Let me make myself clear

This web page has been my life and my home for the better if not most of my life. I am well aware the discrepancies between my interests and my theology, but I have been traveling and walking this earth just like any other man, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that you will hypocrisy or contradictions.

But you see the difference between a christian mind and a atheist mind? is that without Christ we are ultimately the most wicked and wasted scum. The dirt and rot of this earth belong to the devil, and that is how it will always be.

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.Matthew 16:18

See for most of my life Ive been a “christian” by affiliation, but anything but a living example of the church, and the body of believers.

My lifestyle took a dark and disturbing turn in my mid to later years. And that is when I started to get more invested in death then Christianity.

This sick relationship between having nasty habits and bad behavior while also proclaiming and living as a christian has been a terrible and confusing ball of wax.

That fortunately, with both prayer and bible reading I was able to actually figure out and rationalize for myself. But it wasn’t overnight, and it didn’t happen spontaneously it has been a hard arduous battle.

But please do not look to me as anything special, because I am just like you…. but now Im saved and delivered by the grace of God. And Christ is alive and living in me. I am happy better today because now I can live my life as intended and now its on God’s watch, and not man.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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