White people trying to erase black history?

I keep seeing groups recommended to me from facebook for “black pride”, “black power” etc.

and it occurred to me after seeing one of their images, that it seems the narrative being portrayed from most of these communities is that a.) white people are evil and most of all not equal, and b.) white people are trying to erase black history.

So I thought it would be convenient to alter and edit one of their images to show to me, how I see black pride.

Im most of all remembering my recent bunkie in jail, a black man or atleast a mixed black man. I would like to make mention that all of the african american men I shared the unit with were respectful and we all got along. I am not trying to make hate against hate here. I am just trying to make a point! all people are capable of evil and injustice.

Martin Luther King JR is somebody of whom I admire not because of the color of his skin, but because of his character and his dedication not only to God and the bible but ALL human beings.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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