beaten and battered brain cannot remember exact or specific dates, but I think it was in my early to mid 20’s when I entered into a men’s recovery program in Texas. This was a brutal 6 month long program. Literally every hour of the day from sunup to sundown was spent working or studying. It was Christian based, and at the time I was very pessimistic as such my opinion of man reflected my opinion of God. What do I mean by this? well I weighed a greater interest in judging human conduct and as a result I lived my life as more of a Pharisee. Yes, this program was less about recovery and more about, “a means to an end”. All that aside I was able to meet many great guys, some of which kept in contact with me, but most if not all I’ve lost contact with now. I know for certain one lost his life. Anyways, during this program my main work detail was in the kitchen, and while they never trusted me to actually make any of the food (who can blame them? I am a terrible cook) I would help assist in any way necessary. Most of the work was in preparations and stocking. Like any well-oiled machine we had a system and it worked well. One person who made this assembly line work so well was a man by the name of Eric Tormos, he served in the Marine Corp. His love for God and his work ethic are attributes that I will never forget, and I am sad to have lost contact with him, but I am no doubt certain he is doing well and helping and serving his community.

There are many others who I’ve been blessed to know and share oxygen with. But one thing about military men and women is they let their actions shine greater than their opinions and words.

So as a token of my gratitude I dedicate this post to all service men and woman around the world who have served and currently serve. And I don’t just mean this in America, but I mean this around the whole world. And while hatred and sin are the fuel for the decline of progress, I am reminded of the love and grace of Christ who showers this mercy over all degradation, derision and dissension between humankind. Satan is a coward, a liar and a mass manipulator.


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Monthly email newsletter available

I am making a news letter that I will release every month to anyone who is interested. Its going to feature a unique article pertinent to the specific news letter and will share the most new things featured on the web page. If this interests you, please provide me with your email.

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In a society that wants “real”, we get no response…

Relationships and respect are something that I stride after, and I want to have and desire for myself more than anything else to get good relationships with people. I guess with my earlier years of life I would just run into any scenario or situation without any recourse or disposition, it was always just my naivety and goofiness that would attract attention. As I have gotten older, I have realized that life is not always about doing fun and silly things just to get the satisfaction from other people. And now I think about Charles Bukowski and hearing him encapsulate this grandeur experience from his binge drinking and chain smoking, and I just think about the decaying and disgusting result he is doing to his human body. From the inside out he is so mellow and enjoyed but deeper beyond the surface he is suffering from much pain and frustration that is life. And this is the rabbit trail I am engaging myself in. Its a dastard and wicked way to look at it, but do not let this fail you in thinking that I have any greater way of conducting myself. I am much of which is the engagement of destruction, and it is at my better misery that I sit here typing this. I want to give back to the community, but I also need to eat myself. And here I am still in this constant maze trying to figure things out.

All this to say, Uberdisko if you’re reading this, I do appreciate you and think of you as a good friend, and I am hurt and personally offended that you will not have the courtesy to respond back to me.

See this is where I see the decline in the internet, because for the better half of it we went on a hail mary do as thou wilt attitude. But now we have this well observed and objective view of ourselves and we are very dismissive to respond in a realistic fashion, because yes this digital transcript will parade and torment you. Get off the gas, say what you mean and mean what you say. Lets stop with the distractions and just let it all out and be free to express ourselves openly.

And at this discourse I am going off in a direction that submits into the hate and chaos and archaic disorder that erodes and collapses our sane rational minds. At the end of the day we all need Jesus and we need His grace and His purpose and guidance to carry us to better days ahead. I do not want be ostracized and isolated because I believe in this fact.

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Scripture reading from my friend Josh

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this family from a young age. Its been a series of ups and downs, but I would like to think its been more up than down. I wont say their last name, for obvious reasons but they are a large family from my hometown, and I’ve been friends with them for over two decades now I think? Here is Josh reading some scripture. Enjoy.

More Wealth Now
Sleeping Giant

Their sister Hannah does art and singing as well, but I cannot seem to find her socials or web site at the moment. I will be adding their pages to my front page soon. Kind of dry on content lately, so I hope you dont mind this post.

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leaky gut, lectin and prebiotics?

I randomly saw this ad and didn’t think much of it, but out of curiosity I watched it to the end and I am actually feeling kind of down on myself because I am in the group of people who assumed whole wheat and grains was a good part of diet, and was unaware of the damage of lectin’s in the intestinal walls of the gut. But this actually makes a whole lot of sense, because I do feel a lot of gassiness and bloating from my diet of high grains and nuts. So I’ve actually been doing myself quite a bit of harm, in the theory that I was actually doing myself some good. Its actually a very entertaining and enlightening video, if you have the time to watch it. But in summary he is trying to sell his vitamin Bio Complete 3. Its about $50 a bottle, and Im hard pressed for the cash, but I wish I had the money because I wanna start this stuff right now. This video covers a lot he dives into the diets of other countries and cultures and he details the benefits and longevity of said people. I had no idea the detrimental affect of chapstick and antacid pills. Im sure a lot of people are skeptical, but if that’s you, I’d seriously encourage you to watch the video. This might help give you an extra 10-20 years to your life span.

Now I am both excited and encouraged to find these discoveries from Dr. Gundry, it’s going to me some time to afford a bottle, but I do intend on purchasing it very soon and trying it out. Hope this might be of some help to anyone reading.

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Interview with the band Klank


In my infancy of musical knowledge I think of Industrial as a rather refreshing and breath of fresh air considering my large interest in death metal and thrash. Of course NIN is the undeniable favorite of mine, but there was an interesting time in my life when I heard about Circle of Dust, AP2, Mortal and now somebody who I always found a connection and camaraderie with is Klank, or the man himself Daren Diolosa, and of course all the talented individuals involved with this lovely music.

