any closing statements before we arrest you?

well considering the fact gaming has now become a spectacle where you must now require the entire the entire world to observe yourself playing any one particular video game. I think in the case of both the individual and the video game, the one that get’s eliminated is by the person who makes the most sense. And sense, making sense requires knowledge and knowledge is key, I think I’ll let you all discover that the problem here was never neither a thing of you or me, but a problem much bigger which is yes, despite your intelligence and your certificates and PHD’s and other worldly measures to illustrate how much you know. I know one thing. And that’s is God! and thank the heavens its His mercy and grace that has survived me to the age of 40, because if you think me getting kicked and banned from twitch is going to stop me from getting proper rest and advancing in life you are going to be sadly mistaken. So good riddance and farewell, unless of your course you choose not to delete this. Well, whatever the case be it twitch, discord, youtube or fuck it! Im tired of giving the internet all the credit….

Prison is an obstruction and a construct built by man to fear individuals into doing what’s right. But now its become a safe space for disgusting individuals to exist without punishment.

So yes folks sadly this world doesn’t offer a good enough punishment for either nonbelievers or believers. Because HELL IS REAL, and it was written in a book.

And that book is real, available and still fighting today to exist and live and breathe and be a word of knowledge and a protector of both self and the evils of this life.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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