Social Media

It’s come to my attention that social media is something that I do like and enjoy, it offers me opportunities to share myself with others, and in return get to see into what other people are doing as well. But one thing that rifts me about social media, is that I don’t know who in the world controls site? hell! I don’t even know if my own web page is being presented with the information that I have intended, for you to see.

The internet and security is something that I always laughed about, I always considered it a problem because of the bad habits of your browsing. Going to pornographic web sites, using warez or other malicious tools to sabotage a person’s peace.

Those kinds of ingredients invite into your computer bad things. But what I am concerned about now, is that we have a world wide web, and it’s through your screen, and I am wondering if the perspective you are getting is from nefarious sources or otherwise government and institutions that are monitoring and programming the feeds you see when you load up X, or your faceebook or Instagram. And even youtube, all of these web sites are huge and make millions and they dish out the content.

But just beware of who or what is sending those videos and feeds. Yes, paranoia and fear – I get it! but that is exactly what I’ve witnessed and seen unfold before my eyes with the election, and with puff daddy the war in Ukraine and Russia, and now Gaza and Israel.

It’s all crumbling down. You cannot hide from the darkness, and you will see the light. The lord will expose all bad things, whether it’s under the rug, or in the bank. All bad things do come to surface, and they will be exposed.

It’s about a good time I get into the word and start learning more from the scriptures, myself.

My understanding of the bible is very basic, but I have a broad idea about certain details and events, but overall, I do I need more looking into it, because there is much more there than I thought possible.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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