Abusive and threatening calls and texts from the mother of my child

61 texts from her number, 2 from another number, 3 from #…. I have had 17 calls from her on 1 number, 19 calls on another …. and its nothing but threats and yelling at me to leave her alone,

I do not get any visitation or rights to see my son.

Been paying child support to the state of Massachusetts for 16 years now.

I hardly have any idea of what of my son looks like, or if he is even ok or doing good. Because the only the people in MA that I have spoken to is herself and her dad.

Im starting to get concerned, and it’s not for myself. It’s for my son. Im not convinced that he is being taken care of or being treated right. Because all the information I get back from Massachusetts has been nothing but lies, hate and defamation.

I have been sending messages to Massachusetts sporadically throughout the years and have had little to no success with them.

The role of the father is no more or less important than the mother. And neither she nor I, has the right to have the title. But one person in the situation has had to take all the responsibility and blame and guilt.

I called her dad and explained everything from my point of view. It was a positive and encouraging conversation I thought. And I later have spoken to my ex (the biological mother), and she agreed to marry me for the both of us to take up responsibility in taking care of my son.

I was starting to finally feel a sense of peace and comfort about the situation, that I have not felt ever in my life.

She has now since, told me she is into reincarnation (her and her mother seem to believe that in some past life she burned alive in a house and is now somehow living in this existence as she is today), she has since then gone to agreeing with me on Christianity and then later turned her beliefs into a satanist.

They have robbed me of the ability of having a bank account, have forced me into attempted suicides, homelessness, psychiatric hospitalization, jail … I am starting to lose to track of everything. But one thing is for certain, and that is that Massachusetts, her father, my ex and somebody named “mike” have been a part of my son’s life. And I get no rights or ability to see my son.

The massive depression, suicidal ideations, voices, stress, poverty etc. are finally starting to make sense.

Im up over my head right now with stress and this all starting to become too much.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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