Klank to me was always an open honest and abrasive voice that didn’t disguise the Christian walk with the pretty pictures you see on television and movies, but instead it detailed the life and battle of all human beings, and their reliance on God and Christ to find peace and prosperity.

Q: First of all, I want to thank you for braving this musical landscape and having the courage to express yourself as best as you see fit. Yes I do enjoy your music, I will admit, “Still Suffering” is my favorite, but I am beginning to warm up to your newer work, I am a hardened death metal after all, that being said what is your musical interests lately?
Klank – My personal musical tastes are pretty wide. I always say I like everything from ABBA to Zappa. I’m a huge Electric Light Orchestra fan. Also love Kansas, The Cars, King’s X to name a few. I’m really into older music. 
Pat Servedio, my partner in Klank, has a lot of similar musical interests. We both love Depeche Mode, Stabbing Westward, Life Of Agony. 
Q: Are you still actively embracing Christianity?
Klank- Yes I am. I actually work for my church as well and am very involved in our homeless feeding ministry we have going on. I handle food donations from a local grocery store to disperse to our community multiple days a week. 
Q: Do you find a brotherhood in music? or does it seem like a competition to sell records and get recognized? 
Klank – It’s actually a bit of both. There’s definitely a lot of brotherhood in music, amongst friends, fellow musicians, and those you may consider peers. 
There’s also the flip side of the coin where you have to constantly prove yourself, your bands worth, and earn your spot in a scene so to speak. 

Q: Did you ever know or speak to Howard Stern?
Klank – Yes. I was actually a huge Howard Stern fan growing up on Long Island in New York. Some friends and I went to one of his book signings and ended up showing up like 15 hours early and standing on this long line overnight just so we can have a moment to say hi and for me to give him a pre-release copy I’m still suffering before it was even out. He was super nice and very supportive actually.
Q: Its incredibly difficult to love and express love to hurting individuals, especially in this day and age. I personally think Christ, reinforces and reacts that sentiment. Do you agree?
Klank- I would say yes and no only because it can be easy to show love to some, but others might not see it at love or misunderstand where you’re coming from. Usually, anyone who is hurting is pretty guarded and puts up walls because they don’t wanna be hurt anymore which is totally understandable. It can be really easy to show people love, but really hard for some people to accept that love if that makes sense.
Q: Where you ever into CS Lewis or Fredrich Nietzsche? 
Klank – Nah, I’m not big on reading.
Q: Do you like video games? 
Klank – Not really. I mean, I can appreciate them, but I grew up in an insane born-again Christian household, where we were told video games are of the devil, and that they would rot your brains lol. The whole garbage in, garbage out routine essentially is what my parents pushed on us.
Q: Never saw you at Cornerstone, did you ever play that festival?
Klank – Yes. I played a few years with Circle Of Dust way back in the day, and also with KLANK. So many great memories there. We always look forward to playing that because it was like a big family get together, so to speak of all the people you didn’t see during the year.
Encouraging words of advice, and anything you want to promote or say please feel more than free to share. Please provide any pictures, links, media you want me to include. This concludes the interview, something I failed to mention to him in the interview that for as long as I can remember I used his band name as part of my passwords for web sites growing up. As I said before “still suffering” was a big influence and favorite of mine. My taste in music shifts and moves rapidly, and the combination of industrial and metal is a special interest of mine. I hope anyone who got something from this would take the opportunity to check them out and help support them individually and for their art and craft in music.
First off, I wanna say thank you for the opportunity to chat today. We really appreciate it.
We are gearing up for our 12th release coming on June 16, 2023 called “Between Unholy And Divine Vol.2”. Pre-orders for that album begin on May 19 and we’re really stoked to get this new music out there. 
Please follow us on Facebook
On instagram 
At YouTube
unholy and divine vol. 2

KLANK unholy and divine vol. 2

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I am not a atheist

I do believe in Christ, and I am a man made from God.

People like to predict and pretend, but then bend when its convenient.

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read between the lines……

I do not operate you, remember that. YOU, operate YOU!

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religion is greed, the bullet points at the DOT

I don’t think its rocket science, or even new age technology like floating busses and dragons breathing Barbie dolls with sparkly glittery things, we are well  beyond limits and boundaries of what death metal can and CANT. But my limitations to digest a lot of this shit is getting me well beyond my grasp.

Help your fellow human friend, do your due diligence. And and allow yourself to have the gravity of the situation, because this shit is getting well beyond the lines of blood and powder. Yes! all that shit you you engorge into your gullet is bad and unhealthy and you need to know that you can be squashed like a bug. Because for three to four years my brain has been in submission by some kind of imposter and it does work in me a lot of shit, and I want this fucking thing out of my goddamaned brain, SO HELP ME!

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MU Legend – Closes doors

You can search around this site for all kinds of MU Legend related content, so its no disguise I loved the game. I really hope they get things figured out and do move in a better direction.
MU Legend an MMO I invested a lot of time/money with has now officially closed its door for an undetermined amount of time. If they want some publicity, here it is. Because to my knowledge nobody gives a damn about the game. I loved and played that game when it was on Webzen, but they then sold it over to Valofe.
During this transition, I never was able to recover my original account from them. Just shady and deceptive business practices in my opinion.
Not to discredit the game itself however, because it was actually very fun and I met a lot of great people through playing it. I miss lupa’s lab, the gear progression, its mechanics were decent and it had a great way of sharing and showing its DPS to players.
Theses developers need to see and find their key player base and value them like they value their own company, because without the support and player base a game will crumble.
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