Satanicide – Demonic Extinction

Well this is a kind of a summersault considering my earliest years were spent listening to blasphemous and downright disrespectful metal albums, one of which comes to mind but I wont name, I dont want take any attention away from this masterpiece I am speaking about today. Here we have a random stumble upon band I found on youtube, of all places. And it was just by chance, that it had the most brutal and barbaric cover art that you would expect to see from your jabbering secular counterpart. Do these heathens actually think they stand a fight against the most high king of kings!? well this brilliant platter of splatter is here to unleash upon your eardrums 5 assaulting tracks of brutal death metal that guarantees you very rhythmic riffing and and harmonies, some solos and good arrangements buried in between the assault. The drumming keep pummeling down in a trajectory that pleases my appetite. I think today we celebrate in God’s kingdom because today we have ourselves a contender for the brutal assault against satan.

Not a single bad track on the plate it rips from start to finish, happily supplies the goods and they are selling it for the very low price of free on their bandcamp currently. Huge regards and congratulations to these gentlemen for a job well done!

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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