Sega wants me to participate in a survey, but….

So I was delivered a message by Sega themselves to participate in a study for their games. I was a bit excited because I do indeed love Sega games, but when I got to the end of it I realized it was nothing at all. They asked me pick a number between 1 and 10, randomly, and I choose the wrong number. I can only wonder what number they wanted to see. IF you are curious what number I choose it was 8. I dont know, I didn’t put any thought or actual intention into it, I just picked a number and ran with it.

I like that they included me, its just unfortunate that I didn’t get to participate. I would love to work and share my thoughts and ideas with them, I think I could help them better distribute and make video games.

See my history with Sega is a long one, and it started when I was a small child. I did get inside a instruction booklet a card with the intent to share my information, so that I might be involved with them. And you wouldn’t believe it, but Sega did indeed deliver! because that store bought game got me a subscription to Sega Visions magazine.

And believe it or not, back then magazines where actually a cool thing and something fun to look forward to, back in the day. I would love the excitement of going to the mailbox to see a gaming magazine delivered.

And it was with that ambitious effort from Sega that it drilled into me, that they are a company that does indeed love their fans and consumers.

And they do make fun games, without question!

I just thought it was silly of them to have a gimmick like this where they would include a number as a portal into the feedback forum, or whatever event might be introduced to me.

Well that is all I got for you today, thanks for reading as always!

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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One Response to Sega wants me to participate in a survey, but….

  1. gruzpoputno says:

    Попутные грузы из Новосибирска – это удобный способ организовать перевозку

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