Michigan Trash University

My grandparents are alumni’s from the college, myself and others have benefitted a good deal from MSU, I am at a loss when I see what is happening with this school. On one hand I have good memories of the school, and especially their athletics with the mens basketball and football, this has and is always been a focal point of conversation and community with my family.

But I am at a great loss when I see what is happening and boiling over into that school. The lgbtq is now making itself known in the doors of our education centers. Its now no interest of the common man or woman to pay or benefit these schools, because they are aligned with evil and have no interest in education or helping people with a career but are more interested in the sexuality of an individual. Why are they emphasizing lgbtq and not heterosexual? its as if the lgbtq is a cult or some kind of entity that is trying to overcome normal humans and society.

Had the derailment of society in America and the world around us not been embittered and beat down by these vile and evil practices, I would not have had the epiphany or the very mighty voice of the Lord on my own life. God is indeed working in me, but I do not so much see Him working in the lives of these misaligned and confused individuals.

One thing I know for certain about the mental health industry, and yes I do now call it an industry. Is that they are interested, in helping, but not in helping you get better, but more in keeping you paralyzed and reliant on the system and the industry.

Furthermore the lqbt like the disease and cancer that it is, is very much now a part of that. As it is becoming more and more apart of my own hobbies and interests. And now myself suffer, because I do not tolerate it or entertain it. I do not think its cute, I do not think its friendly, I think its disgusting and I will not tolerate it, or accept it.

A homosexual man rented a room in the house that I live. And I was exposed to the nasty and filthy lifestyle they lead from a bare eye perspective, and it confirmed and made me aware of the kind of degeneracy it actually is. And they have the entertainment industry and as mentioned before now in schools.

A great deal of love is in discipline and punishment, because believe it or not that discipline and reprimand is determined to put a clear message in the individual that their actions are unacceptable. I recall many times when I had did wrong and my dad would put me over the hump of the couch, pull down my pants and bare ass lay into me with the belt, and it hurt life hell and was painful! at the time I didn’t ever think any more terrible about my father, because my dad showed and expressed love to me, but he did it by sharing with me the scriptures and the reality of God.

These lgbtq folks dont know a damn thing about nothing but pleasure and acceptance. Its all a charade and a circus act to entertain the world while they corrupt and please the sick pathetic wastes that are feeding them.

I am talking a bit out of my ass, and its merely observation but the narrative Ive depicted is not necessarily far off the mark. We are losing ourselves in amidst of trying to please and adhere to a group or class of people that have no intention of recovery but are determined to live in this physical life without any interaction with the one true God.

It took me years of my life to get where I am at with my relationship in God,, it is not a quick fix or a miracle of instantaneous transformation as one might have you believe. It takes work and dedication much like anything else, but it is worth the effort and the interest.

I think Ive lost myself from the initial point of this article and that was to expose Michigan State University of their dirty deeds and I do hope some of what I have said does enlighten or make you aware, because that school has in itself the ability to do a great deal of good, but it also has in it the work of doing a great evil, and from what I can see its choosing the later.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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